
Post Office Lawyer Aware of Prosecutions and Suspensions


Post Office Lawyer Aware of Prosecutions and Suspensions

#Post #Office #Lawyer #Aware #Prosecutions #Suspensions

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Post Office Lawyer and now Head of Legal Rodric Williams tells Jason Beer KC at the Post Office Inquiry that he was aware of the prosecutions and suspensions of the subpostmasters implicated in the Post Office Scandal. Concerns around the integrity of the Fujitsu Horizon system do not appear to be having a significant effect on the Post Office years after concerns were first raised.

He also discusses his working relationship with Head of Criminal Law Jarnail Singh and his attitude towards subpostmasters.

#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #PostOfficeLawyer #PostOfficeManager #RodricWilliams
criminal lawyer , Post Office Lawyer Aware of Prosecutions and Suspensions, post office scandal,post office scandal uk,post office scandal public inquiry,dps computing,post office,post office horizon,fujitsu,fujitsu horizon scandal,horizon bugs,horizon defects,horizon errors,horizon post office scandal,the great post office scandal,subpostmasters,post office horizon scandal,post office inquiry,inquiry news,post office legal,post office manager,rodric williams,rodric williams post office,rodric williams post office inquiry

35 thoughts on “Post Office Lawyer Aware of Prosecutions and Suspensions”

  1. surely its in his interest to keep the process going as long as possible so he still has a job ! when this is settled he will be on the streets i hope

  2. You have to wonder about the employee selection processes of POL when they could employ so many criminals…😂 wouldn’t you think that alone would ring alarm bells?

  3. This smug little pissweasel's smirk is infuriating. Not just content with his role in destroying innocent people's lives, he now is happy to drag out and slow down the process of making them whole again anyway he can.
    He fully embraces the "slippery scumbag" image people have in their mind when imagining a corporate lawyer.

  4. all these people and no one is to blame amazing did the post office bring these cases against the sub post masters out of thin air???

  5. He knows nothing about Criminal Law. How the hell did he qualify as a solicitor? The legal profession needs a massive overhaul.

  6. Williams always struggling to give a straight answer especially if it offers criticism. He says here he is not a criminal lawyer but he sat in on meeting involving decisions to prosecute sub-postmasters which begs the question why he was there.
    I wouldn't trust him to tell me the time. Another incompetent with blind loyalty to the PO

  7. He’s hiding inside his own little bubble if you ask me? Self preservation springs to mind.

  8. I actually thought this guy was an alien from a parallel universe. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe that such a person could exist in my humble opinion.

  9. Really appreciate the service you're doing with these inquiry videos, but please, please, please stop your constant interjections with opinions and clarifications. It really is not welcome. I know you have said in the past that it's your channel therefore you can do what you want. True. But likewise, myself and probably many others skip forward until we think you've stopped on of your interjections to hopefully pick up the actual inquiry events. You are probably losing viewership because of this behaviour.

  10. How many times does Rodric say he's not a criminal lawyer. He still has legal expertise and that means he knows what is right and what is wrong in law even if he doesn't know the actual procedures or details. It's like someone saying they aren't a vet when asked if they can tell a dog from a cat.

  11. Second worst performance after Jarnail (it was a team effort) Singh. His tactics didn’t work at all, made him look like a psychopath which he might actually be.

  12. If Jarnail Singh is defined as a criminal lawyer, no wonder the PO is the disaster it is. I am a High Court Judge based on Mr Singh’s legal abilities then! What a joke.

  13. This man believes, I am convinced, that his projected “confusions” and eccentricity will help to dilute his responsibilities. I see his delaying tactics do frustrate the examination flow, but Mr Beer, Sir Wyn and other competent lawyers are not fooled. I honestly feel that his faux bumbling is an attempt to disguise what he did and what he was actually capable of. It is a disguise. Having said that, and having listened and watched his completed sessions, I am left with a feeling of strange disgust, because this does tell us how these people, how the people with power, actually operate. Rules are there for them to ignore. That is all. This person represents many such lawyers and politicos who are convinced that when they operate outside of the (so called) rules, as long as they achieve the desired result then all is well. A clever rogue is how I personally would describe him.

  14. Mr Edward Henry KC , for me did the unspoken but very professionally…."you are a liar aren't you" to Mr Williams . His position and career is finished as Mr Henry KC has exposed him for what he is .

  15. If Jarnail Singh is the Stanley Unwin of the legal profession then Rodric Williams must be the Stephen Merchant of corporate law.

  16. Mr Beer should have asked 'WHY did you stop prosecuting SPMs?' and get him to admit that even current prosecutions and current misbalance investigations were thought to be 'unsafe'. So it follows that suspensions were also unsafe!

  17. SO let me get this right, you are head of legal for POL, you are advising on suspensions and prosecutions .. and yet you use as your defense "I have no training in criminal law" ?? Why was someone with no criminal law training employed in that role?

  18. I find this guy very unimpressive for someone who held such a senior role in the Post Office. He appeared to use a double negative ie that he did not believe that Singh was treating the SPMs unfairly. A very minor thing but not the sort of language I would expect from a lawyer.

  19. If Kemi Badenoch can sack the Chairman(?) of PO as she did recently, why can't she sack this guy? He is clearly a MAJOR obstacle that needs removing from the resolution process. A human blood clot.

  20. What I find incredible is that given everything, this guy did not watch Alan Bates testimony at this enquiry or read the transcript. Professional interest alone would make want to see it.

  21. This latest PO liar (williams) is clearly suffering from 'St Vitus Dance' ( a known syndrome that creates convulsions)
    Perhaps a spell behind bars will enable this illness to be treated.

  22. He should have just stopped at "I don't believe I'm competent, no." That would've been pretty truthful, in my humble opinion of course.

  23. While they don't have a background in criminal law, they do have law degrees and they will have compulsory subjects on criminal law. Then if you moved into a given area, they would read some books and the relevant laws.

  24. Williams was (and still is) a key component of the core legal team at the heart of a historical miscarriage of justice and he knows it. His nervousness during the three sessions tells it all. His attempts to make believe that he knew close to nothing and that at best he was a paper pusher fool no one.
    The guy should have been fired years ago …just like the rest of the legal, audit and inquiry teams.

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