
Post Office lawyer accused of lying about Horizon software in Inquiry grilling


Post Office lawyer accused of lying about Horizon software in Inquiry grilling

#Post #Office #lawyer #accused #lying #Horizon #software #Inquiry #grilling

Former lawyer for the Post Office Jarnail Singh was in front of the Post Office inquiry on Friday where he was cornered over his knowledge of defects in the Horizon IT system whilst taking action against sun postmasters.

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42 thoughts on “Post Office lawyer accused of lying about Horizon software in Inquiry grilling”

  1. Did the Post Office only employ Lawyers who were Liars & dishonest. Likely they wanted them to be in line with the PO Executives LIARS & DISHONEST

  2. This treacherous man is a disgrace not only to his chosen profession but also to Sikhism. Verbalizing our Guru to vocalise his profound LIES is unforgivable. Utter greed.!. I'm so lucky this moron is NOT my father because I would be so so ASHAMED of him. Send him and ALL the others who are obviously telling untruths to prison. This joke of a lawyer is RAT like all the other guilty individuals who are all in collaboration with each other.!.

  3. Wouldn't recognise an expert witness in he fell over one. But he certainly knows what an expert KC is now. Being on the receiving end of expert questioning by the expert Jason Beers KC.

  4. He's got to be the most irritating person to watch in an interview. Nothing but 'please, KC Beer, point the finger at someone else'. He does seem to remember who he deals with above and below him very well.

  5. Lack of leadership and accountability appears to be a strategy to spread doubt about accountability.
    No one leader seeing all parts of an organisation, deliberate I believe in order to allow negative impacting information to affect profits for the corporation. Layers of deflection allows crimes against individuals caught up in these organisations. Post officers were just collateral damage and these people were allowed to be prosecuted to save the company.
    Evil individuals made this happen.

  6. “At the end of the day we just … gave up …” seems an entirely appropriate comment to describe, the behaviour of Jarnail Singh throughout. Shocking, useless, uncaring. What was he paid for?

  7. Another liar, Their is a serious mental heath issue at the post office !.
    Mass Amnesia

  8. It just shows what a terrible state the Post Office got itself into. They appear to have been employing these incredibly inexperienced, incompetent people like Jarnail Singh in such senior positions. The business was only heading one way. What is completely unacceptable here is the prosecutorial powers they had which when added to their ineptitude, resulted in them ruining innocent people’s lives.

  9. Seems he was in a highly paid job that he knew nothing of, didn't know anyone around him & can't remember anything. Where can I find such a job?

  10. PHD Master in cover up – covered up that he can work with computers – covered up that he apparently is a Senior Lawyer – covered up everything with everything he did, he does and therefore is a perfect example of someone working for the Post Office – the whole organisation is just full of incompetent people – and even that they try to cover up. We tax payers are paying for their wages – unfortunately any Government Authorities is exactly the same – Council’s like Birmingham already going bankrupt – not long and Government will be bankrupt 😢so utterly sad

  11. He’s an absolute disgrace. His body language screams I’m lying. There is a huge balance of probability this guy is lying. He could not have been this naive. 10 years at his majesty’s service. He seems to remember he didn’t know everything very well. But not anything at the same time.

  12. Lie. When will these bastards just admit they caused so much suffering and death over 20+ years? A shame I'm not in black ops.

  13. Wow – shock horror – a lawyer that tells lies! Who would have thought it???

  14. i wonder if he appreciates now how the postmasters feel when "the computer shows the evidence"

  15. The duplicitous nature of these people is all out there for show. Watch and learn. These are the personality traits that govern your country.

  16. All very well crucifying this guy. Did the PO not have an IT department overviewing the Horizon system? It was they who should have been inputting information to this guy prior to any hearing with a proper professional summary than this guy having to field random emails written in geekspeak
    To me this guy seems honest, but overwhelmed by having to deal with issues which the "IT" department and senior management were cowering away from

  17. Don't think he could care less. There are no repercussions for lying, it's a toothless inquiry.

  18. Kudos to Jason Beer for his cross examination. The whole Post Office team keep lying, it is awful to watch and they deserve prosecution and jail time

  19. Ah yes, admit nothing, deny everything, if all else fails blame someone else 😉

  20. Oh the times I wanted to reach through the screen and slap him. I'm not legal trained, hell I initially left school with zero qualifications. But that this man wasn't taking care of the responsibilities than came with his legal status, wasn't even being responsible enough for the salary he was paid, is obvious even to an auld thicko like me. Had to be involved everywhere you look, fly up and down the country, and yet know and do so little!

    Yet hardly anyone I meet seems to be really engaged with this. What's the tv media reporting like over the week?

  21. They are all liars. I can't remember. I can't recall. Nobody told me are not valid excuses

  22. This man is lying through his teeth. You can see how nervous he is and '" I don't remember" is his favourite response. Pathetic lawyer and human.

  23. Extremely arrogant and as thick as a brick for thinking that anyone would believe his pathetic story. I wonder how much this guy was paid over the years for doing such a third rate job? I really hope they take his Post Office pension away from him and put him before a criminal court.

  24. Why before Questining don't all these officials be made to do a polygraph to see the percentage these weasel's will go to to Lie. Also put all government MPs Home office officals judges Medical officials pharmaceutical companies officials etc

  25. Couldn’t even save an attachment or print it! My 6 year old can do that! Also the entire last 2 hours he didn’t look at Mr Beer once for that entire time. Why they didn’t put Paula on first , it would have saved all this time and money, now she has turned to religion she will be honest?.. Mr Singh is a totally incompetent lawyer or hopefully is pretending to be.

  26. I like It when he says if l don't understand it l will find someone who does..
    Which is a complete lie.
    He mentioned earlier that he knows nothing about how to print or make a copy..
    And was unable to print an important email…
    When cornered about this he just said l have no knowledge on computers.
    Now he says he would find out…
    I bet you he knows how to operate a smart phone…
    Without the assistance of an expert, to even switch it 'on', let alone answer it…
    Is he telling us, that he has no knowledge on sending a WhatsApp message.
    Genuinely has a problem telling the truth.
    I wonder the state and colour of his underpants….now.
    Taking it a step further, who would want to even clean them…

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