
Police Training On Scotland’s New Hate Crime Law Is “Highly Biased”


Police Training On Scotland’s New Hate Crime Law Is “Highly Biased”

#Police #Training #Scotlands #Hate #Crime #Law #Highly #Biased

For Women Scotland director, Susan Smith, says police training on Scotland’s new hate crime law is “highly biased” and “not fit for purpose”.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in 2021, creating a new offence of stirring up hatred based on protected characteristics – matching a similar offence of race already on the statute book.

The law – which also consolidates other hate crime regulations – has proven controversial since it was introduced by the Scottish Government, particularly around its potential impact on free speech.

Susan says: “They’ve been given an online training package which often doesn’t represent the law.”

#scotland #hatecrime #petercardwell #talktv

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22 thoughts on “Police Training On Scotland’s New Hate Crime Law Is “Highly Biased””

  1. How does the snp leader and Sadiq khan still have their jobs after all the things they have done to Scotland and London
    That’s the question we should all be asking ourselves

  2. It's purpose is to stop any criticism of Islam a lot of people can't see the wood for the trees.

  3. Oh my godness they're not even trying to hide their own goals anymore, this is so scary 😱😷🥵 they want to erase us all completely and it breaks my heart, so sorry for the Scottish 💔😥

  4. I was massively offended and still am by his all white hate speech. Therefore, I will be reporting it.

  5. Hamza should be arrested for misfeacance in public office which is a criminal offence.

    The hate crime rules can cause harm to the people of this country simply for saying words.

    People should flood the Police with calls to state this.

    Everyone look up this criminal offense and you will see that he should be arrested plain and simple.

  6. Hard enough keeping a comment on here never mind being allowed an opinion, the British people have had enough of this planned takeover

  7. The police will be deluged by malicious complaints by hateful people wanting attention for their Instagram..

  8. The police are going to be busy investigating this stupid hate crime law , while the criminals will be having a field day with crime known there will be Harley police to investigate. It's ludicrous to say the least can you imagine the under 25s will get up to as the snp has said they're brains are not developed yet what a joke ..

  9. Scotch Whisky Auctions in Glasgow, Scotland, fires staff on grounds of "racial abuse"- without due process – for quoting a single joke from the popular American TV Sitcom, "The Big Bang Theory”. It is an absolute disgrace for a company to virtue signal and persecute, whilst shamelessly disregarding Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It’s time for us all to name and shame any business that engages in flagrant ethical misconduct.

  10. Is it possible we will soon have Scottish asylum seekers coming to England to escape political oppression in Scotland?😮

  11. "they do not have to pass this tax onto parents" they literally do, it's literally calculated on how much they pay. Whatever the fee is, add 20% and give it to the socialist government.

  12. This legislation should of been thrown out….what these ministers are for doing to Scotland is a crime the sad thing is all these ministers in holyrood voted this in that shows you the calibre of people that are running our country its truly sad whats going on….

  13. Don't forget there is a protest outside Holyrood on the 1st of APRIL at 1:30 everyone needs attend to stop any further madness

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