
Police say self-checkout aisles invented a new type of criminals


Police say self-checkout aisles invented a new type of criminals

#Police #selfcheckout #aisles #invented #type #criminals

Not only are self-checkout aisles inviting to shoplifters—deputies say they’re also the places car and home burglars are most likely to cash in on the credit cards they steal.
criminal lawyer , Police say self-checkout aisles invented a new type of criminals, today,Utah,Utah News

31 thoughts on “Police say self-checkout aisles invented a new type of criminals”

  1. He's talking about petty theft "5 boxes and only scan 4." While the news is talking about 13 credit cards and huge fraud… are we on the same page?

  2. Either pay more employees or lose inventory from thieves, either way, lose out on money for being cheap.

  3. In my small town, Walmart put in ALL manless kiosks. Everybody in town stopped going and by the next month walmart took out the kiosk but two. These things need to be band.

  4. If they don't like the thefts then they shouldn't make people check themselves out. I also believe they have no right to ask for our receipts at the door since most stores are not bulk item stores. Stores need to do their jobs properly and bring back the cashiers.

  5. I can't legitimately scan, bag and pay for all my groceries without the computer at least once accusing me of something. The creepy Smith's cameras replay on the screen what it THINKS I did wrong. I can't wait for their registers to frame me for something I didn't do.
    …and then there are these piecers that get away with theft.

  6. Retailers should take the responsibility of the loss and not waste tax payer money to investigate this theft. They decided to use this system and if it does not work for them then go back to employing checkers. Every time I go to the local Safeway there is 1 maybe 2 checkers lines open which are full and the self checkout. They made the mess, they can deal with it.

  7. So shut down the self check. But open up more lanes. I remember when the grocery store had 15 cashiers now they have 1 employee barely able to handle the self checkout.

  8. It's pretty simple. Go back to the old days of full check out. Back in the 80's and even into the really 90's they would walk the groceries out and place them in your car.

  9. Self check out loses job's cash is king I never use those things I'll wait in line for hours if even if only 1 real live cashier people need those jobs 😢 greedy corporations

  10. I was never trained as a checker. That’s not my job. Do they arrest paid employees for making a mistake?

  11. I was in a SCO line recently at the big "W" and the attendant was griping about having to check customer's purchase. I flat out told her "I could care less, the whole thing is self-inflicted, go complain to your company."
    It cannot be cheaper to run SCO's than the losses, but you can't tell these maroons a dam thing.

  12. They already have stores in place other then North American, that charge you for whatever items you walk out the store with. Japan has many.

    No chance to steal, and still no cashier line up or self checkout.

    North American is just slower then most realize

  13. "and they will not repent of their murders, thefts, drugs or sexual sins". The Bible speaking of the last days shortly before Armageddon when Jesus returns. How did they know? Get saved, youre running out of time

  14. But Wal-Mart is rich af bc they steal from everyone else every single day by raising prices etc. Now people have resorted to this to pay for everything.

  15. This is what you get when your to lazy to check out your customers or to cheap to pay someone else to do it. Congratulations!

  16. You can't blame the self checkout though that's the babysitter employees fault. But yeah I just throw in my earbuds and try to be in and out of the store with my little grocery list 😂

  17. With the money they save not employing a person, they lose in increased or easier theft. All things in balance.

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