
Police open CRIMINAL investigation into Angela Rayner for ‘breaking electoral law’


Police open CRIMINAL investigation into Angela Rayner for ‘breaking electoral law’

#Police #open #CRIMINAL #investigation #Angela #Rayner #breaking #electoral #law

Greater Manchester Police is investigating Angela Rayner for a potential breaking of electoral law in the latest twist of the council house scandal.

#politics #labour #angelarayner #crime #police

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criminal lawyer , Police open CRIMINAL investigation into Angela Rayner for ‘breaking electoral law’, GB news,politics,crime,fraud,council house,scandal,angela rayner,keir starmer,news,shock,family,mother,MP,corruption

14 thoughts on “Police open CRIMINAL investigation into Angela Rayner for ‘breaking electoral law’”

  1. I bet Starmer is hoping she gets done. They can't stand each other and he will finally be able to get shot of her. 😂

  2. All the Tories are doing is protecting Starmer by distracting from Starmer's real crimes.😀

  3. If AR has to quit her post over this then that will really dent the hopes of Cor-Bin getting back into the party and leading it. You can just tell she has zero interest in supporting Stam-flip-flop and would be looking to sneak the semi——-te back into power

  4. If it turns out that she has broken the law she needs to go to prison like any normal person would

  5. And what’s the point when Rishi wants to charge everyone £99 for an ambulance? How will our elderly sick people manage ! Start at the top I say then work your way down ……..

  6. Starmer had plenty of time to talk about policies but spent it on pandering to Gaza Islamists

  7. They won't find anything wrong, none of these lefties, regardless of where they come from, rarely, if ever, are they handed the right sort of punishment for their crimes. The whole politic system is corrupt and the more it is allowed to run on like the the greater the degree of corruption. Let's face it, look at the antics of the criiminal Blair, poking his interfering nose into everything, insulting people left right and centree, unleashing the migration problem and responsible for the deaths of many in his illegal war on Iraq.

  8. She welcomes this formal investigation against her and then some ! The Labour Party is fully behind her, as is the nation. There’s been a mixup with the paperwork, is all. Small stuff. Move along, move along.

  9. I'm grateful for the opportunity to connect with and learn from such intelligent and insightful women. It's a privilege to be part of this community.😘

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