
Police Noise Complaint: What Should You Do?!


#Police #Noise #Complaint

lawyers near me , Police Noise Complaint: What Should You Do?!


35 thoughts on “Police Noise Complaint: What Should You Do?!”

  1. Subscribe to Law By Mike for more! I just uploaded a new long form video! Check it out by clicking the link above this video's title, and let me know what you think 🙂

  2. Funny thing.. I had a police officer at my door a few years ago. They were chasing down a criminal that who fled the airport in a black BMW. They ended up mistaking my car for his. I opened the door, but stood in the way. I then asked calmly why they were there. I explained I simply picked up my mom from the airpor and called her to come downstairs. She did and they immediately recognised their mistake. The relaxed and I wished them well to catch their guy… There's still good officers round 🙂

  3. i would leave the door wide open because all they can find are just napkins from like weeks ago when i had cold

  4. As a non american i am genuinely curious, why is cooperating with the cops such a bad idea?

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