
Police “Drowning In Complaints” With Surge In Hate Crime Reports


Police “Drowning In Complaints” With Surge In Hate Crime Reports

#Police #Drowning #Complaints #Surge #Hate #Crime #Reports

The Scottish Daily Mail’s Mike Blakely reacts after front-line officers warned they ‘can’t cope’ with the surge in hate crime reports, following new laws being introduced.

The legislation, which came into effect on April 1, faced a fierce backlash from Harry Potter author JK Rowling and former Rangers and Scotland footballer Ally McCoist.

Scottish ministers, meanwhile, have defended the legislation, with Scottish Greens co-leader and minister Patrick Harvie warning those peddling false information would have a “heavy price on their conscience”

Mike says: “Police are concerned about drowning in complaints!”

#hatecrime #scotland #mikeblakely #talktv

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33 thoughts on “Police “Drowning In Complaints” With Surge In Hate Crime Reports”

  1. I'm Irish and sick of all of this carry on, everyone is offended by everything. Oh just grow up and this is directed at politicians be they Irish, English, Scottish or Welsh we the electorate see exactly what you're playing at, you want to stifle free speech, what's next, mind control.

  2. Mr humza should just go and open a corner shop, and leave law making to competent men and women. Hate crime now really doesnt involve any hate, just differences of opinion.

  3. Stop letting these marxist terrorists dictate laws!! These are one sided laws that will ruin your country.

  4. Drowning in complaints – is anyone surprised given the sense of humour of the Scots and their unerring ability to spot and mock humbug ? "Holy Willie's Prayer" come to life !

  5. The Scots are getting what they voted for. They voted for a ´´Muslim´´ now they get the Muslim ideas of freedom, which are
    just FASCISM all the way in, just like anyone can see in Afghanistan, Iran, and many other countries where the radicals have
    imposed themselves on the populations ….. and the people in Scotland voted for this man???? NOW DEAL WITH IT and
    next time wake up…!!!

  6. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣ppl keep complaining!! About anything!! Icecream! Husbands clothes wifes cooking, etc!! Restaurants!

  7. Scotland your credibility is gone, im from wales and love the scots but please have a referendum and move away from the sane rest of us lol, scotland now the laughing stock of the world

  8. Scotland new Asian country soon, vote snp and your culture will be gone scotland, scotland the laughing stock of the world 😅

  9. 😮I am Scottish, live in Canada, love Scotland but I cant believe whats happened this law is completely crazy.I hope it can be overturned. ❤

  10. The thing about this hate crime law that that gets me is that its actually sounds like Metoo 2.0.

    Every complaint that the police receive is to be treated as a valid verified complaint.

    The question the police are to deal with is not ‘did it happen,’ which is the normal question, rather they are to behave as if it definitely happened and investiate whether the occurrence amounts to a crime or not.

    So much for innocent until proven guilty, this law isn't even guilty until proven innocent, this law and the instructions for the police mean that everyone, apart from Hamza (oh, and J.K. Rowley – I see fear there) is automatically considered to be guilty of the complaint, and they don't get the opportunity to prove their innocence.

    This is unlawful in Britain, especially the recording of uninvestigated‘none crime’ complaints on someone's permanent police record.

    My thought on this move to criminalise the population of the UK is that they may be looking for an excuse to drastically increase the police force to Communist levels so that the Socialist Ferative Republic of Great Britain's socialist police force will be in place and established well before the Socialist Federative Republic of Great Britain becomes a thing.

  11. Lmao!… Well this is what they wanted?..Yes, but always be careful what you wish for😂😂😂😂😂

  12. The best example yet of the stupidity of this Scottish government.
    The New Scottish Enlightenment?
    The Scottish Benightedment more like.
    Psychosis writ large and in law.

  13. The Scottish Parliament is full of carear politicians or human rights lawyers with no proper real life experience.Humza is intellectually shallow grifter

  14. I used to think Scotland was a nice country. Now I would never want to live there or even visit there. If I accidentally misgendered someone, I could be arrested. No thanks.

  15. So what's next? Will all complaints about SNP law breaking be classed as hate speech and dismissed without further investigation?

  16. Hamza how many white people are there in Scotland is there still too many white people in a white country

  17. the words offensive or insulting were in the public order act once but they were removed, it was repealed after a group of famous celebrities and comedians launched a campaign, from what i can tell they have simply brought out the exact same law again except they have called it something different, how can they just rename laws that have been repealed already and just bring them back out?

  18. Ham-Sam-Witch Useless, 1st Minister: of the SNP or SWP (Scottish Whacko Party). WTF eh, but this is what happens when a circa 12000 year history of Picts, Scots, Britons and Angles vote in a person with such a truly traditional Scottish name as the 1st Minister of Scotland & the Plank of the Week: Hamsaw Useless with his Hate Speech Laws which are just beyond rationalization! So keep voting these true Scots in there fellow Scots! I’m a traditionalist from “New Scotland” (Nova Scotia, Canada).

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