
Police does WALK OF SHAME after FAILED STOP!


Police does WALK OF SHAME after FAILED STOP!


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45 thoughts on “Police does WALK OF SHAME after FAILED STOP!”

  1. Technically ya were interfering with a police investigation even though it was a bad stop n illegal breath test. Let the cops do thier job while ya video it n let the camera do the talking that way ya don't get yourself in trouble too. I agree the cop was in the wrong but you didn't make it any easier by putting your mouth in business that wasn't yours. Let your camera do the talking next time.

  2. Im a people watcher…body language. I did see his tick… just got hot, in the kitchen 😂😮😢😅❤peace ✌️

  3. Well now hand sanitizer

    When I when I saw the hero image of you with your head tilted and kind of a smirk and beneath it saying did you use hand sanitizer, I expected to hear something like did you use hand sanitizer during the pandemic lockdown years, well you might be entitled to a settlement.

  4. The reason the don't just breathalyzer you is because the machines they use are so sensitive that even if you gargled mouthwash within 15 minutes of the test it will fail you so they will usually do the sobriety test to make sure you general functions work and to use up that 16 mins so they get a accurate reading as for the glove thing thats probably a department to department thing

  5. That's the problem with these cops having to have a quota, if they can't meet their quota legally, they'll do it unlawfully and frame people if they have to.

  6. I don't think people in the comments section spend enough time telling you how good-looking you are 😍🥰😘

  7. If i was a police officer i would've do nothing!
    Your on your own nit wits , enjoy your freedom!
    Sometones brarking in your home, handle it tough guy!
    Bye-bye now@😅

  8. "Walk of shame, I like this guy" Apparently you just got here, but how do you like our planet so far? The phrase "Walk of shame" is a literally every day phrase to anyone who actively watches auditor videos, so maybe you like us all. Could you keep that on mind so that you can advocate for our planet to your bureaucratic mouse overlords, Mr space man?

  9. BLANK YOU!! EFFING LAWYERS! That dude was straight up interfering with the stop. The lawyer OBVIOUSLY has never worked with a ballistic vest on. They are hot. I am sick of you tools. Record the event, but STFU!! I hope that lawyer is on the No Call Response list. All you have to do is call dispatch and let them know you do not wish a respinse. By the tyrants. The videographer too. BTW, he ddoes have to step back, that is lawful to order. The dude recording was dead wrong!! As I am now civilian I would have been do much in his face if I was there.

  10. It's pathetic because a lot of these police officers don't know any better, granted ignorance is not an excuse, but they might believe they are enforcing good….

  11. DUI GUY,

    Las Vegas Court/Jail.
    Civil Rights violations.

  12. Nah, don’t do that! Don’t try to call them by something they’re not! Don’t belittle the good ones by placing them on the same level as the bad ones! Bad ones should be called what they are not rewarded by calling them something higher!

  13. Okay, so….the cop pulled this guy over, gave him the breathalyzer test, it came up 0.0, and the cop let the guy go & went back to his car.

    What's the big deal here? This sort of thing happens like, a hundred times a day.

    The schmuck with the camera didn't do/ change anything, he just hovered around like an annoying gadfly.

  14. What purpose does this serve? They get paid to check people that could be impaired. He did. Guy was good. Cool. What, he doesn't have ESP and couldn't read the that drivers mind? Your stupid?

  15. And when using alcohol based hand sanitizer the breathalizer will go crazy … false positive. You're smart lawyer will apreciate it.

  16. I, for one, am glad someone was trying to keep drunk drivers off the road. Leave the police alone and let them do their job.

  17. Hilarious seeing chillis sad sad little face in court losing his appeal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  18. That “walk of shame” phrase is pretty universal in 1st amendment auditing community.

  19. Watched a short kid is an athlete cop said he was drunk blew 0.00 then cop said he was using drugs. Kid said he gets tested every friday so he don't do drugs. Yet cop arrested him for DWI

  20. Walk of Shame! Who was that who started saying it? San Juaquin Valley or John, or James? One of those early first amendments auditors. It caught on like wildfire! Walk of shame! every time a cop left unfulfilled. Walk of shame! Hilarious, 😂

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