
Poilievre says he’ll use the notwithstanding clause to keep violent criminals in jail. Do you agree?


Poilievre says he’ll use the notwithstanding clause to keep violent criminals in jail. Do you agree?

#Poilievre #hell #clause #violent #criminals #jail #agree

Canada’s Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre says Canadians are fed up with violent crime and he’ll get tough on it. If the courts don’t like it, Poilievre says he’ll use the notwithstanding clause and then let the public decide in an election.
What do you think?
criminal law , Poilievre says he’ll use the notwithstanding clause to keep violent criminals in jail. Do you agree?, #cdnpoli,#poilievre

20 thoughts on “Poilievre says he’ll use the notwithstanding clause to keep violent criminals in jail. Do you agree?”

  1. Well.. thats not a good thing but it's being used to do something positive.
    The Not-withstanding clause makes the Charter useless for protecting our rights.

  2. Good, we aren't a KRYTOCRACY. Supreme Court is a coequal branch not the greater branch, they cannot always thwart the will of the parliament and the people.

  3. This buffoon is squarely in the back pocket of Pierre. Yellow journalism at its best. And this idiot is a leader.

  4. What happen to the stance of only under worst case scenario when all other laws fail is the notwithstanding clause supposed to be used? Using it for political or personal gain is just bad form spits on the charter and constitution and isnt to be used or taken lightly. Kinda shows true colors otherwise imo and opening pandoras box.

  5. Um, one more thing how about electing a totally different political party that hasn't iether been voted in then voted in then to be voted back in again . Sigman Freud would have a field day with this continued process

  6. Lol fun he use what is necessary but when the Prime Minister used the same clause it was an overreach .
    Just idea how about the courts judges do their jobs ..
    That way, no political party will use a clause that someone will considered an overreach

  7. Slippery slope. I would vote for him for the first term but if he's only going to strong arm everything, I wouldn't vote for him for a second term.

  8. It's SAD that he'll have to use extraordinary methods to keeps these ANIMALS in Jail. He needs to FIRE all the Judges that keep the animals outta of Jail.

  9. The lieberals would rather have criminals run our country oh wait the wackos are criminals.

  10. I prefer not using the clause. It opens the door for future PMs to use it against the people instead of for the people.

    With a super majority, we could rewrite the constitution, which is currently a disgusting mess.

  11. It's going to be tough for Poilievre. He's going to inherit an absolute mess. People have short memories. I really hope he doesn't start getting blamed for all of this…..

  12. Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party has my vote because they take safety and law seriously and the Liberal Ndp Government doesn't.

  13. Are we saying the majority government of the day can't pass max or minimum sentence legislation without the notwithstanding clause? The hyperbole has reached epic proportion. The real BS comes from the PMO declaration like they live on high. Polievre will do the same. The only difference is I will agree with the common sense approach.

  14. And we want him to, trudope and company cant do it…we are a laughing stock and we have a dumb Liberal PM

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