
Plastic Surgeon’s Careless Actions Lead to His Worst Mistake


Plastic Surgeon’s Careless Actions Lead to His Worst Mistake

#Plastic #Surgeons #Careless #Actions #Lead #Worst #Mistake

A South Bay plastic surgeon was performing a breast augmentation when his client, Megan Espinoza, went into cardiac arrest during the invasive surgery. Espinoza’s friends and family believe that the surgeon, Dr. Carlos Chacon, was inexperienced and careless when it came to his patients and their procedures. From there, things started to go downhill for his practice. The Decoder breaks down the horrifying story of Dr. Carlos Chacon.

#Florida #CarlosChacon #PlasticSurgery #LawAndCrime

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42 thoughts on “Plastic Surgeon’s Careless Actions Lead to His Worst Mistake”

  1. Why Did No One Tell Her That Before She Had Surgery In The First Place !!!!!

  2. This is absolutely horrifying…& that doctor lying to her husband & everyone else throughout the day 🤬. Leaving her to die like that, & ZERO remorse. He should be in jail!

  3. Only in California! Corrupt judges and attorneys flud the state and are paid off like a commodity. California is a corrupt state where the Cartel leads!!

  4. Doctor no longer care. Everything and everyone is a transaction. Be assertive, ask questions and most importantly advocate for yourself. May she rest in peace.

  5. Its not a negligence case, he knew he did not have the proper staff or experience to perform surgery. Everything was very intentional.

  6. Never put your personal value in your bra size.
    Also, if a surgeon f*cks up your procedure the first time, DON'T go back to him again and again and again thinking he will fix it!!

  7. I had wanted a mini tummy tuck years ago after having a baby but got scared after hearing all these stories.

  8. Patient was dying on the table while Doc attended to FOUR other patients… He ran his office like a McDonald's Drive Thru!

  9. This is like everyone's worst nightmare! I had mine done years ago. It's something I now regret doing. I looked up several doctors as well. This could've been any of us. He should be in prison for allowing her to suffocate and the way he talked about her was also bs! Like it's HER fault. He's a murderer plain & simple. A gross human being on top of that!

  10. She had a career, a loving husband and beautiful children. But she wanted bigger breasts . 🙄 Be grateful for what you have.

  11. This sounds pretty much like a hit piece. All doctors have failures and that’s what malpractice insurance is for. I had a very well done minor procedure at his clinic and only consider myself lucky in that I never got an infection (which I did at a hospital) and the procedure was perfectly done.

  12. Please stop uploading these terrible AI read videos. I bet you if somebody sat down in fact check them they did find some mistakes too. The voice is so offputting and it doesn’t sound right for this type of horrific video

  13. Patients were agreeing to proceed with surgical procedures after being notified of the Dr's pending charges? Really?!?

  14. If one of his own workers warned the woman and told her to do more research on the Dr then she should have reported his practice. She worked there and obviosuly knew he was dangerous. If she had reported him maybe these tragedies wouldn't have happened.

  15. Of course he is not board certified – his vid gives off a low life vibe – that alone reveals a lot. – to bad that lady & seemingly her husband fell for this guy’s bs –

  16. idc if she didn’t need the surgery. she paid for it and she didn’t deserve to lose her life. some of these comments are disgusting.

  17. What the heck is wrong with that judge? And any and all surgeons such know that anesthesia such only be administered by a licensed anesthesiologist or CRNA. And having unlicensed assistants, these are all choices he made knowing better… to me that counts as second degree murder. You may not have intentionally gone in to do harm but you knew the consequences of using unlicensed personnel. Take his license away please!

  18. Idc what the doc said about not calling 911! If I worked in that office, he would not drag me into murder!! I’m calling! And testifying too! 😡

  19. This type of cases aren't reported in USA. We only hear about the cases in latin American countries

  20. His license should have been permanently revoked …instantly The fact that he ordered that 911 wasn't to be called… he murdered the victim slowly over hours. Shame on our criminal justice system.

  21. This is not a doctor. This is a monster. Do no harm meant absolutely nothing. CA did not protect future patients.

  22. I mean regardless of it being elective or not, this was very a preventable death. The doctor was negligent even if it was elective and maybe I missed it but it didn't state if it was implants or breast reduction which could be a health elective surgery. I probably missed that being said but regardless he still murdered her and we shouldn't be unknind towards her for a choice she made.

  23. I can’t believe how many unqualified people were involved in the surgery. How is a practice like that not looked at by the proper authorities to make sure the practice is run correctly and people working there have the right educational background. This is disgusting of the medical authorities to allow this to continue in a western society. This shouldn’t be happening since we’ve come so far in medicine. How are practices like these slipping through the cracks?!

  24. What demonic force is inhabiting her mind and telling her that she's not beautiful; infusing a steady stream of the self-hating thoughts; and ultimately compromising her sanity to the point that she’s apparently convinced needs to go under the knife 🔪 to resolve the issue???

    I just cannot understand it…😵😵😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

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