
Pistorius Trial: Criminal law expert Ulrich Roux gives analysis of Pristorius case


Pistorius Trial: Criminal law expert Ulrich Roux gives analysis of Pristorius case

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Pistorius Trial: Criminal law expert Ulrich Roux gives analysis of Pristorius case
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May 15 – The finer details of Oscar Pistorius’s court-ordered psychiatric tests will only be known next Tuesday when the official order is handed down. Judge Thokozile Masipa yesterday ruled the athlete must be evaluated to establish whether his alleged anxiety disorder played a role on the morning he shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp.

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criminal law , Pistorius Trial: Criminal law expert Ulrich Roux gives analysis of Pristorius case, Oscar Pistorius,oscar,pistorius,pistorius trial,oscar pistorius trial live,thokozile masipa,masipa,oscar pistorius documentary,pistorius trial live,pistorius murder trial,pistorius live stream,live stream,murder trial,gunshot,shooting,body,court,south africa,testimony,trial,reeva,pretoria,reeva steenkamp,murder,barry roux,SAPS,athelete,model,gauteng,police,witnesses,enca,enca news,encanews,news

9 thoughts on “Pistorius Trial: Criminal law expert Ulrich Roux gives analysis of Pristorius case”

  1. Merda voi e criminali uno che vuole fare male alla fidanzata non tiene la pistola sul cuscino c'è altro aveva paura

  2. I guess this guy is sexy but thats all he should do just be sexy and shut up as he sounds too stupid when he talks

  3. He had the chance to run from the burgler,normal human reaction is fight or flight ,human usually flight if they saw a chance they can do so, humans dont decide to fight unless they had no option to push back danger,he had ,his stroy defys logic

  4. They can observe his daily performances to gauge his bullshit levels…..    this leaves out an excuse of "feeling/being imprisoned" for results that don't favor him..    He is a steroid rage killer………….

  5. pistorius says 'a burgler'… with his money he could have invited this burgler in (who got around all the defense systems) and let him take anything, which he could have easily replaced, patted him on the back and shown him the front door.  Pistorius has a much more serious problem than a simple burgler.

  6. I believe the prosecution is betting that Oscar is gonna be considered more than able to distinguish between wrong and right since during the trial it became very clear that he probably has psychopathic or narcissist personality disorder. It seems that the hospital is very acquainted with that kind of criminals, therefore more than capable of making a right diagnosis. 

  7. I don't see how they can do a proper psychological evaluation on a outpatient basis when being evaluated consist of being observed by the medical staff 24-7 to get a fair assessment.

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