
Pierre Poilievre Will FIX The Criminal Justice System! 💪 #shorts


Pierre Poilievre Will FIX The Criminal Justice System! 💪 #shorts

#Pierre #Poilievre #FIX #Criminal #Justice #System #shorts

Pierre Poilievre Will FIX The Criminal Justice System! 💪 #shorts
criminal law , Pierre Poilievre Will FIX The Criminal Justice System! 💪 #shorts, cdnpoli,canada,politics,shorts,pierre poilievre,ottawa,reporter,press,questions,conservative,conservatives,questioned,pierre,Pierre Polievre,Pierre Poiievre,Pierre Poielvre,Pierre Poliviere,Pierre Poilivere,Piere Poilievre,Pierre Poilivier,pier,pierr,piear,polyever,polyev,poliev,poier poliev,pier poliev,conservative leader,canadians,whats happening in canada,canada current situation,reporters,news,free press,pier reporter,parliament hill,government,capital clips

14 thoughts on “Pierre Poilievre Will FIX The Criminal Justice System! 💪 #shorts”

  1. Hed win millions of votes by takeing away these stupid auto speed cameras… even tho they are in a few places i feel so monitored everywhere i go i feel completely controlled and under the thumb of the governement. I get why we have them but use speed bunps to keep these areas safe instead of harrassing monitoring and controling the citzens and trying to find every minimal excuse to get every dollar u can bleed from them while giving real criminals a slap on the wrist and letting sex offenders walk away with minimal sentencing

  2. Yeah but people don’t understand it’s simple to say “ this should be like this “ hence the facts he gets so many votes….

    Our country is a business, these are all ways we are generating revenue for our economy. If we start cutting all these things off because they are not right, then we will lose power as a nation and that’s just the hard truth.

    Yet people will push for this but when they see our country become lesser majority of the world they will understand it as they feel it in the world around them of advancementsz

  3. Wait a second. This is the same guy who wants to import the 3rd world into canada. This was a safe place to live before mass immigration

  4. Craig De Patis was a friend of mine.
    Darnell pratt struck him with his car and draggged him a kilometer down the road screaming until he succumbed to his injuries.
    Because Darnell was 17 he got a juvenile record and sentence.
    He was out of jail a week when he stabbed someone in the neck at a bar.
    If he had been dealt with properly thatanimal wouldnt have hurt anyone after Grant lost his life.
    If youre going to crack down on crime, you might just earn my vote.

  5. This guy is no Savior. He's another wolf in sheep's clothing. Stop falling for the Left/Right paradigm. We have the "illusion of Choice" in our (s)elections, but all our choices have been approved. They serve the Elite, not the people.

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