
Pierre lists Trudeau’s SKETCHY history with CRIMINAL investigations


Pierre lists Trudeau’s SKETCHY history with CRIMINAL investigations

#Pierre #lists #Trudeaus #SKETCHY #history #CRIMINAL #investigations

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criminal law , Pierre lists Trudeau’s SKETCHY history with CRIMINAL investigations, paychecks,taxes,affordability,expensive,debt,budgets balance themselves,economics,cost,food banks,poverty,ESG,Investing,Senate,Biden,America,CBC,Corruption,Minister,Pierre,Piere,Polievre,Poilievre,Conservatives,Liberals,NDP,Canada,Ontario,Ottawa,House,Parliament,Debate,Exchange,Leader,Opposition,Justin,Trudeau,Chrystia,Freeland,Socialism,Communism,Jagmeet,Singh,PPC,Peoples Party of Canada,Maxime,Bernier,Homeless,housing crisis,inflation,cost of living,carbon tax,heat banks,heat

30 thoughts on “Pierre lists Trudeau’s SKETCHY history with CRIMINAL investigations”

  1. How about you start highlighting his great grandad was a high ranking soviet general who "defected" to canada? You brought this on yourselves, planned demoltion now live in the s*** you made.

  2. It's a wonder Trudeau doesn't choke to death on the lies that come out of his mouth but then, as a narcissist – he is never at fault – how else can he stand up and spew his vile spiel?

  3. New polling shows that only 3% think Justin Trudeau should stay on as Prime Minister. Canadians are united, against this despicable government and the Blackface Fetishist; Canada will make a comeback once we axe the tax and firr the Liberal hacks.

  4. All that $ and no one will ever be punished and no $ will ever come back. The ladyboy trudeau liberals and the corruption will not stop till someone goes to jail and politicians NEVER go to jail

  5. Wow, Poilievre is good as describing the pedigree of that dirty dog…

    The son of PET is the doodle bastard of W E F, W H O and the bankrupter bankers of the lying globalists, on a ponzi pyramidal pile of fake borrowed money they called world economy.

    Of course, they need to manage the whole thing, it's a scam they're trying to hide…

    That system is made for crashing anyway. It's written in it's genes…

    Just like a good ponzi scheme…

    You'll own nothing and be happy, paying on and on and on, for the rent of your own lifetime down here. Like a tenant, renting what's left of he's own body, on monthly wage and payment cashdown to keep the flow going.

    That river of wealth is the thing that will drown you down below and kill you. It feeds on people's blood, like yours and mine. No one will be spared.

  6. Hmmm do you know in a way that you are a public servant, and being so you are not above the law. However you still feel you are above the law. You should be in jail.

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