
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies with an Actual Lawyer! Part 36


#Phoenix #Wright #Ace #Attorney #Dual #Destinies #Actual #Lawyer #Part

We’ve been playing our way through every Ace Attorney game with an Actual Lawyer, and since we just finished up Apollo Justice, it’s time to keep pressing on in the franchise with Dual Destinies! We have our real lawyer to playthrough the Ace Attorney franchise and show us just how realistic is the court system depicted in our Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies let’s play as well as our professional voice actor voice all the roles! This time we begin case 5-4, The Cosmic Turnabout! We get more of Apollo’s backstory and find out we’re defending one of his heroes, Solomon Starbuck!

We record the show live on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm EST, so please come and watch us live then right here on our YouTube channel!

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00:00 – Gameplay Start
44:07 – Art Time

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24 thoughts on “Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies with an Actual Lawyer! Part 36”

  1. What do you think about the opening of Case 5-4 overall? Let us know in the comments down below!

    Support the channel and get your name included in the patreon song:


    1:16 – Apollo thinks it's funny that Blackquill is malnourished?

    5:08 – Say "Mr. Starbuck and Mr. Terran" One More Time!


    13:00 – "Ellie Woods"

    15:35 – Can we stop using this word in this context forever now?

    18:57 – Where was Phoenix on Jan. 6th?


    22:13 – Wes goes for the longest sigh

    31:54 – We talk about "that one scene" in Gravity

    42:00 – Unintentional SpongeBob Reference

    44:18 – Art Time!

  2. 37:00 My brain just went “Cause astronauts never give up my friends!” which is a line from a Backyardigans song I haven’t listened to in probably a decade and a half.

    And now I just keep thinking about a Backyardigans Ace Attorney crossover. Pablo is Godot, Tasha is Franziska, Uniqua is Athena, Tyrone is Gumshoe, Austin is Apollo. I have 0 explanations for this casting beyond “vibes.”

  3. Although I find this case mid, I really loved the twist of clay carrying Solomon vs. the other way around

  4. Wes’ sigh was genuinely insanely impressive I could never!! Props to you as always 🫡

  5. Need another PowerPoint night at some point. Y’all genuinely had me howling in my room😂

  6. 5:35— And it's the vessel with the pestle that has the pellet with the poison, while the chalice with the palace has the brew that is true!

    "It's true that we don't think!" No worries boys, this historically has been a universal problem.

    Prij: We must take over the government!
    Me; Yes comrades! We seize the means of production!
    Prij: They say (Cheeto Atom Bomb) lost the election!
    20:27— Dear gods, Apollo dies yet this line lives? We truly do inhabit the darkest timeline…

    Apollo 13 is a wonderful movie Wes, I cannot recommend it enough, and if you ever get the chance to see it on the big screen, do it!

    Me, in Obi-wan voice: Dual Destinies! You were supposed to bring balance to Apollo Justice, NOT DESTROY HIM!

    I do think it's adorable that Apollo's catchphrase started out as him and a friend yelling encouragement to their hero.

  7. Zak finally remembers the correct way to pronounce lounge after a few minutes into the video =)


    Did he just say someone set them up the bomb? Eh, it's close enough that I'm counting it. For Great (Apollo) Justice!

    When it comes to the question of dragon squatter's rights, if we ignore the imaginary part, wouldn't the answer depend on the type of dragon? Seeing as numerous dragon depictions are at least as intelligent as humans, wouldn't they also quality as "persons" under the law? I guess that depends on how you legally define a "person" though, and given the whole "corporations are people" when those are clearly not intelligent, sapience is clearly not part of the definition.

    That was quite the long sigh!

    They did a good job with showing Starbuck's trauma here. Also the localizers are really having fun putting scifi references into his dialogue here.

    That was the second-most impromptu Spongebob reference I've ever heard, only beaten out by the time one of my middle school teachers came onto the bus as we were getting ready for a field trip and starting singing "He lives in a pineapple under the sea" for no reason whatsoever.

    I'm very much enjoying this case so far. The pacing hasn't bogged down to the same degree the previous cases in this game had, at least not so far, and aside from being a bit hand-holdey, it's been pretty good!

    I rarely comment on the art because there's just so much of it and it's all great, but that Zak-1 Miracle poster? Incredible.

  8. _ I mean Apollo has a bigger role in AA6

    _ My guess as to what Starbuck meant by "my memories isn't what it used to be" is that taking those pills(on a regular basis) really mess with his long term memory

  9. when you said you had an early copy of AAI my dumbass believed u for a second until you said "they really like us" and I realized you were joking, not cool save data /lh

  10. Now I really want to see the Hat-1 miracle movie. How did he survive using the ice pack

  11. Shoutout to Candice Arme's performance during that trial segment. Such presence! Such vivaciousness!
    (Also, my Aristotlecracy joke got mentioned on-stream, huzzah!)

  12. Thank GOD this game made a joke regarding Apollo and this whole space-related case. Honestly they better make more. I mean come on, this setup HAD to be on purpose right?

  13. The sudden Tonate is still such a holy shit moment when you realize what's about to happen. I remember getting goosebumps the first time I saw it. (It also becomes morbidly funny when you realize that Detective Arme was never going to come to the stand because her body was in that bomb transport case the entire time.)

  14. Fun note about this case! Despite the 3 day trial rule in place, it seems that it only applies to when court happens, so trials can happen multiple days apart.

    We started on Day 1, court got blown up, we paused for day 2 to take care of Juniper, then on Day 3 we have to defend Juniper from her assaulting Apollo, and this is day 3, and we start the second trial on the 4th day.

    TL;DR: 3 trial day system means the trial can only happen on 3 days, but those days do NOT need to happen immediately one after the other.

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