
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies with an Actual Lawyer! Part 23


#Phoenix #Wright #Ace #Attorney #Dual #Destinies #Actual #Lawyer #Part

We’ve been playing our way through every Ace Attorney game with an Actual Lawyer, and since we just finished up Apollo Justice, it’s time to keep pressing on in the franchise with Dual Destinies! We have our real lawyer to playthrough the Ace Attorney franchise and show us just how realistic is the court system depicted in our Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies let’s play as well as our professional voice actor voice all the roles! This time we head to court for the first trial day of case 5-3, Turnabout Academy!

We record the show live on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm EST, so please come and watch us live then right here on our YouTube channel!

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00:00 – Intro/Ads/Housekeeping
3:14 – Gameplay

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47 thoughts on “Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies with an Actual Lawyer! Part 23”

  1. How hyped are you for the Investigations Remasters!? Let us know in the comments down below!

    Support the channel and get your name included in the patreon song:

    00:00 – Wes' reaction to Sebastian Debeste's new, official name
    3:34 – Starting off strong this stream
    5:10 – Welp, the game got me
    6:45 – My shiny teeth and means
    9:18 – Is Prof. Means constantly in the worst of times?
    10:50 – Porkins
    13:22 – SA2B reference
    15:59 – Gotta get a new brain
    23:55 – Wes' best line delivery yet
    27:03 – Let Athena cuss!
    32:21 – The girls are fighting
    36:12 – It's all connected to the FNASS lore
    38:12 – Dark Age of the Law No. 10
    41:47 – Glitched out Taka!
    48:36 – Don't insult the sword metaphors!
    52:05 – Add this to the terrible dialogue tier list
    54:59 – They really do love this gimmick
    59:47 – Scuttlebutt at the pool
    1:02:28 – 2/10 an effort was made

  2. Can't believe in the Ace Attorney Investigations we're going to meet Raymond Shields'- I mean, Eddie Fender's brother, Sechs O. Fender… And Horse Knightley?!

    Who the fuck hired 4Kids localization for these names?

  3. Apollo finally gets to dunk back on those who dunked on him!

    Scuttlebutt thought that taking the judge course was so you could be as judgmental as you want. Really thinking inside the box, that one. Also, that Ennard's eyes edit was on point!

    I find that most things rated M are usually more immature than anything. That being said, "Holy Shinto" just entered the lexicon and gets to live there rent free!

    Pawn of nothing, Athena is Junie's queen!

    Taka is a Skyrim horse confirmed?

    45:47 Actual logic? In my AA game?!
    55:06 Ah, back to familiar territory.

    1:00:55 Apollo pulled a Columbo!

  4. Means's smile is like that because he stretched his mouth by saying the word "means" over and over again

  5. Porkins was shot down before the TIE Fighters even showed up. Even among the casualties from the Battle of Yavin he's pathetic.

  6. Another British moment – I've never heard cretin pronounced cree-tin, I say it with a short e, like the first half rhymes with "get"

  7. 35:02 – I also think that the fact of her being in a box makes her way more noticeable than an average student…

  8. I love Blackquill so much. Bro shows up to court straight from his jail cell, simply doesn't give an opening statement for the case, and has his pet hawk deliver evidence to the defense. Unmatchable energy.

  9. I love the subtle theming in this case. The use of show don't tell is astounding, so many little hints towards the idea of "the ends justify the means"

  10. Shame there weren't any Boxtrolls jokes with Miriam, such an underrated movie and fits with her so well except for the fact that the boxtrolls were fairly intelligent creatures.

  11. From the way Simon finishes arguing that Juniper killed the victim in a sudden fit of rage, then went on to go through great effort apparently with no planning to artistically arrange the body in a way that implicated her, I really didn't think they were going to get into the implausibility of that. Athena and Apollo both initially accepting it as flawless logic at feels incredibly awkward. I'm glad they actually went into it, but it's not a great choice to do at all when there's such a glaring problem

  12. I'm going to be put off by the names so much because they waited on this localization for 13 years!!! and the fan translation names kind of just became canon, but man am I excited that Capcom finally recognizes AAI2 as the masterpiece it is!

  13. 51:39 Prij appears to have gotten this one wrong. Typically, anyone with actual knowledge of a felony crime has a duty to report it. This varies by jurisdiction, but for example in Ohio, the Ohio Revised Code section 2921.22 division (A)(1) requires reporting of felonies [with some exceptions detailed in later divisions], and division (C) specifically requires discovery of a body to be immediately reported.

  14. Oh this reminds oh a case of where the prosecution argued that the defendant killed them in accordance to the lyrics.
    And its equally silly that the defendant would pin the murder.. on themselves.

  15. Are you going to do the whole thing or are you going to play like 2 cases like you did with GAAC?

  16. When discount lady Snake says her ideas is bribery and fake evidence are "new concepts" I'm pretty sure she means that they haven't been done as a crucible for the mock trials of her school.

  17. I am indeed very excited for the Investigations remaster. Had been considering playing it via fan translation for a few years now but never got around to it. Now I have a sensibly legal way to do so!

    I love how the Trench Run is such a classic scene that people can know the names of all the dead characters off the top of their heads. Then there are other people who don't even know Wedge and Biggs.

    Okay, I know the prosecutors control police salary in this universe (for some reason?), but then that also applies to Blackquill, who is in prison?

    Holy Shinto is indeed very good.

    So, realistically, could Myriam be declared a hostile witness and her testimony disregarded?

    Glitched Taka was indeed hilarious.

    Aah, the old classic "only one person can wear a costume."

  18. 12:50 – The team of Best Dudes Sparring with Malfeasance!

    (I spent too much time looking for the M-word…(-_-;))

  19. 12:09 – Blackquil: "This case is cristal clear. I mean, have you seen Professor Means? He is, like, so obviously guilty, what are we even doing here?"

  20. 8:34 – The fact that both Athena's and Apollo's 'people scanning' abilities didn't scream "Bullsh*t!" in this moment is unbelievable…

    (Because, let's be honest, Means being the culprit by this point is just a little less obvious than L'Belle)

  21. 7:39 – …and what exactly has Athena gained at this point that she could lose? This is, like, her second trial…

  22. I did really enjoy Myriam I’m not going to lie. I like the shameless characters. And she’s a mean girl dipstick to top it off from high school. I know…WAY too many. There’s a lot of school stereotypes but they do some interesting things with them.

    Also I’m WELL aware a lot of people will be up in the air about investigations 2 name changes. But so long as they aren’t full SENTENCE name puns we’ll be clear. Beh’leeb Inmee.

  23. I actually like the new names. Because Eustace sounds so much more pretentious than Sebastian and Winner as a last name is so stupid, you'd have to ask if that's their real name or if they just call themselves a Winner. (This one is serious)
    Though the unsung hero, in my book, is Eddie Fender. This is a flawless double joke on 'A defender', a thing a grown man going around asking any woman he meets regardless of age to hug him definitely needs (probably the reason why he just stuck around Gregory all the time) and it also lays very close, that he is, in fact, a fender (of the o- variant). Perfect 10/10, I have no idea why people don't like it. (This one is a joke, though I do feel his character gimmick is a bit… weird for a defender)

    I am also very mixed about the remaster. And not just because I know that Investigations 1 is not really a good game, between the cases being fairly basic and yet dragging like hell (*screams in extraterritorial rights*), the story losing focus a lot of times, Kay being probably the worst assistant with very little reason to be there, a personality she only ever talks about having but never acts upon and generally just being there to make off-colour jokes that barely land, the little thief being the weirdest gimmick in the series, since it constantly begs the question 'How would a simulation like that ever hold any water as evidence?' and Edgeworths superpower being logic, implying that no one else in this universe is able to think logically.

    No, my concern is more about Investigations 2. Because that game, while being better than 1, is also just… above average. There's that one case that is really good. But the fact that it's universally understandable by fans which case is meant underlines that point. It peaks with that case and then just peeters out. The final villain comes out of nowhere and their plot is mind boggling, though more in the 'How did no one notice this?' rather than the 'Ohhhhh, so that's how it happened!' way and most of the most crucial evidence gets found off screen by other characters.
    And then there is logic chess… probably the worst investigation gimmick, since it's mostly used to draw out information people weren't even trying to hide or hid for arbitrary reasons. Outside of that one time (same problem as above with that one) it felt more as a nuisance to me than something cool. Also the constant chess references get a bit much at times.

    And that made me wonder, 2 is such an acclaimed game, why is that? And I got a, somewhat unsatisfactory, theory:
    Investigations 2 is so revered because it was never released in the west. This led to the fan translation being the only way to play it, outside of learning Japanese. And let's be honest, if you sought out the fan translation, you were already a fan of the series to begin with and were convinced, even before playing, that this game would be amazing. So the positive response to it is mainly created by people who were already convinced that the game was good, so all the negatives were swept under the 'That one case is amazing' rug or ignored by the rose-tinted glasses.

    So, what I feel will happen is, that the collection will probably not perform and score as well as the fans want and they will then blame it all on the translation, rather than 2 being only an above average game that most players won't even get to, because 1 (and especially its horrible last case) left them with such dread that they won't touch 2. And even if they do, they will be heavily disappointed by the sub-par experience that the whole internet talked up to be the best thing since sliced bread; Overhyping of a product is sadly a huge problem in many fandoms, not just the Investigations fandom.
    But I would be happy to be proven wrong and this comment to age poorly.

  24. So, now that you've showed Sebastian on screen (I will NEVER use the official names, why did them make Courtney French?) I'd like to point out a small detail
    Sebastian's outfit is the Themis Academy male school uniform (the same one Hugh O'Conner is wearing)

  25. So the dentist from Fairly OddParents is called Bender, his son is Wendell, and they're both voiced by Gilbert Gottfried. Thanks for unlocking a forgotten memory

  26. I can't believe they renamed my boy Eustace. Hasn't he suffered enough? …But we finally got an official AAI2 localization out of it. I guess the ends really do justify the memes.

  27. we will all know him as sebastian debeste but because of the new name what will his fathers name be

  28. 18:00 voice analysis is almost definitely a forensic technique but one thing i've learned from my forensics classes is that it must be completely inaccurate. Most forensic sciences are bad but something tells me the subjectivity in voice analysis would make it even worse.

  29. The 1st time playing this case, I expected Simon to shred Scuttlebutt's box with his finger sword. Combining that idea with the fact that her stuffs falling out in the actual game. Into him shredding the box, revealing a framework inside it holding up all of her stuffs(so she can have 2 free hands to do what she want, basically the box is her mobile news office), which then collapse without the box

  30. I gotta say, while you can argue Apollo’s handholding the player a bit much, he’s honestly doing a great job as co-counsel in this case. Makes me wish we had more opportunities to see him in such a role.

  31. A thought that didn't occur to me till I saw someone point it out

    reactions to the names are mixed, now how will people react to the changed voices?

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