
Penny Mordaunt destroys SNP new Hate Speech Law


Penny Mordaunt destroys SNP new Hate Speech Law

#Penny #Mordaunt #destroys #SNP #Hate #Speech #Law

Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt has she is filling out “a hate-related report form” due to “consistent hostility and unpleasantness” from SNP Commons leader Deidre Brock.

Ms Brock told the Commons: “Of course we are grateful to the Leader for making time in her hectic schedule to pop along to the House of Commons today, all that leadership plotting and scheming doesn’t just happen by itself, she’s been a busy bee and we can only pray we are nearing the season finale of this endless Tory soap opera, but her leadership campaign hasn’t stopped her coming here today so she can ignore our questions in person.”

Ms Mordaunt replied: “I have noticed a consistent hostility and unpleasantness in (Ms Brock’s) questions towards me and this has been going on for some time, weeks in fact.

“I’m getting the impression (Ms Brock) does not like me, perhaps even hates me, and her followers on social media certainly do, and there are some patronising undertones in what she says and I believe she is saying that I’m deficient in my abilities to answer her questions, perhaps because I am a woman.

“I feel very intimidated, upset and deeply, deeply hurt so as well as noting her questions, I have been sat on the front bench filling in a hate-related report form, which my officials have so kindly placed in my folder, I’m going to have one ready for every single SNP colleague that gets to their feet.

“If I did send it to the Scottish police they would be obliged to investigate … I sincerely hope that the SNP’s new hate crime laws does not have a chilling effect on our exchanges.”


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criminal lawyer , Penny Mordaunt destroys SNP new Hate Speech Law, penny mordaunt,jibe,joke,westminster,scotland,scottish,scottish government,msp,msps,snp,scottish national party,debate,scottish parliament,questions,scottish politics,British politics,politics,UK politics,gb politics,scotland politics,nats,news,scottish news,political news,UK news,gb news,snp news,british news,together,snp latest,conservatives,Scottish conservatives,putdown,deidre brock,penny mordaunt mocks snp,hate crime law,snp hate crime law

23 thoughts on “Penny Mordaunt destroys SNP new Hate Speech Law”

  1. Personally, I'm all for another Scottish referendum.
    Just as long as the vote involves all of the UK people.
    That should ensure we are free from Scotland and its pathetic outlook on being "independent" but wish to rejoin the corrupt EU, making them once again "dependent" on another governing body.
    Of course, they will neither be able to govern themselves, nor, be allowed to join the EU in the first place.

  2. " I REVERE ISLAM AND INTEND TO BE KING OF ALL THE FAITHS.". Traitor King Charles ( Feb 2023) ❤

  3. mordaunt might have displayed less hatred towards andrew bridgen if she expects others to treat her with respect.

  4. Lady in blue is about as funny as dysentery !! …Penny ….ask the clown ….where has the farmers 33 million gone ?

  5. Scots still voting for SNP really is like Turkeys voting for Christmas. This Hate law that they brought in really does remind me of the line in a Manic Street Preachers song” if you tolerate this your children will be next”.

  6. Nobody voted for this guy now he's passing stupid law's 🙄 imaginats are getting treated better than scottish people.

  7. What an absolute embarrassment the SNP are. It's like watching a Sunday league 'fitbaw' player trying to take the 'baw af' a Premier League player. So out of her depth. What are we Scots doing voting for these muppets….

  8. Hate speech laws protects the hateful
    Hate speech is also entirely subjective.
    On this basis if Labour were in power would it be hateful to vocally support the Tories?
    One thing is for sure the right to freedom iof speech should require that people can be offended. Its just the price you have to pay in a democracy. Constructive debate and criticism has made Western democracies what they are today. No one would buy a first edition iPhone these days because massive technological improvements have been made. So why the hell would a country relinquish its hard won rights and liberties to pander to retrograde thinking and non progressive ideologies.
    Where in any sector is going backwards
    seen as a better solution?

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