
Penny Mordaunt blasts SNP Hate Crime Law as ‘Lunacy’


Penny Mordaunt blasts SNP Hate Crime Law as ‘Lunacy’

#Penny #Mordaunt #blasts #SNP #Hate #Crime #Law #Lunacy

Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt blasts SNP claim that she and her colleagues hate Scotland.

Ms Mordaunt said: “Ms Brock has been busy too over recess, penning articles about how much I and my colleagues hate Scotland and Scottish people. She’s done it again in her opening remarks and her questions to me.”

“At some point she will have to say why that is the case. I know that the Scottish rugby team has been doing very well against England, but this is not grounds, I think, to justify her accusations against me.”

The speaker of the House then went on to blast the Hate Crime Law and the nine times it has been used regarding over 9,000 complaints.


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#pennyMordaunt #snp #politics #westminsterco
criminal law , Penny Mordaunt blasts SNP Hate Crime Law as ‘Lunacy’, penny mordaunt,jibe,joke,westminster,British politics,politics,UK politics,gb politics,news,political news,UK news,gb news,snp news,british news,together,conservatives,Scottish conservatives,labour,putdown,deidre brock,penny mordaunt mocks snp,hate crime,snp hate crime

38 thoughts on “Penny Mordaunt blasts SNP Hate Crime Law as ‘Lunacy’”

  1. Two women bitching and sniping at each other, is this really what parliament has come to?

  2. Penny is absolutely incredible, and well done for kicking down the clownfest of the inept SNP!!
    Just one issue, I'd be interested to know Penny's current opinion of the men dressing as women, invading our personal spaces etc.

  3. Would like to hear Kier Stamer stand up and say he will support the repeal all the SNP nonsense if Scottish Labour win both elections.

  4. "In January 2024, the top exports of United Kingdom were Gold (£7.28B) Gas Turbines (£2.47B), Cars (£2.25B)" Overall UK trade is contracting less imports and exports are again in retreat after a high in 2023 Q3, Q4 Strange that such a wealthy Nation as the UK has for the 6th time failed to implement import control and charges. "The New Laws are not so far removed from the existing Laws in England 2006 & 2008 and Wales and "have to be considered alongside the right to freedom of expression (ECHR article 10 and ICCPR article 19) and the prohibition of abuse of rights (article 17 ECHR and article 54 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights). " The comments on Police Scotland basically prove that like England and Wales the same "Hate" legislation will stay in place. Small wonder Miss Mordaunt is unable to answer any question directly and simply spouts short life Propaganda that covers any subject other then the reality that her Government has failed.

  5. I hate it when I agree with a tory. It is time for it to be a criminal offence to lie to the public if an MP.

  6. That rude dismissive staunch Scottish nationalist Australian just makes me think of Prisoner From Cell Block H.

  7. KFC loving mourdsnt is doing a fab job in Scotland …. Latest polling has the Tory’s on a huge 13% 🤡

  8. This is utter word salad by what ever mp . British government could have put a stop to this rubbish. They've done it before and they good do it again. Same with ulez it could have been stopped but its a money grab . 650 not so honourable crims

  9. I think PM is great, a future leader. However, she needs to un-learn the awful habit of, uh, putting, uh, a whole, uh, lot of uhs in her, uh, speech.

  10. Mordaunt the renainer traitor. The tories are digusting traitors to this country. Labour, too. VOTE INDEPENDENTLY.

  11. A year ago, Penny didn't know what a woman was. That suggests that if there was more of an appetite for wokeness, Penny would support it and lie through her teeth about its ridiculous claims.

  12. The Scottish Family Party fought against this SNP Hate Crime Law and took to the streets to demonstrate.

  13. Don’t you just think Penny is so gorgeous, as well as a brilliant politician. The so call honourable SNP bint, what’s her purpose 🤔 who is she 🤔🙈🤣😂

  14. The snp talking rubbish again .And our rivers and seas in Scotland are full off sewage because the snp have not spent any money on upgrading them .

  15. The hypocrisy of an SNP MP complaining of government waste when Scotland is paying millions to open embassies that have no legal function whatsoever.
    The embassies that are valid are for the 🇬🇧 United Kingdom.

  16. She is absolutely right, never thought id ever agree with a Tory. What the FM has done is silence the right to opinion. But I question much like the Gender reform bull that got blocked, why hasn't this bill been Blocked ?

  17. Why is the SNP nutter whinging when up here in Scotland the whole country is falling apart?

  18. Penny doesn't know her arse from her elbow, her opinion does consider merit outside the Murdoch poopaganda machine.

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