
Pennsylvania firefighter accused of sexually preying on 2 Utah pre-teens


Pennsylvania firefighter accused of sexually preying on 2 Utah pre-teens

#Pennsylvania #firefighter #accused #sexually #preying #Utah #preteens

A Pennsylvania firefighter was extradited to Utah after authorities say he sexually preyed on two minor girls in Utah, and participated in many other sexual advancement schemes towards children in Pennsylvania.
criminal law , Pennsylvania firefighter accused of sexually preying on 2 Utah pre-teens, today,Utah,Utah News

23 thoughts on “Pennsylvania firefighter accused of sexually preying on 2 Utah pre-teens”

  1. I just don't understand it boggles my mind and it will always leave me dumbfounded how someone could find a child attractive in that manner.

  2. Seriousness of this situation aside, all the signs to be aware of also somewhat applied to me as a immense victim of physical, psychological and sexual "bullying."

  3. It showed him smile… he better enjoy that smile, because it will be one of his last.
    When he gets to prison, the convicts don't take kindly to that sort of thing.

  4. I’m so grateful those parents and children had a good enough relationship for their daughters to come to them with that information. That is the real saving grace of this situation.

  5. There are sick and evil people everywhere. WE MUST PROTECT OUR CHILDREN AT ALL COSTS !!!

  6. I’m glad to see Utah is dealing with sexual predators now.. I lived in west valley city, my step dad worked for granite school district. I turned him in .. I ended up leaving the state.. he was able to retire..makes me sick. This was back in the 80s. I can only pray he didn’t hurt anyone else

  7. ……you parents need to purchase simple use phones, where they can only call in or out, no internet, no FB, no TikToc.

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