
Parents of OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, charged with murder of boyfriend, arrested in Texas


Parents of OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, charged with murder of boyfriend, arrested in Texas

#Parents #OnlyFans #model #Courtney #Clenney #charged #murder #boyfriend #arrested #Texas

The parents of Courtney Clenney, the OnlyFans model accused in the stabbing death of her boyfriend at their Miami apartment, were arrested Tuesday in Texas.
criminal lawyer , Parents of OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, charged with murder of boyfriend, arrested in Texas, CBS 4 News Evening,Courtney Clenney,Murder,Texas,Miami

38 thoughts on “Parents of OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney, charged with murder of boyfriend, arrested in Texas”

  1. I need to know why she acted that way, the guy must have been aggrravting her.
    And it looks like the girlfriend is the provider for the guy. Too bad she ended up that way.

  2. If none of these platforms existed who gave individuals who are self-important a fading Limelight I don't believe any of this would have happened

  3. She was the one attacking him. He was not even defending himself.
    That piece of trash is a cold-blooded murderer i bet

  4. Good thing she became a millionaire on Only fans, that money is now paying for all their legal fees.

  5. “OnlyFans Model” huh? 😂

    She’s an online stripper, not a model.
    She’s also an abuser, and murderer.

  6. How can you call this a fight when she is the only one doing the beating and punching. This is domestic abuse against men, something that is least discussed

  7. They think they are to be highly respected because a bunch of online perverts want to see them naked. Simps need to stop simping. If she trash treat her like that not make her your girl. If u have any values u don't date trash like that.

  8. Erm…. The video does not show the couple fighting, they show a man being physically and verbally abused. I get it, parents want to protect their children, even with murder. But, they raised a real PoS, am sure they're proud. Now the whole family is ruined because of one.

  9. Men can be victims too. Pretty privilege shouldn’t get her out of this. Well hell pretty quit on her as soon as she hit the slammer.

  10. Still no charges against this devil and her parents yet smh and then the state of Florida does not want the public to hear about this case ? See why this place has to destroyed smh they not sorry for what they did and they dont care i wont be surprised if they dont give her what she deserves

  11. This Family and their abhorrent behavior. It is wrong to assist your progeny in accomplishing the murder of another human no matter how much you value your child that other life and the society at large must be valued just as much. Pay close attention everyone because if this individual is allowed to murder without proper punitive action from the Judicial System we will all face the consequences until perhaps the Supreme Court steps in to halt the behavior many decades from now.

  12. Can we all acknowledge the fact that he knew that she does porn, by my understanding the man knew and wanted to face the heavy repercussions….either that or he had mental problems….especially when he stayed with her after multiple abusive episodes….no sympathy from me whatsoever

  13. The only thing abusive I see in that video is that young lady attacking him. News saying it's a "fight" when there's literally no fight. Is why the news is literally called fake.

    She was abusive and should have been locked up long before his death.

    The media better start telling the truth, or they will continue to plunge themselves into bankruptcy.

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