
Parents Discover Teen Son’s Horrifying Secret


Parents Discover Teen Son’s Horrifying Secret

#Parents #Discover #Teen #Sons #Horrifying #Secret

In today’s true crime documentary, we’re covering the case of Brian Cohee and analyzing it from an educational legal and psychological perspective.

[Video] [Imagery] supplied by Getty Images.
criminal lawyer , Parents Discover Teen Son’s Horrifying Secret, documentary,true crime documentary,educational,legal,law,psychology,analysis

20 thoughts on “Parents Discover Teen Son’s Horrifying Secret”

  1. If he was brown they would have handcuffed him asap…you find body parts and don't detain the golden boy…wow…white privilege

  2. This is why i love small towns. A simple homeless man who has nothing and the whole community knew him and did their part to help him out when they could. He was apart of this community and this kid took his life for no reason. Sickening

  3. This cringe lord really quoted American Psycho. It's sad how many people don't understand that the movie is making FUN of people like him, not idolizing him.

  4. There's just so much sad about this. I'm also a primary school teacher, who has a 10 year old boy who I've referred to counselling enough times that they did work with him – for awhile. Makes me worried, but I've worked hard at showing him I care, and I do feel it has helped.

    However, he's only ten now. I'd hate to hear in the future that he fell into something like this.

  5. She said “we remove it before he went into his room” goes to show you that people think before they act.. I’m glad they removed it and thought about their lives as well

  6. This is so disgusting. That poor guy. i hope he rests in peace. What would he have thought. Omg heartbreaking.

  7. Seems that as Americans see so much murder & death on TV & in films, they've become so desensitised to violence & brutality, that even that female police officer laughed upon seeing the remains of Warren's mutilated body at the crime-scene!

  8. I'm surprised he wasn't diagnosed with conduct disorder given how many incidents of antisocial behaviour he had.

  9. beware of nsa pedos community harassment organized gangstalking remote neural monitoring!!!!

  10. It's surprises me the police never asked these peopleWHY?!
    But I'm only halfway through this and I may never so…

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