
Palestinians protest against Christmas celebration in New York | TCD English with Major Gaurav Arya


Palestinians protest against Christmas celebration in New York | TCD English with Major Gaurav Arya

Palestinians protest against Christmas celebration in New York | THE CHANAKYA DIALOGUES English with Major Gaurav Arya

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english , Palestinians protest against Christmas celebration in New York | TCD English with Major Gaurav Arya , #Palestinians #protest #Christmas #celebration #York #TCD #English #Major #Gaurav #Arya
, The Chanakya Dialogues,Chanakya Dialogues,Chanakya Forum,Major Gaurav Arya,Foreign Affairs,Geopolitics News,Foreign Affairs News,Gaurav Arya,India Pakistan,Pakistan News,India Foreign Policy,National Security,Geopolitics,LAC,China,Indian Army,Indian Air Force,Indian Navy,armed forces,War,Khalistan,PM,narendra modi,Khalistani,Pakistan,major gaurav arya channel,major gaurav arya,india pakistan news,india foreign affairs,Palestinians protest,New York

41 thoughts on “Palestinians protest against Christmas celebration in New York | TCD English with Major Gaurav Arya”

  1. Their IQ would be above 180 if the letter was in Arabic. Nobody wants Islam, even Islamic countries don’t want their Islam brothers and sister.

  2. Christmas was canceled in Bethlehem too. 🙄 Colonizers put infiltrators in the protests to make it look bad. Stop the genocide and maybe Palestinians wouldn’t be so angry. Israel is just another colonial settlement. Don’t think it can’t happen to your country.

  3. Your school of thought is completely failing like Israel. People of the World have rights to live the way the live. Christmas was not Celebrated across the World. Narrow Nationalist mind people like you Major are Harmful to Society. Ask Israelis Embassy who is so called friend to leave Palestinian they are illegal Occupier of that land.

  4. wtf? Why we allow this in the country …Palestinians yes are bad news that why no other Islamic country wants them

  5. They also won't allow people anywhere to have music festivals. And eventually public sports as well. They won't allow any public gatherings where men and women mingle, where there is music or dancing, or where women are not fully covered. This has nothing to do with Jews.

  6. Why only Palestinians,mindset of majority of Islamists is same.Khawaja Usman,Australian batsman was snubbed by ICC for sporting Palestine flag.World has to wakeup before these extremists destroy law&order in entire world in quest of establishing rule of Caliphate evil in entire world

  7. #askmajor Hi Major Saab , Saurav here been watching and following you since 2017. Truly enjoy your content. Could you please enlighten us on the Sindhustan topic and how sindhis are being exploited and driven to near extinction.

  8. Your channel is pro Russia and anti Ukrain . I wonder how the the peace loving Ukranians have offended India and its policies .or even the Govt of India .

  9. They are extremist Muslims with an agenda so what do you expect? the War they started is giving them an excuse to attack one of the things they hate Xmas!

  10. 1971 Jordan massacred thousands of Palestinians living in Jordan. Same 2014 when Assad massacred Palestinian camp in Yemen. Egypt is not willing to give them shelter during Israel Hamas war.. any thoughts?

  11. Gaurav Sir , Its being a unmatched journey You made from being in Uniform & later till this day as a Spokesperson for a Strong India .. Thank You for priceless contributions to Mother Nation & Your audience. Sir, while remaining apolitical ( if necessary) advice Young India to participate in Nation building , understand Rastra Dharma so that , NO GADDAR IS PRODUCED IN THE SYSTEM. The Young generation is Potent but NEED RIGHT GUIDANCE NOW THE MOST AMIDST ANTI-INDIA FORCES, Thank You 🙏

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