
PAKISTAN PENAL CODE(1860) | Section 6 to10 | STEP INFO |


PAKISTAN PENAL CODE(1860) | Section  6 to10 | STEP INFO |

#PAKISTAN #PENAL #CODE1860 #Section #to10 #STEP #INFO

Pakistan Penal Code (PPC):
The Pakistan Penal Code, also known as PPC, is the primary criminal code of Pakistan. It was originally prepared in 1860 under the British Raj as the Indian Penal Code. After the partition of India in 1947, it was adopted by Pakistan with certain amendments. The PPC specifies the offenses and their punishments in Pakistan, covering everything from crimes against persons (like murder and assault) to crimes against property (like theft and robbery).

Key Features of PPC:
Comprehensive Coverage: It covers a wide range of offenses, including crimes against the state, against individuals, property crimes, and moral crimes.

Punishments: The Code outlines punishments for various offenses, which can include fines, imprisonment, or even the death penalty for certain crimes.

Sections: The PPC is divided into chapters and sections that detail specific crimes and their penalties.

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Similarities between PPC and IPC:
Origin: Both codes were based on the original Indian Penal Code enacted by the British. Therefore, they share a common structure and foundation.

Structure: Both codes are comprehensive, covering a wide range of offenses and are divided into chapters and sections for clarity and organization.

Types of Crimes: Both codes address similar types of crimes, including but not limited to crimes against persons, property, state, and public order.

Differences between PPC and IPC:
Amendments and Adaptations: Over time, both Pakistan and India have made amendments to their respective codes to reflect their country’s legal requirements and societal changes. This has led to differences in the laws and their applications in each country.

Jurisdiction: The PPC is applicable in Pakistan, while the IPC is applicable in India. Legal systems and procedures in both countries have evolved differently, affecting the implementation of these codes.

The PPC and IPC serve as the backbone of the criminal justice system in Pakistan and India, respectively. Despite their common origin, each has been adapted to fit the specific legal and societal contexts of their countries. Understanding these codes is crucial for legal professionals, law enforcement officers, and anyone interested in the legal frameworks of these countries.
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criminal law , PAKISTAN PENAL CODE(1860) | Section 6 to10 | STEP INFO |, Criminal Law,Penal Code,Pakistan Law,Legal System in Pakistan,Homicide,Assault,Kidnapping,Rape,Crimes Against Persons,Crimes Against Property,Robbery,Burglary,Fraud,Criminal Breach of Trust,Crimes Against State,Criminal Procedure,Evidence Law,Trial Process,Bail and Bonds,Capital Punishment,Imprisonment,Fines,Probation,Honor Killings,Human Rights in Pakistan,Women’s Rights,Child Protection,criminal law 101,criminal law bar rewiew,what is criminal law