
“Outrageous, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Liberty, FASCISTIC” | Fury Over Scotland’s New Hate Speech Law


“Outrageous, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Liberty, FASCISTIC” | Fury Over Scotland’s New Hate Speech Law

#Outrageous #AntiFreedom #AntiLiberty #FASCISTIC #Fury #Scotlands #Hate #Speech #Law

Scotland’s First Minister has insisted he is “very proud” of new hate crimes laws which have just come into force, as author JK Rowling warned the legislation is “wide open to abuse”.

The Harry Potter author, who has become a fierce critic of the Scottish Government’s stance on transgender rights, has been one of the highest profile critics of the legislation.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into effect on Monday, consolidating existing hate crime legislation and creating a new offence of stirring up hatred against protected characteristics.

However, women have not been given protection under the law, with the Scottish Government instead promising to bring forward legislation to tackle misogyny.

TalkTV’s Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Philips call out Humza Yousaf for “fascistic” law.

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criminal lawyer , “Outrageous, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Liberty, FASCISTIC” | Fury Over Scotland’s New Hate Speech Law, debate,free speech,freedom of expression,live,live news,news,politics,talk radio,talk radio live,talk radio tv,talk tv,talk tv live,talkTV,talkradio,talkradio tv,talkradiotv,talktv live,uk,scotland,humza yousaf,hate speech law,trangender,gender ideology,biological sex,they,them,their,his,her,female,male,gender fluid,homosexual,straight,gay,gay rights,lgbtq,freedom,liberty,law,gender law,trans rights,pride,pride flag,love is love

41 thoughts on ““Outrageous, Anti-Freedom, Anti-Liberty, FASCISTIC” | Fury Over Scotland’s New Hate Speech Law”


  2. If Hamza were not a mysoginist Islamist RACIST he would have protected WOMEN and WHITE MEN with this law!
    The three trans people I know well are constantly attempting to have sex with heterosexual men and creating public disorder when their feeling get hurt often ending in violence to each other via their jealousy .
    Two were abused as children and have autism. 🤷‍♀️

    Women & children & White heterosexual men need protecting in law!

  3. This is why Kellie Jay Keen has been saying for years that we need to be absolutely firm and never refer to any men aka ‘trans women’ as ‘she’ or ‘her’ because it results in things like this! Kevin always told her he will carry on doing it out of ‘politeness’, we’ll sorry but being polite has got us to this ridiculous law and the reduction and soon to be erasure of womens rights. We should be able to say these facts without being labelled as bigots or terfs.

    Alex you’re brilliant!

  4. Maybe if men who want to be regarded as women ,then they must first lose their penis,s and anything else that says they are male.They will still have male internal organs of course,so they won,t be completely female.Then is they are in female places,they can,t rape anyone

  5. If we raise our magic wands, would all our problems go away? I am not anti religion, we believe what we believe. I have one left hand and one right hand, but my head is in the middle. Sometimes it takes courage and hope just to survive, one day at a time, second by second. I wonder why some of use search for a cause, is being humane not enough.

  6. But Scottish Labour say they support the stupidity and will even extend it to include misogyny. Beware of what you wish for, Scots.

  7. This is covered by parables like we used to.learn in school before they were replaced with diversity and gender studies.
    There were many usually in the form of children's stories.
    The one for this is
    The emperor's New clothes.
    If you don't know if then it is basically this.
    A Emperor gets taken in by a Taylor who tells him he will make him some clothes that only clever people can see. The taylor pretends to make the clothes and pretends to dress the Emperor. The Emperor is too worried about looking foolish to say he cannot see them.
    The Emperor goes out through his people who are also too scared to look stupid and clap and cheer at the Emperor's wonderful clothes.
    Until a young child shouts out "the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes" at which point everyone starts laughing and the the Emperor realises the truth be has always known.
    Everyone is too scared to look transphobic and say oh yes that's a woman because he says so.
    But transphobic doesn't exist because it is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman so they are not transitioning at all. They are pretending AND WE ALL ESPECIALLY THOSE IN POWER NEED TO SAY " You are not a woman and you never will be and if you are pretending to cheat at girls sports we won't stand to it"
    See all in the parable they SHOULD have taught millennials and gen z !!!!!!!

  8. This protects pedophiles. Cant say they are pedos as its a sexual orientation identity preference mental illness and a disibility so calling a pedophile a pedophile is hate speach . Can they be charged or is that hate also

  9. Cant arrest everyone. It only works if you go along with it.Dont back down and we win. We have the numbers. I

  10. Absolutely fascistic. This is not hyperbole. Scotland, do not just be outraged, there must be actions, not just words.

  11. Trouble is that enforcement will be selective. JK Rowling will be fine. How different is England btw? We have people in jail for slogans on stickers etc.

  12. That’s nothing, Trudeaus new law, they can put you on house arrest and check for drugs or alcohol if someone “thinks” you may say something hurtful on line, it’s full on authoritarianism

  13. Does everybody understand that the reason Humza created this law was to prevent "blasphemy". It's designed to forbid any criticism of Islam. Humza doesn't give a crap about trans people. This is in preparation for Islam's takeover of Britain.

  14. So it’s a Muslim that’s set this law right?
    Tell me this isn’t a ‘legal’ way to start sharia law in Britain.
    The only way to combat immigration and pathetic laws like this is to get non- British leaders out of parliament.
    No- I’m not racist- just a fed up Brit who can see the agenda behind what is seen.
    This is a invasion on a massive scale with cells to change our ways with little by little to achieve the main goal.
    Wake up British Christian’s!
    Our country is being from us by rishi and khan and the rest of them.
    Civil war is on the horizon.
    Am I wrong????
    I don’t think so!!

  15. Totally agree , as a 77 year old woman, those people who want to be something else , let them do so, but there men or women full stop

  16. Calling a man who raped a woman with ''her penis" & having his crime listed under women's crimes is in the highest order of hate speech towards women.
    He will also insist in being placed in a women' s prison.
    Any man who murders or rape should absolutely NOT be referred to as a woman nor should they be able to transition to be a trans identifying one as so many decided to do , like Adam (Isla) Bryson.
    It is so unbelievable & insane that they think this is ok & refer to these men by female pronouns.

  17. If your sense of who you are requires everyone around you to constantly affirm it, then your problem is with reality.

  18. I wish Huntingdon leisure would understand their changing rooms at the swimming pool are allowing perverse men to film under the changing cubicles

  19. Humza has one interest and that’s Muslim law as with many Muslims like him living in this Christian country which they are trying to destroy

  20. This channel drives me insane. I can agree with story after story, and then they’ll defend the Zionist murderers. It’s quite depressing.

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