
Other words for “EAT” in English #shorts


Other words for “EAT” in English #shorts

In this English vocabulary lesson, you will learn other ways to say “eat”. English language is full of words and learning English vocabulary is very important. Knowing different words will help you speak English better and improve your communication in English language. The alternatives are:
Pig out

english , Other words for “EAT” in English #shorts , #words #EAT #English #shorts
, english vocabulary,learn english,learn english conversation,english,english language,vocabulary,vocabulary words english learn,other ways to say i’m tired,idioms,learn english vocabulary,poc english,pocenglish,speak english,english lesson,phrasal verbs,english conversation,english words,american english,language,english idioms,advanced english vocabulary,spoken english,speaking english,vocabulary improve,english expressions,words

26 thoughts on “Other words for “EAT” in English #shorts”

  1. Thanks for everything sir: could you please upload video about alternative please. Happy. Sad .great. in trouble

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