
OnlyFans Model’s Lawyer Joins Court TV: Judge Excludes Key Evidence


#OnlyFans #Models #Lawyer #Joins #Court #Judge #Excludes #Key #Evidence

A Florida judge excluded key evidence in the computer hacking case against #OnlyFans model #CourtneyClenney and her parents. Plus, Courtney’s lawyer joins Court TV to discuss the judge’s ruling.

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38 thoughts on “OnlyFans Model’s Lawyer Joins Court TV: Judge Excludes Key Evidence”

  1. That attorney is being overconfident. Her client is a murderer. With or without whatever was on that laptop. I can't wait for Courtney to be found guilty.

  2. It’s Florida… you’re not going to get the prosecutors recused…. 🙄 plus how many times can a tv hungry lawyer say the phrase “win at all costs”? 😮‍💨

  3. Ain’t no way this is self defense… she is a violent woman..We have seen the videos of her behavior.

  4. She initially told the police that she didn't stab him at all. That conversation is on video. Now, she's claiming self defense and her family and legal representation colluded with her to get rid of key evidence that would incriminate her. But this lady is talking about her pet peeve is people not following the rules. She's going to get a slap on the wrist for this, if she gets convicted at all and we all know why its going to go down that way.

  5. Why even try to get rid of the prosecutors when what they showed its the F N turth of how her abusive behavior towards Christian before she murdered him. I'm tired of people supporting an obvious guilty person. From my understanding there's alot of people that are disgusted, really disturbedly upset with the way she had treated him because she's a selfish brat and believe her parents are the reasons why she's a rottoen selfish brat. So yeah, her parents should be held accountable for her nasty disgusting behavior. I don't understand way she even wants to be out when you know people are pissed In my opinion I do believe she's much safer being in jail then being out.

  6. It still doesn't change the fact that she did murdered Christian. With all her abusive behavior and with her hitting him as if thats ok for her to do that because she a women and all the gaslighting she done to him.

  7. Wow!! Defense attorney makes it sound like Courtney is innocent. Those watching other court cases know these are tactics of attorneys doing their best to minimize Courtney's murderous stabbing of Christian, then refusing to help him even when she saw blood all over the place. The videos of her being abusive and the 911 phone call are the convicting evidence.

  8. The scary part is the false things being said to believe it was self defense. It definitely wasn't self defense when he came back and she knew he'd said hello to another female. Self defense my behind. Y'all reaching in these comments so bad. Why? Most of your comments are not factual

  9. ok , so the court said no go ……. but where are the charges for them breaking the law…… not just remove them, where is the jail for them…..

  10. Defense Attorney doing her job. However Clenney looks like an abuser.
    I have zero interest in hearing from defense or prosecution.
    Let’s stick to facts not publicity.

  11. The true victim is Christian not her.
    We must never forget that a young man was stabbed by his girlfriend.

  12. Guess what. She is white and Christian is black. Meaning she is automatically the victim and he is automatically the perpetrator. She will not be convicted. We know how this will play out.

  13. I see where this is going…How dare the parents act like the victims the only thing they should be embarrassed of is raising a spoiled white brat who felt entitled enough to take a black man’s life. Justice for Cristian 🙏🏽 she deserves life in prison anything less would be unfair for Cristian and his lovely family

  14. It doesn't matter if you get new prosecutors, this "poor kid" who sits in jail "languishing" sure looks like she killed a young man in cold blood. IMO, she needs to go to trial for murder ASAP and I sure hope she's found guilty and put away for life. Now if during the trial, hard and factual news comes out showing she killed him in self defense, then all bets are off. I'm open minded enough to hope she gets a fair trial, everyone deserves that when charged. Until then, I hope she's locked up until trial, I don't trust her

  15. whatever doesn't matter cause truth always comes out. Just another black guy living off a white woman. I do not excuse her bad behavior, but he was just a gigolo and had a million dollar of reasons to keep stalking her and returning . I pondered over and over why did she just simply not leave him, change the locks, get police to escort him out, have security ban him from him entering the building. Well a few things; she did have a restraining order which did not seem to work , further maybe he had something over her head ie escorting, trafficking, or simply he invested money in her modelling pix and equipment and was extorting money from her? – not sure clearly toxic. It will all come out in the trial but learning lesson comes apparent; when a hobosexual moves in and refuses to leave women should let the police handle it. Do not try to kick him out yourself because this could end so tragic.

  16. The Government spies on the people everyday reading things that should be private but here now it’s wrong.. okay Court TV… but thanks for forgetting about the victim and his rights. Congrats

  17. This is rich for Julie to be appalled by prosecutorial misconduct in this case but to be the opposite in the Commonwealth vs Karen Read.

  18. This girl doesn’t have a chance. Because society today is so afraid of being called racist ,whenever there is a crime against a black person the defendant is doomed! Doesn’t matter that he had no dignity, had no shame, sponge off her, and gave as good as she sent all the way through. The only reason she was even charged is because of the Runkus put up by the civil rights leaders. That’s why she wasn’t charged till months later. No white man has the guts to go up against them these days, shame

  19. She has money so they will use it to try and convince us she didn’t murder him. Don’t fall for it.

  20. OF model 😂😂Is there such thing? Who pays for an OF account to see pretty pictures of models? 😂😂
    Can we just stop with that lingo?
    No shame or judgement here on sex workers BUT that’s what she was. Not a model.

  21. I really hate defense lawyers, but i get someones gotta do it…hope the ones that know their client is guilty don't sleep at night

  22. this is a disgusting defense liar and the host of this show should rethink who she gives a platform too… this is why I don't watch court tv….. Law & Crime all the way!!!

  23. you client is a skank and ALL her sins should be known to the jury so they know what a self centered entitled murderer. I am sick of the legal system not letting the jury hear ALL the evidence… YOU are a skank too

  24. If they have nothing to hide why do they care what and from when the state is looking for information?

  25. I believe that this case is going to have so many issues just trying to get this started they may lose sight or interest in all of it. Domestic violence maybe what they will walk away with. This really doesn’t feel like any type of murder charge . That will be so unfair for Christian. Hoping the state will take this seriously . Poor Courtney my ass!

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