
Only Fans Model Courtney Clenney’s Parents Speak! What Do They Say About Her Self Defense Claim?


Only Fans Model Courtney Clenney’s Parents Speak! What Do They Say About Her Self Defense Claim?

#Fans #Model #Courtney #Clenneys #Parents #Speak #Defense #Claim

#lawyeryouknow #onlyfansmurder #truecrime #courtneyclenney

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50 thoughts on “Only Fans Model Courtney Clenney’s Parents Speak! What Do They Say About Her Self Defense Claim?”

  1. She was in fear for her life and yet he's dead .. if I was afraid of someone the last thing I would do is talk to him the way she does or hit him the way she does

  2. Replay here… I don't believe a word these 2 say. They would lie for her in a heartbeat!. They were not there. Thank you Peter. Hugs❤

  3. If it would be mutually, he would have kick her arse to the orbit. It's so easy to make those claims, cause he is the bigger than her. But it doesn't mean he was abuser as well. And in the end, fact stays, she killed him.

  4. Thanking you Peter for this🙏😊 as a juror I’d find it hard to get past what looks like pretty constant physical abuse from her whilst he is not reacting…and when he does…he puts her in a headlock but does not strike her…that speaks volumes to me 🙏😊

  5. The size difference argument is ridiculous. If that would stand it means if youre smaller you can attack and harass anyone taller than you without consequences. Also if she wanted to seperate, why didn´t she leave? She was clearly the aggressor. He took it when he should have defended himself. And he did because he didn´t. Im glad i live in europe. If someone touches me i have the right to touch back and i will. Size dosn´t matter. Intend does.

  6. I don't think 'physical stature' matters so much because she used a weapon. That's not "150lb skinny girl vs. 250lb 'like a rock' dude" it's "human flesh under cold steel" which does not discriminate

  7. This girl had very narcissistic behavior; she killed him, Courtney seems to suffer from low self esteem issues, it’s a mental case, very abusive woman!

  8. As a parent I can clearly say that I would do anything for my child. There’s nothing and no one I love more than her However I will never aid her in covering up a murder or do anything these sad excuses for parents are doing. seeing her parents in action makes me understand why she is the way she is. USELESS ENABLERS. I would make my child own up to her actions and take responsibility instead of trying to destroy evidence and preventing him from getting justice he deserves. They won’t even let him rest in death

  9. Since you asked, Peter….it would have zero effect on me. She was abusive! He may have been, too, although i have not seen that yet. Bottom line, she killed him (after cutting him with a knife days before). She lied and said she just threw the knife. Shes a spoiled, jealous, immature, raging drunk and she killed him. Dont forget the story about her threatening the teen (her parents' neighbor when she went to stay with parents after killing Christian) who wouldnt make out with her after her Royal Drunk Highness demanded he walk her home, and she began threatening his dad when he defended his son, and said shed burn their house down. No! She is unhinged. She flipped out and killed Christian…2nd degree murder.
    (Imo…she appears to be a violent alcoholic and possibly Borderline Personality Disorder/EUPD)

  10. There is no such thing as "mutual" abuse in an abusive relationship. There is ONE abuser who creates havoc and uses reactive abuse tactics to make the victim appear to be "mutually" abusive. This is a great time to highlight coercive control and DV awareness for all genders. Men are abused too.

  11. I'm a nurse and spouse of someone who throws knives and axes for fun. No way in Hades she threw a knife into the subclavian artery. Even more unlikely because, as the parents point out, he was taller than her. That knife blow was a deliberate, forceful, downward strike. Bunch of BS. The headlock smacks of someone using minimal force to restrain a wildcat.

  12. We have all heard — or been taught — don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
    This is 'better bring a knife to a fist fight.'
    That thinking wouldn't come out in voir dire.

  13. Layman here: To me, these are two people who thrive on drama. One scene like this from a partner of mine and I’m OUT. One strike, I’m gone.

    I understand people getting stuck in domestic violence relationships where the balance of power is dramatically skewed. This doesn’t seem like that. They both appear to have the resources and means to walk away and chose to stay and feed the dragon. Well … someone finally got burnt and the next is yet to come. Sad for all.

  14. Idk as she’s pushing him and hitting him he literally has a smirk on his face the whole time! That is a major red flag to me

  15. From what I’ve seen to date and albeit I’ve not been in a relationship like this, a young girl in fear of her boyfriend just doesn’t yell at him, attack him and provoke. I just don’t see it. And yes I see what seems like him trying to hold her back and settle her down, I’m sorry, I’m just seeing Amber Heard.

  16. Wow! Watching the elevator video from the “she wants to get him out” prespective just made me changed my mind

  17. My personal opinion, I wish her defense team and now parents would stop trying to defend all of her behavior for the purpose of court of public opinion, save it for trial and let us decide for ourselves. The argument of he is soo much bigger than her is typical and frustrates me that is the automatic indicator that someone is the aggressor, when we see her abusing him it is never out of fear it is because she is intoxicated and or he is not doing something she wants. She does not seem intimidated by him when she is constantly degrading him, yelling at him, verbally attaching him exc, Of course her parents are going to defend their daughter based on what daughter has told them, that’s the key point. If she does have Borderline PD a symptom of this is manipulative behavior and always portraying the victim role as well as physical aggression and irrational behavior.

  18. What do you mean you never saw him put her in a headlock? I’m new to this channel so maybe you’re new to this case. Biased completely to side with the state smh

  19. Also, it seems like no one talks about this w the elevator video. At the hearing they said that Courtney lost her fob a while before this. You can’t go anywhere in the elevator without it. So she knew she needed him or his fob to get up. She’s smacking the screen but it won’t work bc she doesn’t have her fob. Which is why he comes running up bc she can’t go without him and she’s possibly damaging stuff. Idk why her parents are trying to twist this saying she didn’t want him to come up and was trying to push him out, when it was already addressed at her hearing. Unless they’re just hoping to change public opinion since no one seems to bring the fob thing up when they talk about it

  20. If a man followed me into an elevator that led straight to my unit, I'd have major anxiety.. like give me some fkn space!

    She's abusive and yeah she ended him, but I think they were both toxic.

    Sometimes people force themselves into our space breaking boundaries and if they continue the other will take drastic measures to make them back off.. last resort type of situation.

    Clearly these people should have separated long before this happened.

    So sad this ended with the end of someone's life. That's what severely toxic relations lead to, unfortunately.

    I still think she's gonna get life.

  21. Watching the videos I am struck by her lack of fear, her confidence that she can go after him physically without fear of repercussion. As a large, muscular man, he seems to perceive her as no real threat to him, which is probably why he only tried to contain her rather than attack her back. His mistake was in underestimating the increasing escalation and eventual weapon she would wield in her attacks. I’m open to seeing evidence that he was a physical threat to her, but so far, it’s just not there.

  22. Love your videos Peter! Courtney is built like a linebacker. That girl knew her strength! Then, you add the substance issue. People like that are dangerous.

  23. It all comes down to IN THE MOMENT was this an act of self-defense? Did she have an opportunity to exit the apartment before the fatal act? If like she said, she threw the knife 10 ft away at him, then according to her own words, he wasn't physically in the act of abusing her. This was MURDER. Was it intentional, no, I don't believe it was. But she's not being charged with 1st degree murder (an intent to kill) she's charged with second degree manslaughter for which she is absolutely guilty as charged.

  24. As a potential juror . She is absolutely 💯 guilty. You DO NOT CONTINUE TO KEEP HITTING someone that you are " scared" of NOR DO YOU CONTINUE over and over to slap and bunch him at the clubs in front of all her friends etc!! I'll stop here ….

  25. Cause and effect… she was hitting him he restrained her.. it’s not the other way around… she seems very very comfortable whaling on him even though he is “bigger”. The chick is a psycho. It’s murder.

  26. If it was self defense, why did she tell LE she tossed the knife across the room at him. Why not tell what really happened according to the expert analysis of his injury? Him being close enough to be stabbed intentionally seems more likely it's self defense.

    IT WAS ONLY HER that abused him. There's evidence… ill just stop here !!! But yeah she absolutely 💯 deserves life without parole

  28. First, she holds the elevator door for him! She was not trying to get him out. Second, as a dv survivor, aggravating your abuser on purpose in any way is a HUGE no no. It will only cause the abuser to snap harder.

  29. Courtney broke the jaw of her ex (had to have jaw wired shut) Mr. Olympia who was 250lbs. Deff bigger than ex. So her mom’s comments on him being “so much bigger” like Courtney was some damsel is b.s.. I believe from the court hearing there was some incident at her parents house that got violent which was why she wasn’t allowed there anymore for a while as well. She also tried to stab another ex… but yeah blame it on Christian. Not your daughter with a history of violence and a “severe personality disorder”. Stop enabling her and hold her accountable.

  30. Thank you Peter for continuing to keep us updated on these cases and explain everything from a legal perspective. I always value your insight and expertise. 💗

  31. I feel so bad for male DV victims as theyre damned if they do and damned if they don't. If they defend themselves in any way they're in trouble and its used against them, if they don't people ignore their plight due to size differences or called out for being de-masculated.

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