
On cross, the State questions why #NicolaeMiu didn’t step away before killing a 17-year-old


On cross, the State questions why #NicolaeMiu didn’t step away before killing a 17-year-old

#cross #State #questions #NicolaeMiu #didnt #step #killing #17yearold

On cross, the State questions why #NicolaeMiu didn’t step away from the group before stabbing and killing a 17-year-old.

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50 thoughts on “On cross, the State questions why #NicolaeMiu didn’t step away before killing a 17-year-old”

  1. All of them could have walked away and they didn’t which was a huge mistake on all of their parts.

  2. Everyone was wrong in this scenario…the teens acting aggressive and "cool" in front of each other attacking a grown man ..and the man acted out of anger and emotions and actively stabbed basically everyone

  3. Exactly ❗️ 24 yo WOMEN ❗️ Drunken, aggressive ❗️dramatic, lying ❗️instigators❗️
    24 yo WOMEN ❗️

  4. If I was in the water and surfaced, and was in a group of drunk young people accusing me of anything, I’d get prepared to protect myself. Why didn’t the youngsters help him look for his phone? Because they were drunk and feeling 10’ tall and bullet proof? Or they just wanted to fight? They are a group of entitled drunks who got mad cuz he “invaded” their space. A space in a lake in public for the public. I hope they learn something about themselves and correct it.

  5. This man was failed by the "justice" system! If anyone watched that video & agreed that he was the bad guy & wasn't at all being targeted & victimised by that pack of drunk idiots..?You need to go get your eyes tested & seriously check your morals! So disgusting how he's been cheated by the legal system.

  6. Self defense. Mob mentality + horrific false accusations + alcohol…this man could have very well lost HIS life!

  7. What he did was OVER kill , NOT defending himself … actually taking the life of a young teen, slicing open how many others, INCLUDING a “GIRL”
    I’m not saying the kids didn’t act up but none of them deserved what he did to them!! It dont give this man no right to kill one of them and badly wounding others including a female.

  8. He murdered a young teenager and maimed others hes guilty and should spend rest of his life in prison.

  9. I watched all the videos and the trial. The kids lied on many things and for one, they said they were scared of him. If they were then why were they laughing, calling him names and pushing and slapping him? Of course they were scared when the older man decided he had enough and decided to make them stop before they killed him. He was only defending himself. Innocent.

  10. Don’t worry Nic ❤️ You’re going home 🏡 tomorrow !!! One ounce of self defense = NOT GUILTY !!!

  11. Outnumbered by an angry, belligerent mob of immature people who were acting out violently first. This would NOT have happened if the kids had left him alone. I heard sick, maniacal laughter coming from those “scared kids” on that video of them all attacking him…

  12. He came up to there tube first u can hear them saying get way pointing .I no these kids where called him a name but to stabb 5 people not exceptable.

  13. He should have told the jury he was outnumbered and felt his life was in danger. I can see it in the video. I hope and pray the jury sees it too!!

  14. La manada queria acabar con su vida, o sera que tenia que esperar a que el muerto fuera él. Vi el video y eso fue en defensa propia, lastima que no tenia una pistola……

  15. Self defense teaches you when in fear, never show your weapon. It can be taken and used on you. Stay prepared.
    Everyone & I mean everyone that took the stand lied or had a case of CRS. So, there’s that.
    The young guys thought they were cute & funny, until they saw their friend’s bl00d turning the river red. They, themselves, then sounded like little girls.
    Who said, she said, yada, yada, yada, 13 people surrounding 1 will make anyone fear for their life. Self defense.
    JuWan, are you proud? Your actions started this.
    Maddie, escalating is getting in one’s face, not deescalating, learn the difference.

  16. I hate this prosecutor. I'm 105.lbs and I can f the prosecutor up no problem even though he's 3x my size so lhis theory these were kids wtf

  17. Objection to girls??? Uhhh 17 is a girl. Not a woman. So weird the lawyer has an issue with that. Wonder if it would change if it was his 17 year old?

  18. Oh, so if I’m getting the crap beat out of me by a hoard of 17 year olds I should just lie there in the river and take it? They made it seem like they were just playing in the river and some creepy nut goes around stabbing children. But the video I saw…..well those “kids” were the instigators mobbing and attacking him.

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