
Omar Epps: We Can’t Fix the Criminal Justice System Until We End Corruption


Omar Epps: We Can’t Fix the Criminal Justice System Until We End Corruption

#Omar #Epps #Fix #Criminal #Justice #System #Corruption

Americans agree: our criminal justice system is broken. But most people don’t realize how lobbyists and politicians are keeping it that way. Omar Epps and Desmond Meade explain how our broken political system is making the problem worse, and what the anti-corruption movement can do to fix it.

***** The Problem ******
Both per capita and in total numbers, the U.S. jails more people than China, Russia, or any other nation — and this falls disproportionately on black Americans and other people of color. While crime rates around the country have dropped, incarceration rates are only going up. If we do nothing, one in four black men, one in six Latinos, and one in seventeen white men born today will end up in jail.

Private prison corporations spent $64 million over the past 10 years lobbying for longer sentences, stricter laws, and tougher enforcement. They even write the laws that give them tax kickbacks in exchange for outsourcing nearly-free prison labor. This year alone, they’ll make $6 billion in revenue. That’s $6 billion of your tax dollars.

Conservatives, progressives, and moderates alike want to see the criminal justice system reformed. But like nearly every other issue you care about, our corrupt political system caters to a handful of special interests and billionaires instead of upholding the will of the American people.

****** The Solution ******

The Anti-Corruption Act bans gifts from special interests to politicians, closes the revolving door between Congress and lobbying firms, and makes sure voters have a stronger voice so politicians actually represent us. The Act is popular with both conservatives and progressives because it’s not about giving power to one party or the other; it’s about fixing the systems behind America’s biggest problems.

Politicians benefit from the system just the way it is, so they have no incentive to pass anti-corruption laws. That means it’s up to us, the voters, to do it. Throughout American history, major federal reforms started with passing laws state by state, paving the way for federal reform. We’re using the same proven strategy – and it’s working. The anti-corruption movement has already won more than 100 victories across the America.

From anti-gerrymandering to ranked choice voting and lobbyist gift bans, Americans across the political spectrum are working together right now to pass strong anti-corruption laws at the ballot this year. But they can’t do it alone.

Join us:

#unbreakingamerica #justiceforsale #omarepps

Omar Epps
Desmond Meade
Directed by: Michael Marantz
Writers: Joshua Graham Lynn, Ryan Kleier, Michael Marantz
Research: Jack Noland, Ryan Kleier
Animator / Animation & Illustration: Visual Creatures
Composer: Garth Stevenson
Director of Photography: Don Davis
Producer: Ari Hakim
Assistant Director: Miles Johnstone
Associate Producer / Post Producer: Zach MacDonald
1st Assistant Camera: Kevin Yoshimitsu
2nd Assistant Camera: Kevin Hooper
DIT: Felix Arceneaux, Willis Chung
Gaffer: Paul Hauser
Best Boy Electric: Eric Fleetwood
Lighting Board Operator: Gustavo Oliva
Key Grip: Archie Ciotti
Best Boy Grip: Chad Teglas
Script Supervisor: Tara Riddell
Sound Mixer: Daniel McCoy
Boom Operator: Amanda Pust
Teleprompter: Jeff Dunham
Editor: Zach MacDonald
Assistant Editor: Koby Leff
Mix Engineer: Brandon Hickey
Hair & Makeup: Angelina Butera
Wardrobe Stylist: Jane Vernon
Production Manager: Mike Suzuki
Production Coordinator: Katie Hoagland
Production Assistants: Mariama Bonetti, Patrick Gilman, Esther Ancrum
Special Thanks
Erin Dicker
Camera: The Camera Division
VTR: Stu Susten
Teleprompter: Greenberg Teleprompt
Stage: BLT Studios
Stage Manager: Steve Martin
Production Supplies: BLT Studios
Catering: McCrafty’s, Taqueria El Tapatio
Craft Service: Danny Crowley
Production Trucking: Galpin
criminal law , Omar Epps: We Can’t Fix the Criminal Justice System Until We End Corruption, omar epps,criminal justice,criminal justice system,corruption,unbreaking america,justice for sale,corrupt system,corrupt politicians,lobbyists,represent us,private prisons,black lives matter,blm

45 thoughts on “Omar Epps: We Can’t Fix the Criminal Justice System Until We End Corruption”

  1. They don’t respect the law , that make them lawyer, judge and prosecutor, if we don’t respect the law we are criminals

  2. The jails are filled with Bibles, because The Man wants to supervise our spiritual lives. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but that's my take on this issue.

  3. The company he is discussing is called core civic they are publicly held New York stock exchange traded firm and I was going to buy their stock until I found out about them

  4. The ideal situation is where each individual looks at their lives and determines what they need to do to improve and then just do that making sure that others can see you do it because the only way to lead is by example and if everyone does that everything will be just fine but everyone is so good at scrutinizing everybody else and picking them apart but so averse to applying that same standard to the Man in the Mirror. 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson sums it up in make your bed and if you've never heard of that or don't know anything about it then that would be a good place to start

  5. There should be an inversely proportional ratio between personal responsibility and government responsibility and you don't have to be a math whiz to figure out the problem with that

  6. Fighting corruption is kind of like running on a treadmill because the corrupt always spend the required time and effort to be smarter than your average bear and will always be 10 steps ahead of you unless you put in the required effort to keep up. They always figure out a way to use your effort against you so choose your battles wisely and when you do commit commit completely otherwise you're doing more harm than good.
    Never forget how we became a surveillance state under the Patriot Act. They will use emotions against you especially fear because it's one of the most powerful emotions and if you didn't just recently learn that under the covid lockdowns then please take a seat and shut your mouth because you have a lot more learning to do before you try to fix anything.

  7. Floridians know about broken systems for sure here in Polk County where I live three judges bought what was intended to be a federal prison because the developer did such a poor job and the federal government refused to accept it and they turned around and proceeded to fill it to more than 200% of its intended capacity while still sitting on the bench and filling it up themselves and they did that for more than 10 years before being forced into retirement because they're only other alternative was selling it and it made too much money to do that. Corruption happens it's just the nature of the beast but when it's ignored and permitted to continue for prolonged periods of time that's when it becomes a big problem. You can't avoid problems they're going to happen but they need to be addressed rather than ignored

  8. Hey Desmond you should get together with Byron Donaldson and work out some bipartisan Solutions for the voters of Florida helping them to realize the power of personal responsibility that is so empowering instead of realizing their victim status which is just the opposite of empowering

  9. Congratulations to whoever put together all of your information for you because we know you didn't do it yourself but recognize all of these problems will be solved only through a sense of personal responsibility and commitment and not by trying to find your proper victimhood status or by a government that creates problems rather than solving problems because why would you solve a problem when it can be indefinitely managed for a fee

  10. Everyone should go live alone on top of a mountain somewhere away from everybody for a year and at the end of that year if you still got problems guess what you are the source and you can't run from you because no matter where you go there you are

  11. The government does nothing to fix it hahaha there's your problem the government doesn't fix anything. If every problem is someone or something else's fault then you're screwed because you can't control those things and while you're looking around for the boogeyman to blame all of your problems on don't forget to look in the mirror because that is where you'll find the source of every problem you've ever had or ever will have and any potential Solutions but know for sure the government won't doing any of that for you

  12. It's a cultural issue that allows a young black male to sell crack to someone still dressed in his Sunday best in the same room with his mother and grandmother also still dressed in their Sunday Best right after church it's a culture of excuse making and permissiveness and not of a culture of dignity and self-respect

  13. More people commit crimes in America then they did before too so don't confuse anecdotal evidence with actual real evidence when you're trying to determine the underlying cause and maybe listen to what someone like Thomas Sowell Jason Riley Shelby Steel Bob Woodson or even Denzel Washington has to say on the topic before being so certain you've got everything all figured out

  14. The easiest way to fix everything is to fix the to quote VP Harris "root causes" the destruction of the institutions of family and community who took fathers out of homes and tried to replace them with a government check. And I think I correctly see that problem as the underlying problem to every other problem being raised by a single mother who worked two minimum wage jobs (resulting in her never being home) and grew up in government housing surrounded by corrupting influences and bad examples and who had 8 felony convictions shortly after his 18th birthday because of his lack of structure discipline and supervision as a teenager.
    If you disagree that's fine please enlighten me and point out where I've gone wrong but don't bring talking points conjecture and b***** you better do your homework and come prepared with a proper rebuttal as anything less will just end up in your embarrassment

  15. Okay, I agree with everything said here. But…if a person wouldn't break the law, they wouldn't have a problem of going to jail.

  16. I like how Epps points out how the U.S.A locks-up more people than China and Russia combined, which I learned in MPA program at UNO, but if I say it people become angered and accuse me of lying.

  17. People have been repeating this message for 30 years warning the prison system is continuously expanding. The people most affected are the one voting for the people doing it because the people profiting off this system target minority and suburban communities pushing harsher policing, more militarized police with more brutal tactics, and more private prisons. This is not a new problem, but it won't get fixed. The 2020 Presidential Election proved the American people actually don't care. The American people care more about propaganda off the television than doing research about our politicians. This plays out every round of elections and this country keeps declining decade after decade. The American people don't actually care or they wouldn't vote in monsters.

  18. Can not believe that (some) prisons are 'for profit' and they minted 6 Billion dollars in profit and that too on taxpayers' money. Something is just fundamentally wrong….

  19. Thats why im voting for TRUMP2020. He is NOT a politician. And all he did was reveal the corrupt politicians and all hell broke lose. 🇺🇸🇦🇸🇺🇲

  20. Video: America's criminal justice system is broken.
    Me: Strongly agree.
    Video: And most of the problems listed are racism.
    Me: Hold up. It's money and corruption, not racism.

    It seems like a motte and bailey argument.

  21. To me, one of the first steps is term limits. It will make it that much harder for lobbyists to infiltrate and for our elected officials to establish a dynasty.

  22. Check out the bullet points of the American Anti-Corruption Act!!

    > Enact reasonable term limits
    > Let voters rank their top candidates
    > End gerrymandering
    > Let all voters participate in open primaries
    > Allow all Americans to Vote Absentee
    > Change how elections are funded

    > Make it illegal for politicians to take money from lobbyists
    > Ban lobbyist bundling
    > Close the revolving door
    > Prevent politicians from fundraising during working hours

    > Immediately disclose political money online
    > Stop donors from hiding behind secret-money groups

  23. Here's a better answer; TEACH PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. People go to jail for committing crimes. You don't become honest and law abiding by hanging around crooks and idolizing the drug and crime lifestyle promoted by media, entertainment, and politicians kissing up for votes or cash

  24. By rejecting the logic of the Billionaire Ruling Class we could unify and take back control of the political, moral and economic direction of the country. We could finally have a country that is of, by and for the people. I will join!

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