
Omar Epps on Fixing America’s Broken Criminal Justice System | NowThis


Omar Epps on Fixing America’s Broken Criminal Justice System | NowThis

#Omar #Epps #Fixing #Americas #Broken #Criminal #Justice #System #NowThis

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In US news and current events today, America locks up more people than any country in the world, and it disproportionately impacts people of color. Omar Epps explains how our broken political system is making the problem worse, and what we can do right now to fix it.

In the new short film Unbreaking America: Justice for Sale, Omar Epps and Represent.Us bring you a sobering look at the racial disparities that exist in the for profit prison space, and why Black people and people of color are incarcerated at wildly disproportionate rates. In the film, Represent Us confronts the massive amounts of lobbying money paid to people in power that ensure the police to prison pipeline remains full, even if it means ruined lives and devastated communities. The killings of George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and countless other Black people and people of color have shined a harsh light on police brutality, police violence, and police racism, but the police are only part of the problem. Until we reckon with the systemic problem of incarceration and prisons, whether its through prison reform or abolish prisons entirely, it’s clear that there is much that still needs to be fixed in our broken criminal justice system.

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criminal law , Omar Epps on Fixing America’s Broken Criminal Justice System | NowThis, NowThis,NowThisNews,Now This News,NowThis News,Now This Media,NowThis Media,Current Events,news,US news,current events today,omar epps,criminal justice system,criminal justice,police reform,prison reform,abolish prisons,private prisons,incarceration,black lives matter,black lives matter protests,blm,george floyd,george floyd protests,police brutality,protests,rayshard brooks,omar,epps,the common wealth,representus,represent us,represent us omar epps

24 thoughts on “Omar Epps on Fixing America’s Broken Criminal Justice System | NowThis”

  1. I thank you to Desmond. Your hard work helped me get my rights restored. I broke the law when I was 18. I stole a car stereo I was wrong I did my time. I shouldn't have to suffer for the rest of my life. Thank you for what you've done and what you're doing.

  2. so many good truths unknown to far to many. But why lie about woman getting locked up. iv known a few that did, none got sentenced like a man would, all far more lenient than any man would have gotten.

  3. Kim, excellent information and I'm down.

    Ironically, I am blessed to have a job on the executive staff in Maryland Department of Public Safety as the CAO.

    I've been advocating for change and this is timely.

  4. Give this man the power to help fix the American society, this man is the has the answers!! Who a grees with me??

  5. they are all Masons of one sort or another…. its a Masonic NWO Coup, all main leaders in on it……. disband the lodges and ban occultism in society, military, police and Government… please please don't ignore this Elephant In The Room

  6. A good video, yet you guys ignore Libertarians. Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans. Yall even say in the video "both parties" and ignore the party who's platform is about freedom. Wake up sheep

  7. I am so for this! I've always have felt that the government and the system in place has worked against the people in some way shape or form.

  8. For-profit prisons are an outrageous abuse of the US against its own people. Thank you for this message, and for the links to get involved.

  9. Not only does policing need to change, but the entire criminal justice system must be reformed to improve communities rather than bring them down

  10. Justice? …Just Us.. not you…the word is is illusory.. there is no justice…if you buy into THE SYSTEM.

  11. yes finally some said it, nancy and mitch are the establishment and they are the villain, we need to replace them and replace their allies.

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