
OJ Simpson ‘Dream Team’ lawyer: ‘Verdicts were consistent with evidence’ | Vargas Reports


OJ Simpson ‘Dream Team’ lawyer: ‘Verdicts were consistent with evidence’ | Vargas Reports

#Simpson #Dream #Team #lawyer #Verdicts #consistent #evidence #Vargas #Reports

O.J. Simpson’s “Dream Team” lawyer Carl Douglas tells NewsNation’s Elizabeth Vargas that he believes “both verdicts were consistent with the evidence.”

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18 thoughts on “OJ Simpson ‘Dream Team’ lawyer: ‘Verdicts were consistent with evidence’ | Vargas Reports”

  1. The prosecutors could have shown the jury a video of o.j. committing the murders and that jury would have still found him guilty. The jury wanted to send a message to YT America.

  2. 1 story I saw where 1 of the jurors gave an interview stated that like over 90% of them found him not guilty due to the Rodney King case, they said to stick it to well…Whites.

  3. Because of earthquake damage to the courthouse,
    the trial was moved from Santa Monica to DTLA. That and Cochrane's constant playing of the race card to a minority jury caused the verdict. There was enough evidence to convict Simpson several times over.

  4. A juror can vote however they like, even if they think the prosecution failed to show guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. What a joke saying that O.J. couldn't have committed these crimes.

  5. Look at Carl trying to stay relevant in this OJ saga and still defending OJ. It's sickening what comes out of the woodwork when a controversial figure passes away. Where is the respect for the victims Carl? OJ ain't paying your fee anymore.

  6. I think Carl is still in dream team mode if he thinks the verdicts were consistent with the evidence when all of OJ's blood was over that crime scene.

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