
Oh No, Not Existing Laws Being Broken By Criminals…#guncontrol #2ndamendment #shortsvideo #shorts


Oh No, Not Existing Laws Being Broken By Criminals…#guncontrol #2ndamendment #shortsvideo  #shorts

#Existing #Laws #Broken #Criminals…guncontrol #2ndamendment #shortsvideo #shorts

Oh No, Not Existing Laws Being Broken By Criminals… #guncontrol #2ndamendment #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts

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criminal law , Oh No, Not Existing Laws Being Broken By Criminals…#guncontrol #2ndamendment #shortsvideo #shorts, Biden’s gun control take our guns,dam gun control,buying a gun,how do I buy a gun?,will they take our guns,liberal gun control,will they take our guns this year?,gun control bill,buying a pistol,home defense gun,best home defense gun,how do you buy a gun,2A,2nd Amendment,Gun Control,Dem gun control,gun grab,guns,gun world,shorts feed,Biden 2024,Trump 2024,Gun Control in 2024,Kaydi from Classic Firearms,Kaydi Stone,Stones Second Sense,shorts

30 thoughts on “Oh No, Not Existing Laws Being Broken By Criminals…#guncontrol #2ndamendment #shortsvideo #shorts”

  1. All you have to do is look at all the other countries and what happened to them when they took there weapons. That should answer alot of questions. 😡🇺🇸

  2. Well they are saying that at the last minute they are going to throw Michell Odumbo in theree to be president. The democrats will do anything ti win cauae they cant stand to lose. I hope and pray that this is not true.
    😡🇺🇸 FJB & FKH & FMO& FTATF

  3. So if someone buys a gun and gifts it to another,like a shotgun for a son or grandson….straw purchase??? Puullleeeze.

  4. I have had numerous dealings with illegal aliens. They sell guns, usually stolen, back and forth. Of course they don't know if there are any "Bodies on the Gun" until they get caught with it.

  5. It is only a straw purchase when you knowingly buy a firearm for a prohibited person. I can buy a thousand guns and give them to as many people as I want as long as they could have legally done so themselves.

  6. I thought firearm "straw purchases" were illegal looooong before 2022. So why is this article referring to a recent law and not the OG? 🤔

    Political gaslighting?

  7. "… obtained from someone who did …" – also means theft.

    How do you not cross the "straw purchase " line if you want yo give a gift? Like if I wanted to gift a handgun to my daughter-in-law for her self-defense…?

  8. I'd understand if they made a law to not sell the guns you buy, to inherit them to your kin and if you have to sell, to make the sale to an FFL and not infringe on the 2nd amendment right. It would make it harder for criminals to sell guns and we would be able to protect our selves if needed.

  9. You pointed out a gun law that doesn't work. Adding more gun laws … has been a trope for decades long before the straw purchase law went into affect. So, how doers the straw gun purchase law restrict your lawful use and ownership?

  10. Guns are protected rights… it's that simple. There shouldn't be any laws to restrict ANYOME from owning them.

  11. It sounds like you tried to say that ita not working, when it sounds like the straw purchases are not only just part of the problem, but a large portion of it. What side are you arguing for?

  12. Yeah so crazy enough people who can’t buy guns don’t sell them to other people. There are so many countries that have proven gun control works so fucking well. In South Korea their police don’t even have guns. Their gun violence is almost zero. You know why? Because if regular citizens can’t buy guns when there’s no one to buy unregistered guns from. How are y’all so dumb? Yet so confident. 🙄 The average criminal would not be able to buy a “black market” fire arm. Teenagers looking to shoot their classmates would not be able to afford or purchase “black market” fire arms. 99% of people who could kill some one wouldn’t be able to purchase “black market” firearms. And if they do they aren’t going to be whipping them out every time some one steps on their lawn because then people would know they have a “black market” fire arm. It’s so easy to just use critical thinking and look at all these other countries that have successful firearm restrictions.

  13. So, it's a simple question. Should people be held responsible for their actions? If so, how?

    The problem is, the answer to the second question is far from simple.

    We could go round and round about the Second Amendment, what it actually means, how it should be interpreted, what the purpose was… but just for the moment, let's try to recognize how the world has changed since that was written. Maybe it's time to rethink that one, or at least make the language clearer.

    What problem are people trying to solve by making guns less accessible? Is it school shootings? Mall massacres? Stupid user injuries? Armed robbery?

    The answers change depending on the problem you want to address. Not all of those problems are caused by people who were criminals before they did something with a gun.

  14. Restraining orders are a worthless piece of paper also. In the real world laws don’t protect you. Stay strapped

  15. You… you realize that if you add more laws for legal purchase then this becomes less as there’s less irresponsible owners who sell it or give it to more crazy people. YOURE SO CLOSE HONEY

  16. The increase in straw purchases means the laws on the books are keeping them from obtaining guns when they shouldn't have them. They are juat finding other people willing to break the law for them. Also if the argument is restrictions on guns dont affect criminals who just break the law anyway then you are juat saying there should me no laws at all.

  17. It's simple some chick and tell her kids.She has no money for groceries.Or she could make a 100 bucks.Buying someone a gun

  18. Statistically you're more likely to die from a gunshot, if you have a gun in your home vs not having a gun in your home. European countries with much less gun ownership ars a good example, check like Germany gun homicide stats, they'll have like A FEW deaths per year. Your video, you just read off some stuff and then interject your own opinion "oh harder for good guys to get the guns" lol sureee

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