
Oh Diddy Is BROKE BROKE|Selling $70 Million Assets After Lawyers Dumped Him|Feds Closing In


#Diddy #BROKE #BROKESelling #Million #Assets #Lawyers #Dumped #HimFeds #Closing

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lawyers near me , Oh Diddy Is BROKE BROKE|Selling $70 Million Assets After Lawyers Dumped Him|Feds Closing In


40 thoughts on “Oh Diddy Is BROKE BROKE|Selling $70 Million Assets After Lawyers Dumped Him|Feds Closing In”

  1. He needs to fire his monster lawyers because when Cassie came behind doors with demands..they should have told him to start moving money….renaming accounts….

  2. Diddy needs to understand that it’s over for him. The only chance he has is to sell those mansions, flee to Bali and hang out with Russel Simmons.

  3. The cash is coming from Lou Taylor 🤔. Tisa can’t wait for you to cover this story. To late to try and get it together, Diddy. It’s over!

  4. Please gurl, no body wants that House of Horrors. There nothing but evil & death floating all through and around it. From tunnels, to hiding places, to secret areas, nothing good can be planted there. And for 70 Million? 😂 😂 😂 😅 😅 😅

  5. Don't believe the hype. This goes to show that the entertainers who are idolized in our community are just a paycheck away from being as broke as many of the rest.

  6. The diddler done diddled his money away..acting like a big shot…🌋 Mabe MC Hammer and hem can rent a room together..every night p diddy will say its hammer time..😂😂😂

  7. To put costs in perspective, on all of Trump’s cases, he has spend over 100 million and counting.

  8. 👀👀👀👀🤔👀🫣👀👀👀🤔🤔🤔 he deserves everything that he has coming to him.

  9. Diddy's lawyers already? No, they're not gonna get their money! So it's time to drop out now.!

  10. talk about crumbling a legacy and empire chileee …smh, hes so done done ..nobody will ever do business with him even if he doesnt go to jail … it was time anyways , he was extremely evil and violent

  11. Not broke , he is going to j e judgments against him so he is liquifying his assets to protect his wealth

  12. Yeah but what about all his off shore accounts? How about all assets put in his kids and his mother's name? Sean's not broke…to the evidence, only "broke" here in America…he will claim bankruptcy here I'm sure..

  13. There's old saying a bird can fly high in the sky.he can shit in the sky But he have to come down to eat.😂😂😂

  14. We TOLD you guys: if they do it to Trump and his lawyers they'll do it to anyone else. Hope you learn the lesson …

  15. Diddy what goes round comes round he deserves everything what's coming to him R.I.P. 2pac

  16. Why so much yawning by the creator here? Just wondering, because the yawning signals me to be bored & tune out.

  17. I love when you do the COD reference 😂😂. Kick in the door waving the 44 🤣. Babyy keep it going 😊

  18. He doesn’t need multiple homes now that he doesn’t have those sponsorships. Remember he has to make good on the Cassie deal.

  19. Im getting rid of anything in my house that has to do with a comb, from now on brushes only….

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