
Officer Likes To Play Games With Journalist!


Officer Likes To Play Games With Journalist!

#Officer #Likes #Play #Games #Journalist

Fellow Patriots & Freedom lovers, On 9/15/22 I was peacefully exercising my 1st Amendment Rights at the Bingham County Courthouse in Blackfoot, Idaho when I was confronted by a public servant Danielle Whooten. Ms. Whooten asked me if I needed help, when I asked her her name and position she refused to provide it and when I informed her I didn’t need help she became triggered and for some unknown reason decided the appropriate response was to grab my hand and squeeze it and attempt to take my camera from me…Stay tuned to the Channel for further updates on this situation! We the People cannot allow our public servants to blatantly brake the law and get away with it! There needs to be legal accountability just like there is for us! Let’s hope the Prosecutor does the right thing! Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Please be sure to hit the like button and share! it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it!

If you feel the need to peacefully petition your grievances against your government OR commend any public servants behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

Paul Rogers, Bingham County Prosecuting Attorney:
[email protected]

(208) 782-3101

Blackfoot City Police:

Chief of Police Gordon Croft
[email protected]

(208) 785-1234

Bingham County Sheriff’s Office:

(208) 785-4440


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The Body Camera I use & Recommend:

Protect yourself and your family with a Dashboard Camera, I highly recommend:

Disclaimer :
Video is for educational purpose only,
The legal topics covered in Long Island Audit are designed to be educational
and informative , and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The contents of this video is in no way intended to provoke,
incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and emphasize
the importance of constitutional awareness.
criminal law , Officer Likes To Play Games With Journalist!, 1st Amendment Audit,1st Amendment Audit Fail,1st Amendment Auditor,Walk Of Shame,Long Island Audit,LongIsland Audit,LIA,Cop Watch,CopWatch,1A Audit,1A Audit Fail,American 1st Amendment Audit,Long Island Audits,Long Island Auditor,Police Fails,Police Owned,Police Educated,Transparency,Accountability,Fail

45 thoughts on “Officer Likes To Play Games With Journalist!”

  1. Why stir these guys up for YouTube likes? These guys put their lives on the line for us all – even dopes like you. Get a moral compass

  2. Sure no doubt it's a public facility, but it's also a place of work. People there are used to an orderliness where everyone present has an obvious reason to be there. Showing up without announcing your business but just recording is odd and in my view quite rude. It's right that they ask you what you're doing, and any ensuing dialogue in such a situation will always be awkward.

  3. Quit your silly games day these officers gonna be there when you need them the most ..hopefully they don't help you one bit ..SILLY BOY ! !

  4. You got a confession out of him in under a minute… Maybe you should be the one with the badge 🤣👍👍👍

  5. I'm with the cop on this one. It starts with him politely asking if op needs help.
    Op could have politely or friendly said: thanks for offering. I'm good.
    Not go with that escalating unfriendly way

  6. I used to like LIA. He did some pretty decent stuff. He doesn’t get violent or non-compliant. He does get stupid though. I’ve noticed this about him. He’s getting dumber. And by that I mean that he’s purposefully putting himself in situations and goading the officers to try and get a law suit out of it. And that just makes him a joke. Shame. I used to like his stuff.

  7. Man ask to help you stupid hate those fake auditors that lump all together not all are bad get a life he has nothing to do with before

  8. Sad that losers like him suck up taxpayer money. He has zero concern about a complaint against him like most cops.

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