
Officer Honors Policy Over The Constitution!


Officer Honors Policy Over The Constitution!

#Officer #Honors #Policy #Constitution

criminal law , Officer Honors Policy Over The Constitution!, 1st Amendment Audit,1st Amendment Audit Fail,1st Amendment Auditor,Walk Of Shame,Long Island Audit,LongIsland Audit,LIA,Cop Watch,CopWatch,1A Audit,1A Audit Fail,American 1st Amendment Audit,Long Island Audits,Long Island Auditor,Police Fails,Police Owned,Police Educated,Transparency,Accountability,Fail

40 thoughts on “Officer Honors Policy Over The Constitution!”

  1. Call ahead and ask if there are issues w filming. that’s all you need to do .very easy.

  2. WHAT IF: The policy states no Muslims. It also states no speaking about politics or sports. No fat people or persons over 6 feet tall.

  3. I wish he had a pocket constitution after the cop read policy… And say well here is rhe law!!! Federal… Policies do not supercede your constitutional right on public property

  4. According to library policy, they must obtain permission from everyone who enters in order to use their security cameras. Absent every library users permission to record the library can't. If they want to go the route (as government usually does) of saying that entry into the library is implied consent, then the argument that anyone who enters and remains in public is giving implied consent to be photographed. So basically, no matter how one looks at it, photos in the public library are always allowed without the need for any special consent.

  5. The thing that bothers me the most about these types of videos is the most obvious element. If the library administration has a policy that infringes on constitutional rights, that should be law enforcements primary concern.

  6. F these cops and that policy….if ppl get feelings hurt, grow thicker skin, or learn the law.

  7. Cops that don't understand policy means Jack squat. We only have to follow laws. People in libraries aren't legislators. Wtf!!!!!!

  8. Have these would -be journalists anything better to do with their lives. The Jessic Fletcher of Journalism

  9. They just don’t understand that a policy must conform to the law. Otherwise a policy could be anything, for instance, no women allowed in the library.

  10. Put it this way ordinance or policies are normally against the constitutional right of the american people

  11. The laws are rated this way.
    1. Constitution
    2. Federal laws
    3. State laws
    Policies are not law and cannot override any state federal or constitutional rights

  12. tell him it is none of his business what you do it for or who you do it for and
    No Policy that attempts to usurp the Constitution shall be enforced., .and he is ignorant and needs to Enforce the laws And Support the Constitution he supposedly Swore an Oath to Protect .

  13. I'm always amazed that these Publicly funded, Government entities like the PUBLIC Library can invent policies that are Unconstitutional.

  14. maybe go fuck yourself douche you know that he's stoked he learned to read that in the library. yeah daddy you got all the big words

  15. LMFAO that you need permission from the library AND ALL GUESTS INSIDE. That is COMPLETELY ridiculous. Maybe they should make a policy that all guests MUST have purple hair, or one shoe must be green and the other orange. NO, you just can't do that, and I'm so glad that some people take the time to audit these places and force things to change in court. Cops are SO pathetic. The run TO a single person with a camera in a library, yet run FROM actual crimes, like mob lootings and mass protests where they are actually needed.

  16. I would have brought up “If the officer is allowed to record “ why is it ok for him to record ?

  17. It violates federal laws officer and your oath is to protect the constitution and law not unconstitutional policies

  18. We deserve better than the police Academy can deliver. They need to be accredited like any higher education institution….
    Demand more than mediocre officers who enforce policies over law.

  19. Don't let the auditor fool you people, he knows the laws and policies that's why he abuse it, cause arguments be arrogant and disrespectful for clicks on YouTube and his other channels. He make good money. He don't give a damm about the constitution, for hrm it is a money masjien

    This cop has no identity except what his uniform gives him.
    Perfect lucky. HIDE the policy said ask for permission to fart, he would ask for permission.
    But Israel sign said no blacksvin this restaurant he would scream bloody murder about his Civil Rights.

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