
Oakland Mayor’s Home Raided By FBI As Crime Explodes In City | Blames Everyone Else.


#Oakland #Mayors #Home #Raided #FBI #Crime #Explodes #City #Blames

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37 thoughts on “Oakland Mayor’s Home Raided By FBI As Crime Explodes In City | Blames Everyone Else.”

  1. I’m sorry🤔NOT!!! Good on them for grabbing The American Dream, as Very Poor Vietnam Refugees. That said, Why would doing Business in a country you Fled from, so you & your family members Supposedly wouldn’t be Unalived, even be Considered, much less done with Clear Illegal uses of funds, by those you took there? Would it be bc you’re “Sharing your wealth income” with another family member, who Didn’t get Unalived Staying in Vietnam? How does a Smaller business, win a multimillion or billion dollar contract, to service a large city, over a Much larger established company? How do they hang on to said contract, after being busted for overcharging customers by Over 500% of the Agreed upon fees in said contract, for Many years, with the court ordering repayment to the Victims? Why does a recycling business of One City, need Overseas involvement from Just the country they ran from, supposedly for their Lives, & need to have their family members photographed with the Who’s Who in Politics, from Sea to Shining Sea, & numerous states in between, AND also feel the Need to post those photos all over All their SM accounts? What would Tim Kaine or Ted Cruz, & all the Others in their picture montage, have to offer them, or want From them? How Do the family members of a Smaller Recycle Company in One City, in One state, get so Politically Influential, Richer than other companies doing the same thing in Multiple cities & states, & gain such political power, that they Didn’t go to prison for the tens of millions of dollars they defrauded their customers for, while Martha Stewart went to prison for far less, as did many folks, including what they’ve done to President Trump? And Who put them in the position to go from “Rags to Riches”so fast?
    All too Sus for my brain, to say the least!!! Color me surprised? Nope!!! But I’m Extremely Leary of these Communist foreigners, who keep business ties with the countries “they escaped from”, who’ve been caught too many times in money laundering schemes, & Straw voting schemes, & what their motives are, & who’s behind them, to Continue to get busted, but have very little, if Any consequences served up to them!!! You can’t tell me there aren’t any people in Vietnam, much less it only being a Few, who Strongly Dislike The USA, like the Communist leaders & the people of North Korea & China, have a Strong dislike(I’d say the H word, but YT doesn’t like it used🙄)for The USA & it’s people. No doubt there’s spies amongst us from Vietnam, just Not as many as those from China, & it’s an Extremely dangerous issue that Will have to be addressed-the sooner, the Better!!!

  2. "…why I wasn't offered the opportunity to cooperate voluntarily." Uhhh, probably for the same reason nobody is offered that: to not give the opportunity to tamper or dispose of evidence.

  3. Nate doesnt live here…pay for play never works for a long time this idiot is prime example

  4. Bro the level of corruption through a waste management company. How is this not front center news? Thats insane!

  5. "Crime rates are dropping!
    What should we do?!"
    "Raid the mayor house! Quickly!"😂😂😂
    USA lads and gents😂

  6. That little interview was cutely planned and prepared. The reporter is a coward allowing propaganda to be spewed from that worthless mayor's mouth.

  7. How would you know you're innocent if you don't know what you're under investigation for lol

  8. What a piece of garbage. Further, people have to question themselves as to why they are voting based on optics. Makes no sense but.. people continue to fall for slogans and those optics.
    Additionally, thank you Nate for the great job you do on your channel.

  9. Crime doesn't increase when police are defunded. Crime rises when there are lack of consequences for committing crimes!!

    Also, the economy and cost of living matters. 2017-2021 crime rate was low because the economy of grrrreat. Then we got Biden and ……

  10. She's bolstering her annual income with perks – she had No idea it was illegal – she's a lousy liar also.

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