
Oakland mayor welcomes state attorneys to aid in crime crackdown


Oakland mayor welcomes state attorneys to aid in crime crackdown

#Oakland #mayor #welcomes #state #attorneys #aid #crime #crackdown

California is sending state attorneys to Alameda County to help prosecute crimes and Oakland mayor Sheng Thao says she welcomes the assistance. Loureen Ayyoub reports. (2-8-24)
criminal lawyer , Oakland mayor welcomes state attorneys to aid in crime crackdown, Crime,Oakland,Alameda County,Law Enforcement

41 thoughts on “Oakland mayor welcomes state attorneys to aid in crime crackdown”

  1. 🤨🔥This is what happens when you vote for elected officials based on color or gender and not merit.

    Why in the hell do we, Blacks, keep voting incompetent people into office just because they're Black? Wherever there is a Black mayor and/or chief of police, that city's crime and corruption rate soars. The rise in criminality will always hurt us Blacks the most.

  2. Pllleeeaaassseee …

    Call it for what it REALLY is :

    Because Criminal Co-conspirator PRICE's office is so INCOMPETENT , the STATE Attorney General's Office had to swoop down from Sacramento , and TAKE IT OVER .

    Keep the PRICE RECALL 2024 📝✍️ Going Full Steam 🚂💨💨💨 Ahead !!!

  3. Oh please, talk about being late to the party.
    These woke, liberal leftist, soft on crime dems stand no chance. They don’t have the heart, stomach or brains to do what needs to be done.

  4. Instead of slapping her in the face, just remove her. How’s the recall going? Just follow thru and remove already

  5. Price put 7 prosecutors on paid leave on day 1 so less cases would be brought, while avoiding the pressure to fill vacancies, since the positions technically weren't vacant. 1/2 of them quit. She filled open positions with fired soft-on-crime prosecutors from recalled SF DA Boudin's office. Recall her!

  6. We should be outraged that local ideologues posing as politicians refuse to enforce the law, forcing the state to take over!

  7. Pam Price's replacement MUST watch her closely shes engaged in sabotage and must be monitored as to here hiding files and continued support of her criminal friends shes like a spy and needs to be treated like an espionage case

  8. This Oakland administration is WEAK and the gangsters actually travel here to do their crimes😢 knowing they will get away with it. The Mayor and DA are CLUELESS about the vibe locally. We are being TERRORIZED😢

  9. These prosecutors marching into town remind me of the old British empire red coats marching into a battle with loud drums –the "savages" hear them coming from a mile away, adapt, and hide in the bushes to attack later. This is why bringing in the national guard won't work. Learn some military tactics. Go read some Sun Tzu books. We need an armada of bait cars for example and other creative military strategies instead. These 15 year olds with tiny pistols in their pockets are very clever. They have developed predator senses. We must also focus on passing legislation that forces gun shop business owners to ask for letters of recommendation from applicants, and make applicants go through an interview process. If the current federal government under Biden can pass a stupid "Corporate Transparency Act" they can also pass a simple Gun Applicant Transparency Act. High crime cities like NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Philly, DC, Jackson, New Orleans, Houston, Oakland, Los Angeles..etc have reached the breaking point: Overpopulation, lack of stable jobs, predatory temp agencies, overworked families, cancer, fentanyl, meth, social media as the new unregulated casinos giving people false hope and making everyone gamble their precious time away, high rent, inflation… Enough with the "ban all guns" argument. Just stop. It ain't gonna happen. Focus on creative solutions like I just mentioned. Another idea: getting a degree should be as easy (and cheap) as taking an exam for a drivers license. The DMVs around the country should be expanded and renamed "Department of Drivers of Success". There should be comfortable chairs for long exams…You want to be a brain surgeon? Go ahead! Because what's the difference between someone like you who can study for it at home and a med student in his dorm doing the same thing? Both still need to apply to residencies at that point anyways! Letters of recommendation can still be legit from local volunteer and professional shadowing experiences. Public school buildings could then be repurposed, eminent domain them back to, say, Native Americans –but only if they can build and run manufacturing facilities (and hire us) instead of casinos to compete with the new China (Nearshoring in Mexico). Teachers and professors can go study and take a different exam for a different license if there's no demand for their knowledge. Let the free market correct itself quickly and continually lol. Whatever. You need to start thinking outside the box here. One should even need a license to join any social media and be 21 because it's so lethal at times. And quite frankly, this country needs to be split up into different countries again and have a continental army AGAIN…the countries that don't pay their fair share to maintain the continental army don't get defended if invaded! And f any troll who comments negatively on this post…please add to the list of my ideas instead of criticizing. It's time to have a serious discussion before YOU become the next victim of a violent carjacking outside your bedroom door as you play GTA under your parent's roof who pay all your bills. We do need stop n frisk too, urgently, but by deputized prisoners on parole (as part of their community service since we already socially accept community peacemakers and those ankle GPS monitors!), and who can linguistically and culturally relate to the criminals who assault us every day in America. Allow them to clean up their own communities for a change instead of the same old freeway clean up bs, and pay them with reduced prison sentences. This country is at a breaking point, come on people lets start generating creative ideas here. Use blockchain to vote for the next president? Whatever.

  10. Cracking down on education is a positive message to the community. The problem is not in crime, it's in your leadership, and how you criminalized the community in an unethical system.

  11. Can’t wait until the state prosecutors put up all the ugly mugs of those black thugs…see how many BLM supporters there are then. Time for a reality check.

  12. Thao and Price together? This is going to be the worst DEI Rush Hour ever. Hitting the streets and not solving a d@mn crime 😆

  13. Here you go, Newsom Smoke and Mirror act. How long you think CHP will be in Oakland…. right a few day, maybe weeks, then it's back to Normal. People of Oakland DON"T BE FOOLED by this. Newsom, Price and your Mayor are all trying to cover there A$$. Recall Price and your Mayor. They created this Crime increase, because remember they all said… DEFUND THE POLICE, and your crime is up… 300%… RECAL these A$$ WIPES, then STOP VOTING for Democrat's, and there WOKE Bull$hit…..

  14. It’s Pamela price that’s letting repeat offenders back out the streets and commit non violent and violent crime. She needs to be removed and replaced.

  15. Funny, watching the Oakland Police Commission that met tonight. They want CHP to follow Oakland Rules and policies…they just want them to just watch criminals. Like they make Opd..don't do anything rule. Everyone is a victim!

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