
O.J. Simpson’s Defense Attorney Says Playing Race Card Wasn’t A Dirty Move | TMZ


O.J.  Simpson’s Defense Attorney Says Playing Race Card Wasn’t A Dirty Move | TMZ

#O.J #Simpsons #Defense #Attorney #Playing #Race #Card #Wasnt #Dirty #Move #TMZ


O.J. Simpson’s acquittal in his 1994 murder trial remains one of the most controversial verdicts to date… but his attorney is standing by the Dream Team’s legal strategy.

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criminal lawyer , O.J. Simpson’s Defense Attorney Says Playing Race Card Wasn’t A Dirty Move | TMZ, TMZ,TMZ Sports,TMZ Live,TMZ TV,celebrity,entertainment,celebrity news,entertainment news,Hollywood,Sports News,Celebrity Gossip,News,Viral,Viral Videos,O.J. Simpson,Murder Trial,Race Card,TMZ 2024,1994,True Crime,Lawyer,Defense Attorney

42 thoughts on “O.J. Simpson’s Defense Attorney Says Playing Race Card Wasn’t A Dirty Move | TMZ”

  1. I think both sides played the race card, to me it is always important to look at the evidence above race, in that way we can see which side is at fault. We should not lock ourselves into one way of thinking and to learn to look at things purely on the factual evidence and actions taken.

    It is ok to acknowledge that there is a certain amount of racial discrimination that may be involved but combined with the evidence the truth will reveal itself, depending on how good the lawyer is.

    With the O.J Simpson case, the biggest factor was the leather glove, and the infamous saying was, " If it does not fit, you must acquit." The problem with this issue is the lack of knowledge on the Prosecutor's side of how the make up of material(fabric) works. Leather shrinks when it is dried up with blood but if reconstituted to it's original state it would have fit. Leather gloves stretch out when worn through time, but if it is caked in blood it will harden and shrink. I know this because I took a fashion course and I'm familiar with most types of fabrics, but a lawyer might not depending on their background, plus O.J had another glove on as a protective against the bloody glove he put on, so that is another default. An exact glove should have been purchased to counter the claim that if it did not fit O.J's hand that he should be acquitted.

    All in all O.J may have not been caught with the federal case of murder but did jail time for robbery I think 7-9 yrs? And was convicted of murder in the civil case.

  2. Bull, you couldn't defend yourself aginst your own evidence so you made your own ro distract from the real victims, you things always try to project to deflect danger from your selves. Pathetic

  3. JOHNNIE COCHRAN (R.I.P,) congratulations again for the success of the "dream team" you put together. You and the team out "lawyered" the prosecution and won the case! O.J.SIMPSON (RIP) never identified as a Black man and didn't care about the Black community but JOHNNIE was beloved…🙏

  4. Let's just stick to the facts. OJ committed murders and got away with it. There is no debate on that.

  5. The media had O.J. convicted on day 1, it was an electronic lynching. I don't know about black and brown, but Mark furmen truly hated black American citizens.

  6. Is it just me or did those cops who deliberately tampered with the evidence
    and Mark Furman
    not "play the race card"?

  7. If we're actually justifying OJ I can't wait to find out what's going to happen with puffy and Jay. Let us remind ourselves evil doesn't believe in race.

  8. The race card has always been used in America.There weren't any life long white slaves unless they were in prison for a crime. Signs saying Whites only, Jim Crow Laws,Red Lining, Segregated schools, the way abortions are tracked, the prices of products in certain areas, the ellimination of decent paying jobs in America and the moving of them overseas. The hatred and evil words directed at a group of people (Black Americans) who protested for their rights to live comfortably and be allowed to pursue the same liberties in America as Whites, and they get attacked, lynched, incarcerated, or beaten. Then, their neighborhoods were targeted , destroyed, and burned by mobs who were never prosecuted, and we are being accused of using the race card. If I don't stand for the National Anthem which has racial lyrics in it creats an uproar but if Whites go to the US CAPITAL break in and attack police, crap and pee on the floor smear it on the walls and destroy documents and interfere with the procedures of Congress they are called Patriots but the man protesting the immoral injustices in America are vilified and you say they are always using the race card. We have a basketball game and a white female player showed or displayed some disrespectful behavior throughout the tournament and nothing was said or done until she came up short in the finals and the winning team (black girls) did the same to her then they became bad for the game. And they were accused of using the race card. The race card was used by the Catholic Church when it changed the image of Christ. HOLLYWOOD used the race card when it changed the images of all the main characters of the Bible. Lets go back to the area of slavery a Black freedmon had to carry papers on him at all times inorder to prove his freedom and it is said Black people always use the race card. The answer to that statement is really. Now you are backing a person who promotes racism, bigitory, and criminality and you praise and except him like he's your God and you say we always use the race card.

  9. The jewelry openly admitted it they didn't want to put a black person in jail because they were black that's racist bias if we don't like it on one end we shouldn't like it on the other

  10. Where was the Blood that should have been in the Bronco after a double murder?
    Smudges equals planting imo!

    OJ didn't do it!

  11. What evidence was that? The jury have since admitted they cleared him because of a race card. I saw it with my own eyes

  12. 🕊 RIP O.J. 🕊

    Okay they can leave the man alone now. Their narrative has exhausted itself. The Browns open businesses when Nicole married OJ. When he stopped giving her parents and sister money OJ suddenly became a violent spouse. Nicole laid down with many, many men! I would never speak against a REAL victim of physical abuse. Their plan never worked – to ensure OJ would never have a relationship with his children. Glad the Lord didn't allow that to happen and OJ could HIDE his pension the Goldmans were also trying to get their grubby hands on! The Goldman's never blamed anyone but OJ.

    However, those of us who were adults (in our 30's) when this happen KNOW it was either the building janitor Nicole was messing with or the people she owed money for the dr*gs she was on which is why the glove didn't fit O.J.!

  13. Nicole and Ron were murdered by mafia/cia tied operatives. And OJ knew who these people were. If they really sought a conviction rightfully in that case it would've opened up a big can of worms with some juicy fat worms inside of it. Along with ties to other homicides of people who were connected in some way to both OJ, Nicole and those in their circles. OJ Simpson had long been in bed with high level mob and drug dealers. It's a fact. And mostly all the characters associated including the Judge all played a part in some fashion. And they all were closely or indirectly associated with either CIA/Mafia operatives, "heads" of major shell corporations created by CIA and government officials. The information is out there but no one cares to take it seriously because of how the media worked in collaboration and shaped the narrative. OJ knew who these people were and took it to his grave. And thus the creation of TMZ and slime ball Harvey were the products of this case spewing their own calamity which helped to misdirect and mislead. He owes his career to this tragedy.

  14. White supremacy didn't like like the verdict. Only black people are supposed to get percecuted and punished on a alledged crime. Only white supremacy is supposed to get away with committing crimes under government sanctions in the US and mainly the small hat community Harvey Levin.

  15. I’m not going to get into the whole guilty or not guilty but I don’t find fault in them “playing the race card” it’s the hand that was dealt and the defenses job is to poke holes in the prosecution and vice versa. No one asked them to put a detective on the stand that had a clear history of racism not the defenses fault if they pounced on it.

  16. This guy knows that rob kardashian was just an accessory to three case, not a lawyer. They needed a white guy on the team to make oj look like “some of my friends are white”

  17. It's 52 cards in deck of cards so talk about all the cards. If OJ was guilty the jury would have have convinced him. He was innocent that's it.

  18. We were like these crazy Trump supporters in 95', no amount of evidence could convince us he was guilty, we just threw on our blinders after the Rodney King beating, and at the time because black and brown people had experienced so much discrimination, it only seemed logical that he was being set up by dirty cops, but years later just like what will happen to these nutty Trump supporters we had to admit the obvious… GUILTY AS F***! There's too much evidence, it's indefensible.

  19. TMZ is reporting on dead O.J. more than ALIVE and well P Diddy a possible serial killer, rapist, sex trafficking and arms dealer. Make it make sense! TMZ is part of the P Diddy problem…OBVIOUSLY

  20. Lawyers on both sides are obligated to play the race card, it's the job. The moral difference is the defense attorneys pretty much knew he was guilty and defended him anyway. Ethical but evil

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