
NYC Mayor calls criminal justice system ‘insane’


NYC Mayor calls criminal justice system ‘insane’

#NYC #Mayor #calls #criminal #justice #system #insane

Fox News contributor Ted Williams joined ‘Kennedy’ to discuss rising crime in New York City, as Mayor Eric Adams calls for bail reform laws. #foxbusiness #kennedy

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33 thoughts on “NYC Mayor calls criminal justice system ‘insane’”

  1. “Crime isn’t that bad here inNew york…shoving people on subway tracks isn’t serious” “wild brawl on escalator..that’s normal”

  2. You can be fined up to 25000 for using a taser or pepper spray and detained indefinitely for standing your ground but if you shoot stab or rob someone you’ll be out the same day. What could possibly go wrong

  3. The gentleman is correct RICO "crime pays"and consequences, penalties solutions do CRIME donate time exiled per-diem advice and consent inalienable right "GOVERN", protocols and THANKYOU Ted and all Friends and Families ASALWAYS respectfully USA….. BJC FRIENDS AND FAMILIES……

  4. What's the matter Nicky Adams you can't handle the heat??? Why was New York made a sanctuary City.? Ask your corrupt Governor Kathleen to help you out. Better yet Nikki ask giggles the VP to do something about it she's the border Czar. Ask your president delusional Biden to help you out. After all giggles and nummy or Mr softee are causing this problem

  5. This is how they take control of everything, nobody stops them.theres viable methods,and they work,they just need to be utilized

  6. I am taking job applications TO get my start up criminal enterprise UP and running,,,,,politicians need not apply

  7. So should WE THE people continue GIVING up our 2a rights,,,I DONT THINK SO,,,,,JUST COME AND TRY TO TAKE THEM,,,,,,SAY YOUR GOODBYES

  8. If anything happens to any of my family by a repeat offender,I PROMISE to go see ADAMS PERSONALLY,MIC DROP

  9. But he is Impotent,and he wears tailored suits so you cant see his GANG member tattoos,he ieps a TWO FACED Bro,who should HAVE never even been concidered,,,,he makes Deblosio look like a rock star,and he was terrible

  10. Isn’t HE part of the problem? Meanwhile, no wonder illegals want to go to NY….criminals are welcome.

  11. Someone needs to inform him that shaming and stigmatizing the mentally ill is explicitly illegal, violates the ADA and is a solid HIPAA complaint. Probably considered a "micro-aggression" and Hate Crime by liberal standards.

  12. Ok Eric, it's not the Criminal Justice system that's at fault. It is the clowns from your party that are not prosecuting these criminals so talk to the hand.

  13. Him and his party enable this insane garbage. He talks a lot. Yet he can’t walk the walk. He is without honor.

  14. How bout we do this = break the law go to jail – there needs to be a cash bail system in place – if you can't afford to pay the bail that's on you – people are getting tired of crime and are starting to fight back – any public official that doesn't think criminals need to be locked up should be locked up in their place – any official that violates their oath of office should be fined/jailed with the criminals.

  15. NYC mayor is a deep state pupet he will lock you down and push the jab and any thing else the deep state need

  16. Duh, your people voted for you die to your party’s continues lies and brainwashing of weaponised politicians media. This is the result of liberal policies and Communism disguised as progressivism to hide their true authoritarian agenda. You get exactly what you voted for so enjoy.

  17. If you are gonna raise criminal or make economies from them; you have to control them to prevent the Law suit or worst .

  18. This mayor doesn't get it. It's not the system it's the people who are in control of the system that are screwing it up, they're the insane ones !

  19. All your institutions are insane and not only justice, hence the need for a complete overhaul or your country will eventually implode.

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