
NY Dems Attack Law Abiding Gun Owners While Letting Violent Crime Run Rampant


NY Dems Attack Law Abiding Gun Owners While Letting Violent Crime Run Rampant

#Dems #Attack #Law #Abiding #Gun #Owners #Letting #Violent #Crime #Run #Rampant

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Dexter Taylor Aka “Carbon Mike” is an all American law abiding citizen who is being threatened with 18 years in prison over his hobby of learning to make firearms. Taylor has never committed a crime, is a science geek who loves building a variety of things and developed a passion for learning to build guns. The government tracked his purchases, raided his home, threw him in Rikers and is now looking to send him to prison. Contribute to Dexter Taylor’s legal fund here:

**About the show
The Kim Iversen Show is a fully independent program produced for your entertainment and information. The one hour show airs live M-F at 11am PT/2pm ET at Clips from the program are published to YouTube daily.

**Medical Disclaimer:
The CDC states that masks are effective and patients should not try medications or protocols that are not approved for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. Hundreds of millions of people have received a COVID-19 vaccine, and serious adverse reactions are uncommon. This program is not a replacement for medical advice and may explore counter opinions. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health.
criminal lawyer , NY Dems Attack Law Abiding Gun Owners While Letting Violent Crime Run Rampant, Politics,Progressive,anti-establishment,populism,news,free thought,free speech,foreign policy,2nd Amendment,Gun Rights,ATF Raid,Law-Abiding Gun Owner,Gun Control,New York Gun Laws,Political Prisoner,Free Speech,Suppressed Evidence,Selective Enforcement,Broken Permitting System,Open Source Software,Data Analysis,Black Lives Matter,Second Class Citizen,Love My Country

38 thoughts on “NY Dems Attack Law Abiding Gun Owners While Letting Violent Crime Run Rampant”

  1. Honestly, I like the sound of his group. The government is probably crapping their pants thinking about a multiracial working class party. Right now we have 2 soft handed silver spooned yuppie parties, and where has that gotten us?

  2. Hey Kim. Theres no such thing as a "ghost gun." That's pejorative leftist propaganda and fear-mongering vocabulary.

    😡😡😡Stop calling them Leaders /
    Authorities they are simple Public
    Servants and they need to RELEARN their place in society.

  4. This invading force does not care about fair, truth, peace or anything good. All they want is control and complete chaos.

  5. There’s no law that gives a time limit for a gun smith to register or serialize a gun that he makes.

  6. They're going after Carbon Mike bc he sounds like a latter-day Malcolm X.
    Too intelligent.
    Too non-conformist.
    Too much an independent thinker.

    I hope he realizes how much danger he — and his family — are in.
    They WILL Fred Hampton him.

    He is EXACTLY the kind of man of color who would be a natural LEADER when TSHTF.

  7. Technically, billionaires and millionaire already own nukes and other mass destructive weapons. Who do you think own these weapons manufacturing companies that makes weapons for governments? Also, are really safer because Bill Gates doesn't own nukes but owns the healthcare system and vaccines?

  8. We have reached the point in the Great Awakening where too many people have noticed that what is happening today…is directly linked to what actually occurred in WW2.

    In order to try and regain power over the masses – Zionist talking heads have been issued talking points to rewrite history and divert your attention away from the truth.

    Lies are the currency of the Zionist.

    Hence the Global push for Censorship laws.

    Misinformation/disinformation Bills are being rammed through at extreme speeds, and if successful, every attempt we make to correct these liars will be futile.

    Remember when we couldn’t even mention ivermectin?

    It will be exactly like that but far worse..

    Speak up now – or forever be silenced.

  9. The United States was The Shining City on the hill. Let's make it that way again is what we say. MAGA

  10. We’ve got a bunch of incompetents running the insane asylum. Least I can sleep knowing I didn’t vote for this. I know the duopoly aka “lesser of two evils” is not the best option either, ideally.

    Former cop mayor, first governor to be whatever, I don’t care about the small stuff. Idc about how these so-called “public servants” talk the talk I only care about how they walk the walk & their actions have not matched their words. They say they want a safer NY when we can’t walk or drive up the block without our lives being at stake sometimses- no exaggeration..

    If it wasn’t for NYC being so densely populated and deep-blue, I’m just pointing out that Zeldin would have won over Hochul had he campaigned more in the city. Everywhere else in the state had Hochul losing!

  11. Dictatorship coming your way Americans.First they take away your rights to speak then your guns then your property

  12. It's obvious: they're coming down really hard on this guy because he is not only an independent thinker, but he's smart too. That makes him a threat to the authoritarians. They want to make an example of him.

  13. I saw this clown interviewed once before. Like NY’s laws or not, it’s illegal to build and own ghost guns and it’s illegal to have unregistered guns.

    He broke two laws, regardless of his intent. He should have known the laws regarding gun ownership.

  14. If criminals are writing the laws, what good is being a law abiding citizen?
    The founding fathers were not law abiding citizens, they were patriots.

  15. This is why I follow you, Kim. You are a real journalist and you are never afraid to look into any and all issues.

  16. Right, go get the REAL Criminals.. Like the ones who get paid to fight crime, but steal people's money and make up crimes to detain citizens so they can relieve them of their belongings. As an example… While Mayor Adam's imports criminals. #Amazing

  17. This is an intelligent, innovative, law abiding engineer who has committed no crime, by what he is making.

  18. Ukraine Israel can protect themselves but not Americans. The only thing this has to do with is disarming the American people to usher in tyranny. Do not full yourself it has nothing to do with anything else. Thanks Kim for having this fine American on your show.

  19. This is ridiculous. Even his race doesn't matter to the newly weaponized govt institutions. They are doing their best to unarm the population.

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