
“Nothing Like That Should Ever Happen In Society!” Former Old Bailey Judge On Nottingham Stabbings


“Nothing Like That Should Ever Happen In Society!” Former Old Bailey Judge On Nottingham Stabbings

#Happen #Society #Bailey #Judge #Nottingham #Stabbings

A police chief has said more should have been done to arrest a man who went on to kill three people in Nottingham.

An arrest warrant had been issued for Valdo Calocane after he failed to attend court in September 2022 over an alleged assault on a police officer.

He was never arrested from that warrant and nine months later, fatally stabbed students Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley, both 19, along with school caretaker Ian Coates, 65.

Calocane also had paranoid schizophrenia, and for years experienced psychotic delusions in which he believed he was being targeted by “malign forces” and agencies such as MI5 who were controlling his thoughts and actions.

TalkTV’s Vanessa Feltz is joined by former Old Bailey judge Wendy Joseph KC and criminal lawyer Sean Caulfield to discuss the incident.

#nottingham #stabbings #police #students

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22 thoughts on ““Nothing Like That Should Ever Happen In Society!” Former Old Bailey Judge On Nottingham Stabbings”

  1. Blame the government who are still letting them in and placing them to work with the most vulnerable.

  2. If he never intended to kill, Why did he try to run people over prior to the murders🤔And if he never intended to kill the first person why did he go on to kill 2 more? He knew exactly what he was doing and all involved have b!ood on they're hands.

  3. Things like this shouldn’t happen but it does how mad is that and with all this invasion going on will get a lot worse

  4. This conversation is ridiculous. Racially motivated murder by an immigrant.Stop being polite and dancing around the issues we face as a country

  5. I have lived in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire all my life apart from a 6 month spell overseas.

    Both city and county are in terminal decline on every conceivable level, given it is located right in centre of the Uk one might expect this.

    I am looking to move out of the city soon, unfortunately it's no longer an appealing place to be.

    I also worked for the University for several years and it grates me badly that the lives of 3 innocent, good quality humans were taken by someone who in my view should not have been in the Uk.

    The judiciary should be ashamed of themselves for this incredibly weak decision as should the barrister of the defendant.

    Utterly appalling case and outcome.

  6. Why do voices in the head allways tell people go kill people you never here about any voices telling them go help a old lady over the road this is murder and im discusted jb Nottingham

  7. Mental capacity and loss of control determined the outcomes it seems. There's such a broad spectrum to determine voluntary manslaughter with a full sentence to life in prison.

    I will have to grab that book
    By Wendy Joseph. Also i understand her closing points because his mental state could lead to the endangerment of fellow prisoners (if sentenced to prison) and prison officers.

  8. People asked me "Why did you move from Nottingham to the middle of nowhere" and here you have one of the many many reasons, just one of the catalogue of reasons why I'd rather live in the middle of the Highlands away from all this detritis.

  9. The sad truth is it’s collateral damage for the sake of diversity. It’s been happening for many many decades in the UK, no lessons will be learned. RIP 🇬🇧

  10. We have a mental hospital near us and the patient is allowed to wonder free in our village….. he already asked me for crack cocaine !!!! Then I’ve bumped into him again and he said he’s here because he has been sectioned…. After his release for murder !!!!
    He uses our local co-op wher children roam freely etc…. This is very scary….. TalkTV I’ll expose it to you if needed !!!!!

  11. lovely english name there , stop rewardingstart deporting , aand stop saying mental health every time

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