
No Justice, No Peace: The U.S. Criminal Justice System


No Justice, No Peace: The U.S. Criminal Justice System

#Justice #Peace #U.S #Criminal #Justice #System

Do all Americans experience equal justice under the law? Or is there justice for some but not others? AJ+ is spending the month of May exploring how our criminal justice system impacts our communities.
Check out our break down on the US criminal justice system”:

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criminal law , No Justice, No Peace: The U.S. Criminal Justice System, justice system in america,criminal justice system,Criminal Justice (Media Genre),equal justice,equality for all,equality america,Justice (Quotation Subject),racism in america,criminal justice 101,prison system,prison system in america,injustice in america,news,aj+,ajplus,al jazeera,CT,PR

23 thoughts on “No Justice, No Peace: The U.S. Criminal Justice System”

  1. That is pretty messed up how this was 8 years ago and no progress because the wealthy families are only about themselves and what you can do for them or what you can do for those who do not have a heart .
    MAsses of people are only focused on looking for a relationship and creating more babies and taking out on people who have no help.

  2. It definitely need to be fixed due to the facts I am a scientist and an inventor I invented the flashing footwear and because of my political beliefs 177 million has been confiscated and I'm being denied access to my own property which result in me being homeless and hungry

  3. This is a system where they bring you in front of a Court holding your freedom at bay and your Legal Counsel, the District Attorney, and the Judge all go out for lunch after convicting you. Okay Judge, seeing you at the little League. I often thought that being that a legal aide gets dozens of case loads to defend at once without never really getting to know their clients, that they got paid by finishing your case…
    Whether they throw you in prison or not, they see you as $50 a case. The more cases I completed, then I can go to the next…
    Is all in the name of the " system" BIG-ISH ♡ 2015

  4. Discretion. This is a big part of the part of the problem. Another situation in our criminal justice system is the fact that here in New York appointed Supreme Court Justices are the norm as opposed to the constitutionally correct manner of election to this institution of government. It is not constitutional for us to face judges that have been appointed. This allows for a corrupt system to exist where discretion is used and those that are connected walk and those that are not can get felonies with long prison sentences. More than half of our Supreme Court Justices are now politically and otherwise put in office. Some of the issues about this have to do with our politicians and leaders use this for their own power. Money is also an issue in that this system does not create the necessary amount of judicial seats based on population. A politician can now grant a political favor and put people into a very executive seat for 14 years and ask judges to help prosecute those accused based on their own values and ideas and not the existing law of the land.

  5. I don't think it is right to blame President Obama  for everyone else mess up in that office. It was WAY messed up before he took office. It doesn't matter who is in office the public always finds something to bitch about. I say he has done well for what he has had to deal with. No President will ever make the public happy. My opinion and I am entitled to it is , Thank You President Obama for all you have done and tried to do for our country!

  6. I think someone got shot a few months ago but I can't be sure . Are we missing something here in the UK? Will guns make us safer?

  7. The U.S. Criminal Justice System isn't the problem, that is only a symptom of a systemic disease that infects the entire Government. The entire Government doesn't work.

  8. Cool. You should do other factors of systemic poverty as follow up. It does not get enough attention, specially by being all in the same place in a way that you can watch all one after the other and get a systemic view, full(er) view.
    It's endless material, really, like the whitening of school districts by Gerrymandering, after the government stopped forcing racial integration. There's a cool story where they follow a family through 3 generations in that same school, how it got better and now it's back to 50's level of racial segregation. Here:

  9. The criminal justice system is screwing you over? Have you tried not committing crimes to see if that helps?

  10. i never had problems with the criminal justice citizen because as a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN i have never had to deal with it

  11. This country is not free. There is no freedom here. Freedom in this country is an illusion. This country is owned and run by an oligarchy, a country of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. If you have money you have rights, plain and simple. I don't believe in this country and what it falsely claims to be. The united states is morally broke, financially broke and spiritually broke.

  12. I hope the upcoming series has some spoken parts. Quite often, AJ+ vids just have pictures and text….I cant just put them on my playlist and listen while I work. But I like AJ+ content. It's important stuff.

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