
Niger junta breaks off military cooperation with US โ€ข FRANCE 24 English


Niger junta breaks off military cooperation with US โ€ข FRANCE 24 English

Niger’s government announced on Saturday that it was breaking off “with immediate effect” its military cooperation agreement with the United States. The declaration came just a day after a senior US delegation left Niger, following a three-day visit to renew contact with the military junta that ousted the president and moved closer to Russia.
#Niger #junta #USA

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english , Niger junta breaks off military cooperation with US โ€ข FRANCE 24 English , #Niger #junta #breaks #military #cooperation #FRANCE #English
, Junta,Niger,USA,military,military junta

25 thoughts on “Niger junta breaks off military cooperation with US โ€ข FRANCE 24 English”

  1. Imagine if the terrorits in africa and everywhere else did not have the western money and weapons. there would be zero terrorism in the world.

  2. The US paid their man to authorise the base, since he has been deposed obviously the old deal no longer applies. The US should keep their boys and girls in the US and maybe, just maybe the rest of us will get sone peace at last!

  3. The US don't want them doing business with Russia, but yet, the US is not willing to help them fight. How does that make sense

  4. France and America should realize this is failed attempt at keeping Africa enslaved to you. This is clear to see that it is failed, after over 100 years. And now, the struggle to keep the children of Cobalt a secret, children are cruelly used to mine cobalt all for American/European technology. From your Green solar panels, electric vehicles, cell phones, tablets, computers, space crafts, jet fighter's, war ships, ships in general, all of this is based on the minerals and ore you take from Africa for pennies on the dollar. No human being should work 12 hours a day/7 days a week, the people of Africa are human beings.

  5. The difference between the US and your new Russian buddies, is that we (the US) leave when asked. Good luck Africa! Seems like youโ€™re really pulling it together! lol.

  6. Why should USA should be in AFRICA, just leave the AFRICA alone let them kill/destroy their own people and country. Americans should mind their own business.

  7. The world will see how the Devil's in Washington ar going to behave resist like France at the beginning and at the end go out in humiliation ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  8. The world will see how the Devil's in Washington ar going to behave resist like France at the beginning and at the end go out in humiliation ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  9. The problem is America is in bed with the French government. If the US abandones france who has been abusing Africa for a long time, Africa would be happy to have the US as a Friend. But US will not abandon Feance. If the US military is left alone in Niger, France will use it under the cover of US military and cause harm to the region

  10. Openly biased media. They didn't highlight the section of the speech where the general talked about the covert operations the US were doing without informing the Nigerien govt

    Good move Niger

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