
NFA Challenged- Made in Texas Suppressors: Is the Case Dead?


#NFA #Challenged #Texas #Suppressors #Case #Dead

In a challenge to the NFA, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has addressed the Texas Suppressor case. The Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes and Emily Taylor discuss the latest developments in the case and answer the question, “Is the challenge dead?”

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48 thoughts on “NFA Challenged- Made in Texas Suppressors: Is the Case Dead?”

  1. I have legally purchased firearm for self/home defense. Hopefully I'll never need to use it, but if it were to happen, the injury would be to mine or my families hearing. Does the Hearing Protection Act not protect my hearing?

  2. If you're going to argue it on 2A grounds, then there is no reason to mandate that the device stay in Texas. The whole point of that clause in the bill is to obviate the fee's authority.

  3. when the ATF realizes that you are trying to get standing to over throw this law it will be tossed out.. it wont be seen

  4. The Chevron Doctrine was overturned. In cased noone notice, this is good news for ALL of our rights. But especially 2A rights. These are changing folks. Better and better by the day. Despite Biden. States right are being returned more and more. MAGA.

  5. Can yall talk about truck drivers who live in our sleeper does the castle doctrine apply?

  6. Love you guys and your videos… and about to purchase your mugs… but… your merch is a little light. How about some clothing? Range gear would be even more appropriate. 🙂

  7. In Finland, you can buy a suppressor at the hardware store. Here in the US, every vehicle must have a muffler to limit internal combustion engine noise and you know what? Driving is only a privilege, while operating a firearm is a RIGHT.

    So, the question begs. Why do we have to jump thru hoops and pay an unConstitutional needless tax and get put on an unConstitutional list just to exercise the RIGHT to operate our firearms without having to always wear hearing protection?????

  8. standing is just a cop-out for the government. why doesn't the government have to prove that the law is constitutional before passing it, so we don't have to sue the government for violations of our civil rights?
    richard, i am a glass all the way full, especially when it is full of cold beer.

  9. Do I have to have the ATF muder me to have standing with the 5th circuit?
    Honestly, their standard for "standing" is incredibly high.

  10. NFA violates the Constitution of this Republic and all citizens. It is illegal, put in as a Illegal law by the Democrats, remove the Democrats from office and BAN the Democratic Party forever.

  11. Back in the mid 60's you could be like James Bond and order the plans for silencers and suppressors out of the back pages of comic books The ad said all the parts could be purchased at your hardware store. Nobody thought much of it.

  12. The NFA is not going away, it's a "tax scheme" and Congress is not going to get rid of any "TAX"

  13. Texas should tax suppressors. Hear me out here. If Texas has a revenue stream from suppressors and ATF cuts that revenue stream, that gives Texas standing. The tax of course pays to help fight ATF. When the smoke clears, repeal the suppressor tax law.

  14. Supreme court ruling that federal agencies cannot create laws. Laws are made by Congress, signed by President of the Republic of the United States, not the 1871 Corporation of the United States?

  15. 5th circuit bull. Tired of needing financial fiscal wherewithal to exercise a right. Let’s make sure the racial discrimination of the NFA stays entrenched. It’s the same as saying that if you don’t own property such as your home you cannot be allowed to vote in any election. Since we are looking at Independence Day, let’s make sure we realize how much freedom we really don’t have.

  16. I was considering subscribing until Emily rolled her eyes at Monty Python. A functional society requires certain standards be maintained!

  17. the federal law is BS…but Congress doesn't have to stand on the Commerce Clause to create a tax. seems like plaintiffs have to say they cannot tax a right as part of the argument
    PS – you shouldn't have to actually subject yourself to arrest, trial & imprisonment to assert that your right is being violated

  18. I need someone to explain to me why we should trust the legal system at ANY level of it to get anything right the first time out! Roe v. Wade was reversed after 49 years, Chevron was reversed after 40 years, what is the next case that is going to be reversed after several decades? How can anyone have any faith in the 100% corrupted and criminal legal system? WHERE is our written guarantee that we will actually GET a fair trial located, so all can read it? Why have a trial at all, if it's not going to be fair to all who are involved in it?

  19. As a hearing impaired person, I use the captions exclusively. But they DO make ERRORS.
    Sometimes funny, sometimes accurate.
    2:58 Richard, I think you saying Wholly Texas Parts, but the caption read HOLY TEXAS PARTS!!!
    Yes Texas Parts are Holy, for sure.

    7:24 Emily, you were likely saying Commerce Clause, but the caption was COMMERCE CLAWS!
    The way they use it to tear us up, well…

    Being mostly deaf isn't funny, but with Youtube, it has it's moments…………….

  20. As far as Suppresors go, it's a muffler, it's supposed to save your hearing, no more, no less. Anyone who thinks to the contrary has been watching too many spy shows !!!!

  21. Standing isn't real, its a made up doctrine of coward courts, there was no Standing before the 1920s or in the constitution.

  22. I think the NFA is on borrowed time. I think the ATF knows this, and this is why they cleared the suppressor backlog. They stand to make millions of dollars after doing so knowing people will rush to get in on the good wait times just before the whole thing gets shitcanned.

  23. EVERYONE and all of the states should have standing to bring a case against the government.

  24. Would the Supreme Court's change to Chevron have a possible effect on this case? Not such the NFA, but possibly the tax stamp. Also, would substantial hearing loss be enough for standing?

  25. Never will they let it go . Never get rid of these agencies that have created laws and regulations . Money and control gets you every time .

  26. The real issue is the interstate commerce law's expansion, it was never meant to regulate potatoes grown for one's own use…and then spread to cover every connectible product. , transaction, or shipment.

  27. TLDR: "This conversation discusses a Texas lawsuit (Paxton v. Dea) challenging the National Firearms Act (NFA), specifically regarding the manufacturing of suppressors. The lawsuit failed in the district court and again in the fifth circuit court of appeals due to a lack of standing. However, the case isn't dead yet as there's potential for an en banc rehearing or a new lawsuit with revised declarations. The speakers agree that overturning the NFA in its entirety is unlikely in the near future, but they believe suppressors are a potential area for progress due to shifting public opinion and legal challenges."

  28. Every time I quote Monty Python, I get the eye roll from my wife. Must be a gender thing…

  29. Can’t you use hearing damage as the harm? Especially discharging a weapon in home defense situation .

  30. My wife says the same thing as Emily. "Don't drag me into Monty Python"
    She turned me into a newt…but I got better.

  31. Wondering if anyone has found away to argue that noise suppressors make loud things safer? They don't want my Street Rod to not have a noise suppressor. My farm equipment has noise suppressors for safety reasons reasons. Thought doesn't mean I can sneak up on anything in a motorized machine with noise suppression, just means it's safer. It's the practical thing to do.
    People with common sense understand the only silencers are in the movie's, where there is all kinds of make believe.
    Folks in other countries expect you to suppress noisy freedom sticks, out of politeness.

  32. i wonder if texas would have standing if it argued that its tax income is affected, because if made-in-texas was legal, then there would naturally be manufacturing companies popping up to make them.

  33. I wonder why the ATF has not raised the cost of the tax stamp. It has been $200.00 since it's inception, I think 1934 when $200.00 was a lot of money, seeing's how a Thompson sub machine gun cost $34.00. In todays day and age $200.00 is chump change. I guess the only reason it is still in existence is for the background check that makes owning a full auto legal, in some states, so you can shoot they when you want. So why does suppressors lumped into the category?

  34. What about the Supreme Court throwing out Chevron. 3 letter agencies have been defanged.

  35. I’d like to see SBR and SBSG fall with suppressors as you said “low hanging fruit”
    by Legislation or a Ruling.

    I wonder if the court will have the intestinal fortitude to make a monumental ruling on the issue as to the machine gun.
    Freedom and Responsibility serious burdens.

  36. I assume this video was made prior to the Chevron deference ruling. How will that change the odds of removing the NFA?

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