
New York’s Former ‘Top Cop’ Bernie Kerik Calls for Criminal Justice Reform


New York’s Former ‘Top Cop’ Bernie Kerik Calls for Criminal Justice Reform

#Yorks #Top #Cop #Bernie #Kerik #Calls #Criminal #Justice #Reform

From New York’s “top cop” to convicted felon, Bernie Kerik has led many lives. The man who used to specialize in locking people up now is advocating for criminal justice reform after spending time in prison.

VICE News Editor-in-Chief Jason Mojica spends a day with Bernie Kerik in his home to discuss his past, his fall from grace, and his hopes for the future.

Read “Ex-Cop and Ex-Con Bernie Kerik Calls Out Republicans On Criminal Justice Reform“ –

Watch “Institutionalized: Mental Health Behind Bars” –

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40 thoughts on “New York’s Former ‘Top Cop’ Bernie Kerik Calls for Criminal Justice Reform”

  1. I'm an ex convicted felon and I changed my life after doing time. Now….. I'm a Union Carpenter Journeyman and I get paid very well. Jail was a wake up call. Everyone can change. Bernard Kerik knows what he is talking about.

  2. This is the same racist right wing lunatic insurrectionist republikkkan,rethuglikkkan disgraced nypd pig that is a trump cultist. Literally telling other nypd pig's to not enforce the law on trump cultist that commit crimes in New York when trump is fake arrested 😂

  3. Smart guy. Not everyone who has a felony should be blacklisted their entire life, people can and do change, we all make mistakes in life.

  4. Didn't know what they're doing. They wouldn't break up brown and black families and keep us poor and in chaos

  5. Pres Obama should have commutted hundreds of thousands/millions of nonviolent offenders and wiped their records clean, but for money is free speech our politicians are for sale. Now corrupt politicians receiving pay to play are worthy of life in prison.

  6. Show me the man, I will show you the crime. Compassion and fairness is essential as is personal responsibility…

  7. I feel that Americans r " sitting ducks," ! How long must we wait or how long do u think we're going to watch OUR country be destroyed ?

  8. Wow why is this stuff not pushed out there every one in the country should see this type of broadcast

  9. The Last part, where the black kid gets hooked and booked for two kilos? Should be afforded a public defender and if he cannot afford one, a criminal defense Private Investigator to canvas the neighborhood, knock on doors in search of witnesses including character witnesses. One Pi is still hardly a tick as compared to the full on resources of a given police force. Then, I suppose white Pi's would or could get injured or made dead real quick like snooping around "the Hood" without credibility. Even targeted "just because" would be a tough row to sew…. 

    But? This is the only solution I can come up with. A Pi's whole mission is to work for His client. Even if he only manages to gain some sort of witness statement exonerating 2 to 3 charges against the accused. Its something. It might mean reduction from a felony to a misdemeanor, even an infraction, too being completely tossed by the judge.

    Might be a positive thing worth considering. But, I admit, certain parts of town would mandate a "fixer" of sorts being employed co-signing a Criminal Defence Investigator entering certain parts of a city/community.

  10. Dude was just on fox news on the law and order lock 'em all up bullshit. Can't change a racist.

  11. The major banking institutions commit worse crimes than the fisherman and no bankers go to jail, they just get fines which are peanuts compared to the amounts they rake in.

  12. This VICE interviewer is a complete idiot. He does not get it at all. His questions are so stupid. He should never do this job ever again.

  13. Dont act like he's some outstanding citizen..he's a criminal ex-con so treat him like such everyone else deserves sympathy not a ex cop that cant find a job now…sorry I got friends that r ex felons that's more deserving because they never built a career and got a pension from putting people behind bars

  14. You know how you avoid being wrapped up in a conspiracy to traffick cocaine case? You don't buy cocaine, whether it's a dime bag or a duffel bag. Don't mess with cocaine, don't mess with heroin, don't mess with methamphetamine, don't mess with pills, and you'll never have to worry about being co-conspirator in a drug trafficking case.

    Is there anyone in this country that doesn't know buying and selling cocaine on the street corner is illegal?

    Legalize marijuana (if your city/state's voters want to), but there's nothing good that comes from legal heroin or cocaine or meth.

  15. You mean he's really been expose as the biggest criminal of all of the criminals and he is trying to spin it like he is a saint.

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