
New York is Hostile Territory for Trump Legal Battles #shorts


New York is Hostile Territory for Trump Legal Battles #shorts

#York #Hostile #Territory #Trump #Legal #Battles #shorts

Executive Director for the ACLJ Jordan Sekulow joins NewsMax to cover the absurdity unfolding in Donald Trump’s legal battles, including the absurdity of placing an ankle monitor on the former President.

#trump #news
criminal law , New York is Hostile Territory for Trump Legal Battles #shorts, trump,donald trump,gag order,trump gag order,gag order trump,what is a gag order,contempt of court,judge ruling,trump ruling,hush money,trump hush money,supreme court,supreme court ruling,trump supreme court,supreme court immunity,trump immunity,immunity case,does trump have immunity,trump news,trump polls,alvin bragg,alvin bragg press conference,alvin bragg trump,trump alvin bragg,sekulow,aclj,jordan sekulow,sekulow live,aclj live,scotus,news

40 thoughts on “New York is Hostile Territory for Trump Legal Battles #shorts”


  2. It's irregardless that the judges daughter works for a Democrat the judge put a gag order on Trump and he's violating that order and he has no recourse for the facts

  3. Its amazing to me, that can continue to GO LOWER… Its a complete FARCE, we ALL know it, but it yet it CONTINUES!! While all the ATROCITIES occurring thanks to OBiden continue to degrade and infest. What a JOKE!! What a SICKENING perversion of our LAWS and our COUNTRY!! I don't say this just because i'ts Trump. ANY President being treated like this- ANY PERSON- being treated LIKE THIS by our Justice System is INTOLERABLE! It looks like we have a bunch of TODDLERS running our ENTIRE NATION!!

  4. The more weaponized the Justice Dept becomes against Donald.
    The more his numbers go up.
    The American People know what's going on.
    The Demicrats can't win in a fair election.

  5. Any other defendent acting like diaper don would have been locked up. special treatment for the rich has always been how our courts work….

  6. Where is Bidens Charges For Aiding Foreign Antagonistic Governments By Supplying Them With Stolen Top Secret Documents For Over 30 YEARS…

  7. No this is ridiculous
    Our Courts system has failed us all
    All corrupt now totally out of Control

  8. Unconstitutional
    Cruel and unusual punishment
    Tyrannical court
    Crooked as a Dogs Hind Leg !

  9. WOW, they do that, and Americans are going to give pay back in Nov.
    New York is going to end up with a black eye. Biden and his son are walking around like their sh't don't stink.

  10. We can say thank you Joe for this big DESASTER in America and strong in NY . 41 monts is America one ruine States best regards from Biden he is the traitee, liar corupt

  11. MAGA talk a sh** but never take responsibility. Trump’s on trial for sh** that he actually did. Anyone else would be held to account. Trump is actually receiving special treatment in all of his boatload of cases. Jordan Sekulow, like his daddy is full of crap.

  12. The lack of being able to even get a fair trial in this city is beyond my beyond obvious and should be grounds for immediate appeal. The people involved in this persecution have no shame and are not even attempting to hide their bias.

  13. They are ridiculous. Nothing they do will work because the Lord has anointed President Trump and he has a work to do in saving America and the nations.

  14. New York is just doing the world government's bidding. This is disgusting. This is pathetic. America cannot do better

  15. Oh hell, no! He has not committed a crime! They can't pin anything illegal on President Trump!

  16. This treasonous regime must be reeled in now. This treasonous traitor regime must be held accountable for treason against we the American people. 🇺🇸

  17. I thought tha same. President Donald J. TRUMP has the
    Gentelmen of the Secret Service
    with him. The judge is a corrupt

  18. All a show….. everybody's going to look back on this year scratching their head😂 when the fruits of reality Blossom this year….. then you'll understand. SEMPER FI

  19. Demz are darn near peeing themselves over fantasizing over bad things they can do to president Trump.

  20. The State Law is a misdemeanor, but the attached Federal Law is a felony, then how can a State judge rule on a Federal felony?

  21. The judges are treasonous criminals engaging in prosecution misconduct in an collaborative effort to attack Trump using Lawfare. Political judicial injustice and bias . The judges and prosecutors need to be charged and arrested. They are all guity all the way up the totem pole to BIDEN

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