
New York Ends Squatters Rights After Migrants Start Taking Over Homes.


New York Ends Squatters Rights After Migrants Start Taking Over Homes.

#York #Ends #Squatters #Rights #Migrants #Start #Homes

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29 thoughts on “New York Ends Squatters Rights After Migrants Start Taking Over Homes.”

  1. If the courts are backlogged because of COVID, then how did Donald Trump's trial become front and center, knowing that there are high crime, criminals waiting to be tried also in this case. Isn't this a political witch hunt?

  2. While I'm happy the woman had the charges against her dropped, it seems unfair to charge Brian for felonies. If Brian was unable to provide the cops with documentation that he's been there then at the very least the police as agents of the state had wronged the woman here. But if Brian was operating within the bounds of the law it seems unfair to charge him with felonies. Where's the mens Rea? While I agree with law in NY was bad and needed to be changed. Charging Brian after the law was changed seems unjust post facto to make an action unlawful though it was lawful when it happened. I think the state also needs to offer this woman compensation for unlawful arrest.

  3. Put the person who legalize this in jail, have a squatter move in and let them get a taste.
    Also that idiot Venezuela migrant, got deported with snot running

  4. those police officers who arrested the home owner, are a perfect example im just doing my job but not using there common sense to see the lady was in th right, but instead just arrested her, those 2 should reconsider career choices

  5. Considering that it was Sloppy Joe Biden and his Dumb-o-Crat-Ick Party Extreme DEI Leftist Goons who are reaponsible for this NEW CRISIS – due to his (Sloppy Joe Biden's) Soft on Illegal Immigrant Laws and policies for … 'reasons, – I'm wondering if it would be possible to "Evict" Sloppy Joe Biden, and his Dumb-o-Crat-Ick Party goons from their governmental positions which – it is now blatantly obvious – they are not qualified to have, and do not know how to manage properly, RESPONSIBLY.
    Obviously, the whole Dumb-o-Crat-Ick Party in government are "political squatters" of sorts, yes?
    AND considering that Sloppy Joe Biden and his Dumb-o-Crat-Ick Party have made it acceptable to bring legal charges against EVEN an American President, current or otherwise …

  6. It's amazing how all these bleeding hearts with no understanding of human nature made all these changes to the system to help the tiny portion of people that break the law because "the system" Literally focusing on the minority of trouble makers at the expense of the 95% of law abiding citizens. These people all need to be voted out. Anyone talking about how the system harms people or abuses people while pushing policies that actually harm people need to be voted out. They are completely delusional

  7. Finally! This has been a major problem in NYC for more than 20 years and because of finally getting news coverage and unfortunately someone losing their life, the law makers have done something. I knew a man who used to buy houses and fix them up to rent out. He had just finished renovations when squatters moved into his property. This man had to fight in court for over five years to get the squatters out and by that time they had destroyed the home. This has also been a problem with "gypsies" who move into homes in large groups to squat. One thing I always knew living in NY, if you're going on any kind of vacation, always have someone check on your house/apartment daily, collect your mail, etc. because of not only thieves but also squatters. NYers have been dealing with this crap for decades, happy to see things change.

  8. Weirdly enough, Biden's ineptitude with immigration may be the BEST thing to happen, as squatters rights are being…squashed. If blue state NY is changing the rules, I hope this means more states will do the same thing.

  9. AJW did better research on this

    10:00 You forgot to mention that there are others in the property that may have been sub-leasing from the first squatter, and the home may still not be entirely returned to the owner, despite the lock change.

  10. You guys made your bed.
    Lay in it.
    Apparently illegal immigrants take life more seriously than yourself in your own country.

  11. The woman in queens doesn’t have her house back yet. The squatter “leased” out rooms to tenants and that is still being determined if it’s a tenant landlord thing according to the same followup news story you showed.

  12. Doesn't a "landlord" have the right to evict a "tenant" within a month?and if a "tenant" wants to go to court,the intruder should be harshly be punished by law in a way that nooneshould even consider doing this

  13. I've always thought, WTF with this squatter rights bill? Another let down to tax paying citizens. What about protection for the home owner? If they are illegal they should be deported, immediately. Good for NY for waking up. Now for the rest of the world that has these insane rules.

  14. New York changed the law because wOke demOcrate$ l00k b@d 2 on thi$ coming election. Too b@d Biden.

  15. Tyt wtf?¿¿?!
    You championed illegal migrants not so long ago.
    Did you honestly all migrants were homeless mothers and children?
    Looks like you might be growing up and getting wiser

  16. Its a start. Actual Justice Warrior has shown quite a few scary instances and i hope those people get their justice as well

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