
New online harms bill proposes changes to Criminal Code | Power & Politics


New online harms bill proposes changes to Criminal Code | Power & Politics

#online #harms #bill #proposes #Criminal #Code #Power #Politics

The Liberal government introduced its long-promised online harms bill Monday, proposing new regulatory bodies and changes to a number of laws in new legislation to tackle online abuse. Justice Minister Arif Virani discusses the new bill. Plus, Emily Laidlaw, Canada research chair in cybersecurity law weighs in.

Read more:

00:00-00:21 – Overview of bill
00:21-14:38 – Justice Minister Arif Virani
14:38-23:42 – Emily Laidlaw, Canada research chair in cybersecurity law

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criminal law , New online harms bill proposes changes to Criminal Code | Power & Politics, online harms,bill,politics,legislation,canadian politics,canada,canadian news,justice minister,Arif Virani,liberal government,ottawa,cbc,cbc news

47 thoughts on “New online harms bill proposes changes to Criminal Code | Power & Politics”

  1. WOW now the regime can jail critics just like Putin does. A sneaky way to control your opponents and silence taxpayers. What’s happening to Canada under this regime?

  2. Remember it was a Priest at a Catholic church 175 Rue Paqutte St Liboire ONLY 1 HOUR from where Justin' family were from St Michel QC that hid John Surrett one of the conspirators in Lincolns assassination and helped him escape to Europe and that happened in 1865 only 6 years AFTER Justin's grandfather came to what is now Canada in 1859 .

  3. Asking for a friend so if I can get life in prison for words.what do the gangs in Canada get for physically scary the public with violence and selling drugs. And what about the hate towards addicts? Criminals run free and can do anything.but speaking on a subject of any kind can be deemed hate speech. I'm telling you I'll sneak across the border to mexico.and take my chances in cartel territory rather then this garbage

  4. It is censorship and nothing more! Trudeau must answer to the Canadian people for transgressions like this!!


  5. Tricky …freedom of speech being taken away under the guise of protecting children…so, if one should state this point, they say you are against protecting children.

    Sounds like they are protecting someone…and it's not the children.


  7. Imagine treating adults as though they are children. This insanity must and WILL END when Poilievre boots out this disgrace of a Prime minister and his Banderite Deputy. The resemblance to Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham is right out of a book. Canadians will reject these manipulations and restrictions of our sovereign rights and freedoms.
    The online abuse is coming from the Federal government and their authoritarian agenda. WILL NOT COMPLY !!!

  8. yo lets read the talmud

    Niddah 45a:8

    Rav ?isda said: Come and hear the mishna: If the girl is less than that age of three years and one day, intercourse with her is like placing a finger into the eye….

    Kiddushin 10a:10

    Rava said: Come and hear a resolution from a baraita : A girl who is three years and one day old can be betrothed through intercourse, and if her yavam engaged in intercourse with her, he has acquired…

    Mishnah Niddah 5:4

    A girl who is three years and one day old, whose father arranged her betrothal, is betrothed through intercourse, as the halakhic status of intercourse with her is that of intercourse in all halakhic…

    Yevamot 57b:3

    Rava said: We, too, learn in the following baraita that there is no legal significance to an act of intercourse with a girl less than three years old:

  9. The act would amend the Criminal Code to increase sentences for spreading hate online. It would boost the maximum sentence for advocating genocide from five years to life imprisonment.
    So the government will all go to jail for life by their own law.

  10. The liberal party has lost this voter indefinitely. From Covid onward, this party has gone too far. Orwellian. I’m out. I truly cannot stand with what you represent. I’m out. I’m done. You forced me to the right!

  11. if you have young kids, move off grid now! this society is sick… no kids should be subject to it…

  12. These liberals tie in protecting kids online with this outrageous bill that WILL erroude our rights. So if you oppose, then you oppose to protecting kids online.

  13. I was assaulted, injured, and hospitalized by Rama Police officer Evan Gorman who was charged for a assaulting a child in 2017. Why will CBC not talk about my story????

  14. This is censorship, from an authoritarian government, that does not serve the people… only it’s own interests, and the interests of corporations. Don’t be fooled. This is not to protect kids. That is only a guise they’re using to trick you into compliance.

  15. You don't have to convince us that we need to protect children from sexual exploitation and predators, But, using that as an excuse to try to convince us that we should be silenced, will not fly.
    And (at time 6:55) in the video, we are clearly told, that "what we put out to the world, and what we receive, must be decided by the government and not private Corporations.
    Tyranny and Dictatorship have now reached new levels.

  16. Hmm makes you think back to pride month in Toronto……how many people from the LGBTQ were arrested for exposing themselves to under age children?

  17. If Trudeau had a coffee shop , he would go bankrupt because he is a terrible manager
    He is the worst PM we have ever seen , its embarrassing Trudeau is still in office .
    understand there are rules and ethics involved . Trudeau does not have the traits to be Prime Minister
    Man do we miss Steven Harper he was great compared to Trudy …Canada got Punked

  18. Canada already has hate speech laws on the books. The number of commentators ignorant to that fact is mind-boggling. We don’t have ‘free speech’ in our laws, it’s ’freedom of expression’. And it has limits already! This extends it to digital platforms, it really isn’t that big a leap.

  19. is this a joke? How exactly do you intend to police the internet with 5 people? This is more election smoke and mirrors!

  20. I heard that if you called justin trudeau a turd you can now be arrested for hate speech! And if you say dr robert strang epidemiology is whacked you could face a 100k fine or years in jail

  21. Oh wow so they are gonna start paying our internet bill since they wanna control it this is a joke 😂

  22. No sane person could possibly trust this government. This would give them the excuse to detain any political opposition.

  23. There is no such thing as online harm. It's only a pretense to use the justice system against dissenters and critics of liberal policies.

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