
New Nijisanji Defense DESTROYED – Lawyer Reviews with @FalseEyeD & @rimaevenstar


New Nijisanji Defense DESTROYED –  Lawyer Reviews with @FalseEyeD  & @rimaevenstar

#Nijisanji #Defense #DESTROYED #Lawyer #Reviews #FalseEyeD #rimaevenstar

Ft @FalseEyeD @rimaevenstar

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criminal lawyer , New Nijisanji Defense DESTROYED – Lawyer Reviews with @FalseEyeD & @rimaevenstar, legal mindset,the legal mindset,andrew esquire,legal analysis,law translation,lawyer analyzes

48 thoughts on “New Nijisanji Defense DESTROYED – Lawyer Reviews with @FalseEyeD & @rimaevenstar”

  1. Honestly, this document is WEAK full of cherry picking and bad comparisons between Holo and Niji for absolutely no reason, and most of the times missed the point entirely

  2. There is a post on a large forum site that I think needs more attention given to it. A corporate PR professional thought about everything that happened and came up with what, to his mind, was the only solution that made any sense based on his experience and training. The tl;dr of it is Hanlon's Razor. It makes a lot of sense. Only the final event in his proposed timeline seems unlikely to me.

    I'd like to see a lawyer go over it and let us know whether the proposed series of events, if true, could potentially change anything from a legal perspective.

    Search for "I work in comms for a living and can only think of one explanation."

    I apologize if I'm spamming. My comments are getting auto-eaten for some reason.

  3. i agree we should bring the good to compare with the bad to see how bad thing are. bring hololive out to compare is ok bcs it show this can done the good way. hopefully someone research and make the fully compare bcs these cherry pick compare to defend niji is so disgusting.

  4. It is worth mentioning that hololive have state of art 3d studio at their home office. And when Kiara tried to find something comparable at Europe the cheapest options were tend of thousands of euros for couple of hours of rent. So it is a LOT cheaper to go across the world to use the company studio if needed.

  5. Actually hololive does give out stipends for personal project or atleast has since last year, it was mentioned a few times by their vtubers

  6. This entire drama has escalated from S1 level to a wapping S20 in all levels to reach this far…

  7. "The legal clownery trilogy"
    EP1 : Heard vs Depp
    EP2 : FTC vs Microsoft Activision
    EP3 : Nijisanji vs Dokibird

  8. No matter what the legal analysis says, the upshot mos people have from this whole thing is that Nijisanji is a very scummy company because they don't support their livers financially in terms of paying for projects and passing on sponsorships, don't have anything approaching a professional management structure (by western standards) within their EN branch, don't give the livers anything close to a fair cut of merchandise based on their characters, ghost ban livers while taking over/making statements on the livers social media accounts and quite often don't pay their invoices leaving it again to the livers to step in and pay out of their own pockets. And all that is before you factor in the slanderous way they tend to handle dismissing staff posting details all over the internet which is a massive breach of privacy. Why anyone would want to work with them at this point is beyond me.

  9. Well, "neutral" is "neither pro-, nor conta a certain topic". The term that you are looking for is "objective". While you can be "pro-" or "contra-" something, you can do that in an objective way still.

  10. We need the message receipts from the Christmas incident to determine if they were truly malicious or just poorly worded and Selen, already in a bad mindset, took them as such. The fact that none of the livers have posted their side seems damning.

  11. First issue, @FalseEyeD , I just checked and Nijisanji doesn't have an India branch… (Source, I'm from India and a quick google search)

  12. Honestly looking at everything Nijisanji has done during this whole situation, I would mostly put it down to them internally believing wholeheartedly that Selen was in the wrong for not waiting for her manager's approval to post the cover and then going on to publicly embarrass them when it got taken down. But not understanding that the EN community cared more about the mental strain and toxic atmosphere she was put through in the first place leading up to that. Then deciding that the only way to reverse this was to convince the community that she was the bad party, digging themselves in to a deeper pit in the process.

  13. Someone finally mentions storyboarding!! The managers (Elira) would've been shown the storyboards MONTHS before the final pass. They would've known Nina and Mysta were featured in the end, they had too.

    The only defense to this besides the managers being so detached in a type of project that; BY THE COMPANIES OWN MANDATE, needs a lot of permissions, is that this was an eleventh hour gut punch in Selen's stomach.

  14. Closing statement on that "defence" piece is really more of a "now that we're done trying to discredit the complainant, this document is not meant to attack the complainant in any form and simply meant to deflect your attention so our client can flee the jurisdiction"

  15. What Niji has done is terrible, but I'm kinda glad that it led to a world where VTuber news reporter/journalists and an actual lawyer hold a video call critically discussing 4chan theories 😀 Seriously though, dismissing something as a crackpot theory because where it was posted or who posted it is easy, but showing where holds and where it fails is really important because it teaches critical thinking and logical fallacies which are too rare on the internet or in general in our society

  16. Not sure why anyone would accept full credibility and even source statements made by Vtubes while they're still working under a company. Understanding they are under contract and activities being watched by management, they are unable to make statements that could be damaging to their agency. Asking a Vtuber for information about work ethics or anything regarding workplace issues while they are streaming on an account operated by the agency should be taken with a grain of salt. There is a power dynamic. Statements made while under this type of authority are questionable and should not be used as a reliable source for the reality of what happens behind the scenes. Not saying the talents have to lie, but in many cases –they can't be truthful. Even if they wanted to.

  17. You're definitely are a bold lawyer to dig yourself deeper into our community despite the potential, meme like warnings that the rabbit hole will rob you of your life for vtubers but I suppose if the world of virtual life does consume you, you better damn well sure it remembers you and you certainly did that here with guys like False. May as well go the extra mile and invite Revsaysdesu and Khyo. Those two are HIGHLY opinionated and have been keeping an eye on you.

  18. Who needs lawyer fees when you got super chats! It is almost like the community is crowd funding a lawyer which is pretty cool!

  19. 17:51 This part of the document annoyed the crap out of me because comparing Holo & Niji here makes zero sense. The Holo talents not only get a bigger cut but they also get more opportunities from the company. Making it so personal projects are genuinely personal and not being done because the company is neglecting the talent 😅

  20. big issue with selen's discord btw, niji had access to her discord at all times so they had the ability to edit it too. they even said they took her access from her socials as of dec 26th. they had at least a month to mess with her accounts

  21. I thought a part of the issue with the 200,000 was that artists had to be paid by Selen out of pocket because Niji was the one that promised to pay them but didn't

  22. i cant wait for 2027 when internethistorian reviews this mess with a grand video title of like that time every color was turning black or smth

  23. I like how all the attempts to debunk Selen's arguments end up bolstering her harassment and favoritism claims.
    Imagine you complain about your teacher bullying you in school, and your classmates then start bragging how well they get along with them, so he can't be a bully. Like yeah, that's my point.

  24. It's wild that it's "normal" for livers to be expected to pay for their own projects that are effectively brand marketing, while simultaneously needing those projects approved before posting.

  25. So about documents that was THOROUGHLY reviewed, did the talents come asking for it or did management put it on their desk.

  26. So guys according to yall and this vid IF dokibird were to file a case what are the odds of her winning, AND what can kurosanji do to retaliate?

  27. I painted 40 Ork boyz and a Warboss for my new 40K army whilst listening to this stream. During your recent streams I've not only learned a lot about different law theories ( even though I don't live in a Common Law country), but painted a bunch of 40K stuff while listening.

  28. This is wild. My favorite Horse Girl and Asain Lawyer on the same stream. Also congrats on getting her to 35k she deserves it.

  29. It still feels kinda weird that a former Disney connected lawyer is now on a stream with Vtubers to dissect a multinational issue that could set legal precedent to for online professions directly connected to the Vtubing community.

    As a law school student in the Philippines, its slightly surreal that my goal profession and preferred entertainment has overlapped so hard.
    And before I forget,
    Sink the Yacht

  30. I can still hear Rackets weeping from over here. Not only because you're grifting harder than him now but you've embraced your Phoenix Wright status, unlike him. =P

  31. I can't believe what i'm witnessing in 2024. I'd like to just take a second to point out what i think is a huge juxtaposition. An actual bonafide lawyer meeting with and discussing legal matters with VTubers

  32. The part that confuses me the most is the admission from Nijisanji about Copyright for the Ex-Talents. They mustve known far before that shown post that the Ex-Talents would be a part of the video. its not something you just sneak in last second. it had to be a part of concept and storyboarding for the video, submitted with the rest of the storyboard.
    And the fact that what held them up was getting permission for that, when in reality the permission would be from THEMSELVES.
    "Hey, yeah, do I approve this? Uhhhhhh…….."

  33. I’m not usually entertained by streams but I actually thoroughly enjoyed this one. You three were a great mix. I hope you cover more topics in their future together.

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