
New Case On Outdoor Training


#Case #Outdoor #Training

A new gun law case regarding outdoor training has landed. The Armed Attorneys Emily Taylor and Richard Hayes discuss the new case and the widespread implications in the post-NYSRPA v. Bruen world.

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20 thoughts on “New Case On Outdoor Training”

  1. Imagine a political subdivision passing a law prohibiting the sale of published materials. “Oh, you can purchase them somewhere else, just not in our town/township/county.!” Can you visualize a judge proclaiming that your freedom of the press isn’t being infringed by not being able to purchase newspapers and books nor have them delivered to your door/mail box?

  2. I think the gov did not want Chris Kyle training anyone as well out there in TX.. and it looks to be or to me that they JFK'ed him out.. the future they want to control and find out about as many people as they can.. you can see that now in all the new phone software updates and all phones now have back door built in for gov to access you stuff. true.. get some radios..

  3. I follow y'all as I am experience in dealing with lawyers. What a lot, not most, understand is the manner of your speech. You both are trained to be very protective whereas I am matternof fact.

    The issuebof the judiciary is as simple as it gets…WE LET IT HAPPEN. Just like all the other crap that is happening now. WE LET IT HAPPEN. NOW we are going to have to apply NO MORE BULLSHIT TACTICS just like your colleage Steel against the Judge. Steel was matter of fact and did not held back. The judge is going to have his ass handed to himself and could face criminal charges.

    I would like to know when y'all are in court so I can heat you. START GETTING TOUGHER UNLESS YOU LIKE BEING CALLED A COMRADE.

  4. Shouldn't there be criminal sanctions against those who willfully violate SC decision ?
    Why can't the court rule that these politicians are in contempt ?

  5. Their argument about 'need' is funny. Who needs a 0-60 of 1.9 second and a top speed of 105 mph? You can have tracks to do this though.

  6. What reason did the city give for denying zoning for an outdoor gun range? With outdoor gun ranges there are legitimate concerns about stray bullets, lead, and noise.

  7. Ah, Legal Effery! Activist Judges Pontificating that We The People, do have the Right to train but We(Activist Judges) don't like that you do have those RIGHTS!

    Initial thoughts on Emily's early Training comment,
    Ah, so the standard the Army taught me of being able to hit targets up to 500 yds with Iron Sights is sub par?

    Say no more, I'll start train to for that 1 mile shot!

  8. Why do they want people to not train? A shooter is responsible for a projectile until it stops somewhere. They want to be able to arrest attackers AND defenders. If a defender misses the attacker and hits an innocent they'll arrest the defender.

  9. One more way to degrade our ability to enjoy our sport and maybe defend ourselves. I guess according to Slow Joe we would need F15’s anyway.

  10. The scene from Bruce Almighty comes to mind when describing what local/government is doing to the constitution in general

  11. how come skate borders, dog owners, campers, mountain bikers ask for the govt. to support their hobbies – skate parks, dog parks, campgrounds, bike trails – but gun owners don't ask for gun ranges? you have to pay taxes anyway and owning a gun is a protected right.

  12. Well your honor we aren't training. We are just exercising or first amendment rights to tell each other about our skills.

  13. Infringe means to limit or restrict. Zoning limits and restricts. Any questions?
    Isnt violating the constitution a treasonous act?

  14. This is exactly why I love you two so much. Emily, I guess for those who only hear you instead of seeing you, they will just miss out on your eyes rolling back. Richard, again, the same applies with the air quotes. Keep bringing out the information we all need to try to understand what the libtards are doing to keep us from our 2nd Ammendment rights. Thanks again for all you do. I'm all set to continue listening after YouTube shuts your page down.

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