
New California laws 2024


New California laws 2024

#California #laws

Here’s a roundup of some of the new laws that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2024 in California.

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33 thoughts on “New California laws 2024”

  1. The cameras dont legally work.. unless stated by signed and designated area.. and warning ⚠️ of ticket.. you can't have a hidden camera doing what it wishes or private citizens can also use dash camera etc to to privately give out tickets by turning in camera footage.. notice the invasion of privacy ?.. must have posted signed on road and on sides witg warning before entering areas.. plain and simple or easy to sue the state without effort

  2. They are literally degrading into dictatorship through votes hope they react soon

  3. Second Amendment

    (ratified December 15, 1791)

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

  4. Government over reach. State says you must have a gender neutral section. What other sections do the state mandate stores must carry? How about a bladder and bowl control section. Maybe a section for the bling and retards. These laws neber go away

  5. For those who want to continue blaming the gun. Remember this. A gun, bomb, knife, machete, bat, vehicle and even an jetliner are instruments. They all take a human hand to operate. The results are always tragic.

    I just wish that the politicians would actually do their jobs and face and deal with the true issues, and stop just playing dirty politics.

    The problems that need to be addressed are. Criminals. Mentally unstable people. They are the ones using the instruments. There are millions of responsible, trained, licensed, good honest American people who own guns. They use them for hunting, sport, collections, self defense. They are not the ones shooting people. It is the criminals. The mentally unstable. These are the problems that the government needs to focus on, and fix. Stop the dirty politics and lies, and do something.

  6. Remember newsom was mayor of sanfrancisco look how well that turned out ! Fing IDIOT wants the rest of california just like sanfrancisco WHY WHY WHY ???????

  7. This is about trying to get votes, especially from fast food workers. Notice how Dems need to pay people for votes.

  8. Some of these laws are ridiculous!!! The toy law and fast food workers minimum wage! So a person that flips a burger gets almost the same as a health worker SMFH! What trade or certification do you need to flip burgers.

  9. Dont worry about the homeless living under bridges, rising rent prices & people flooding into our state over the border, At least we have "gender neutral" toy sections now! Woohoo!

  10. Now fast food will be too expensive, just like everything else.
    Fine with me, I’m done woth toxic food anyway.

  11. I don't get it. More pay just means the price goes up for everyone. Putting everyone back where they started or worse.

  12. Health Care Worker's Minimum Wage is $21, a Hamburger Flipper $20 an hour… does this make any sense?

  13. as a californian we need to bring back the prices from the year 2001 before we had morons of 2024

  14. California does not verify signatures for the governor or presidential election; they did verify signatures on Newsom's recall. How many ballots do you think were discarded?

  15. And Please. Go After These Landlords who keep raising the rents. These Rents need to be reduced and make housing and apartments more affordable for everybody. Nobody deserves to be out in the cold. Not Elderly, Not struggling mothers with Babies, or any hard working tax payer who should be able to have a nice cozy comfortable place to come home to and rest after long hours of work. Nobody should have to be homeless because these landlords are money hungry and greedy as awh hell. This Needs to stop. And Make It Another Law that these Landlords Get And Maintain A Real Estate License and comply with the rent control law. This Law in particular needs to be enforced especially.

  16. Sick Leave Yes Because some of these Employers have been forcing employees to work and threaten to terminate employees who have legitimate need to take few days off if they are sick. Still picking on employees who even have Doctors notes. This is madness. And Employers need to stop playing favorites by letting the same people take long three week vacations while over working others to the point of physical Burn Out THIS MUST STOP because it falls under Forced Labor Issue. This needs to be investigated.

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